View Full Version : Game Guides

19-06-2007, 22:42
Thanks to the wonders of torrents, I've got hold of a large collection of game guides in pdf format. As an indication of how comprehensive some of them are, the Crackdown one is 222 pages. :shocked: Some are smaller though.

Anyone want some uploaded? The games are for the 360, wii or PS3 although not sure if anyone actually has a PS3 on here :D
Here's the list available:

X-Box 360
Battlefield 2 Modern Combat
Battlestations Midway
Call of Duty 3
Call of Juarez
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
Dead Rising
Def Jam Icon
Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion
Elder Scrolls IV - Shivering Isles
Gears of War
Halo 3 Beta
Hitman Blood Money
Lego Star Wars 2 The Original Trilogy
Lost Planet
Madden 07
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
MLB 2k6
MLB 2k7
Moto Gp 2006
NBA Live 07
NBA Street Homecourt
NCAA Football 07
NCAA March Madness 07
Need for Speed Carbon
Nighty Nine Nights
Pirates of the Carribean 3
Rumble Roses
Saints Row
Shrek the Third
Spiderman 3
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Test Drive Unlimited
The Godfather
Ghost Recon 2
Rainbow Six Vegas
Tomb Raider Legend
Viva Pinata
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2007

Call of Duty 3
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Medal of Honour Vanguard
Prince of Persia Rival Swords
Red Steel
Shrek The Third
Sonic Rings
Spiderman 3
SSX Blur
Super Monkey Ball
Super Paper Mario
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Warioware Smooth Moves

They all range in size between 1mb and 25mb so I don't want to upload all of them! But willing to upload a fair few for a short period of time. :)

19-06-2007, 22:44
Zelda please!

19-06-2007, 22:46
Caught me just before I was going afk.
Zelda will be at www.halycopter.com/guides/zelda.pdf in about 15mins :)

19-06-2007, 23:20
Ta, perfect for those little moments!

19-06-2007, 23:41
Crackdown, Dead Rising and Saints Row please. I reckon I know all there is to know about Dead Rising, but it should be a good read anyway. The others will no doubt be useful when trying to knock off the rest of the achievements :)

19-06-2007, 23:50
Just uploading them now :) Let you know in this thread when they're up.
Crackdown's 22mb, but Dead Rising's only 800kish and Saint's Row 600kish. I think Crackdown's full of pictures though, mainly for the orbs.

19-06-2007, 23:52
Aye, it's the Orb stuff I'm interested in, I want to get them all and the Hidden ones will be the tough ones to get I reckon.

19-06-2007, 23:53
Same here, although I've still got to complete the game :embarassed: It's more getting round to it than actual difficulty really although it does have its frustrating moments!

20-06-2007, 00:08
All 3 now at http://www.halycopter.com/guides/ :)

20-06-2007, 06:49


20-06-2007, 08:29
I love CTRL-ALT-DEL, I often pick a random date and read forward from it on quiet days in work :D

20-06-2007, 09:54
Got all the books and read it every day ;D

20-06-2007, 10:00
I definitely need to get the books, and the animated series as well :D

20-06-2007, 10:02
If you want a copy of the animated series I've got the DVD :) I was a subscriber to it so I got it very cheap.
Managed to get all the limited edition books too :D

Admiral Huddy
20-06-2007, 10:42
I rarely use guides. I tend to use them to look at where i've been rather than looking forward. I like to look at if I could have done things any different.

That said, I needed to refer to a guide for one of the CoH missions. I just couldn't progress and it was costing me hours worth of gaming.


Plenty of guides here :


20-06-2007, 12:18
If you want a copy of the animated series I've got the DVD :) I was a subscriber to it so I got it very cheap.

Ooh I think I'll take you up on that :) Is it any good? :)

20-06-2007, 12:33
Ooh I think I'll take you up on that :) Is it any good? :)

Yeah it's not bad :) I wouldn't say as funny as some of the strips but still entertaining.
I'll sort out a copy and post it :)

20-06-2007, 12:40
The last time I used a game guide it was for CivII, and that was after I'd been playing it a while. I'd bought a special box set that had included it. Had some interesting tips in it and the like that radically altered some of my strategies.

20-06-2007, 22:52
I am willing to host them completely if you wish?
I have 244.8gb webspace and 2872gb bandwith p/m to use.

Shouldn't even make a dent.

20-06-2007, 22:56
In fact I am willing to host anything for anyone if they wish?

I have unlimited sub-domains too :P. Cracking little package.

20-06-2007, 23:18
I was right about the Dead Rising guide, it told me absolutely nothing I didn't already know, and missed out stuff I do know. Figured that would be the case, but at least it was fun to read for a while when I was bored in work :D

20-06-2007, 23:27
The problem with Dead Rising is that it's almost impossible to write a guide for it, it's more open ended than something like Oblivion for example.

As popular as it was, it doesn't get the recognition it deserves, DR is definitely a revolution as far as gaming goes, more so than other titles that have taken that label.

20-06-2007, 23:38
I think you could write a guide for it, but like IGN did you'd have to focus on something in particular at the expense of something else. I could explain to people how to kill every psychopath in one playthrough, but they'd miss out on other achievements if that's what they wanted. To get everything done in the game you'd need at least 5 different guides for it, which would be undoubtedly very long for some of the achievements (like Frank The Pimp, that was fun to get).

I do love the game though, I still think it's my favourite game on the 360 so far, even more so than Oblivion which got more playing time.

20-06-2007, 23:44
The strange thing about Dead Rising is, the first thing anyone will ever say after just starting it is "Doesn't seem like there will be much depth to it", when in actual fact, it probably has more depth than the many highly rated RPG's and Adventure games out there.

Genius Capcom at their very, very best. I'd rather them not make the sequel though, but saying that, I'm sure that will be brilliant too, but I am wondering just what they can add bar locale (which was perfect) that will make it any different, or indeed, better.

Surely the only range they can go for wider than a shopping mall is an actual town (much like they tried with Resident Evil 2.) Hopefully there is enough in Next-Generation power to keep up the same level of detail, but at such a scale I don't know. I hope so, my heart tells me yes, my head tells me no.

21-06-2007, 00:00
It's more idleness to upload it all somewhere rather than lack of somewhere to put it but thanks for the offer Nokkon :)
I liked looking through the Dead Rising guide, it's reinspired me a bit to have another go at it because I do like it, I'm just terrible at the combat in it. Maybe next week when I've got some more time. Crackdown one seems very handy for when I go orb hunting.

21-06-2007, 00:13
I would definitely be interested in the Crackdown one, I am gonna delete my progress so far and start again, I haven't played it since the first weekend it came out due to coursework. Now that I am finished I hope to give it a fresh start.

21-06-2007, 00:22
Crackdown one is here: http://www.halycopter.com/guides/ :)

21-06-2007, 00:36
You're a star :).

21-06-2007, 09:16
Nps :)

21-06-2007, 10:07
The strange thing about Dead Rising is, the first thing anyone will ever say after just starting it is "Doesn't seem like there will be much depth to it", when in actual fact, it probably has more depth than the many highly rated RPG's and Adventure games out there.
Totally agree, and that was very much my experience with it.

Initially I was just playing through it like some zombie splatter fest, not really opening up to anything else in the game, but by the time I'd gotten to overtime mode I really started to appreciate what an achievement the game is. There are so many levels to it, it's unreal.

21-06-2007, 11:46
I still need to finish off the last 4 achievements for it. I don't think completing any other game will satisfy me as much as that one will.

21-06-2007, 14:35
Good luck with playing for 14hrs in a row!

21-06-2007, 14:37
Good luck with playing for 14hrs in a row!
With food breaks, bathroom breaks, and probable naps, I reckon I'll need at least 18 hours, possibly more. I *will* get it though, I'm determined to do it at some point.

21-06-2007, 14:41
I couldn't do it, I'd be paranoid the 360 would freeze if nothing else ;D

21-06-2007, 15:57
You should have more faith in the high quality of Microsofts Xbox360 console.

21-06-2007, 18:29
You sure? :D
Mine's frozen a couple of times although never at crucial moments luckily!