View Full Version : Golden rules for Deoderant/Antiperspirant..

Admiral Huddy
21-06-2007, 14:48
Speaking from experience (except where otherwise stated) please take note of the following tips:

1. Never lick your wife’s armpits when she has just applied antiperspirant. It dries up your tongue for hours and yooo kaa nn t ttaakk prropppaaa.

2. Never be tempted to lick the end of a roll-on pretending to have oral sex. (otherwise stated). See above.

3. Never put the stuff on wet under a black t-shirt or a blouse. Everyone will think you've had an orgasm under you arms.

4. Make sure you don’t mistake black shoe cream for deodorant. It makes a right mess and as it dries it sticks all your hairy bits in clumps.

5. Do not accidentally rub into eyes. Your eyes will start to shrivel and everyone will think you are staring at them. You'll get a slep for sure. This is of course before they fall out.

6. Lastly, never spray or roll-on to your feet. It makes your socks go all funny and your toes feel all crusty.

That is all.

21-06-2007, 15:02
what have you been doing now??

Admiral Huddy
21-06-2007, 15:06
All the above at some point.. but today... No. 4

21-06-2007, 15:09
All the above at some point.. but today... No. 4


21-06-2007, 15:11
I just logged on to find 'Golden rules for Deoderant/Antiperspirant..' the thread just above 'Pooooooooooh! What a pong!'. Made me smile anyway.

And Huddy - you nutter!

Von Smallhausen
21-06-2007, 17:25
1. Never lick your wife’s armpits when she has just applied antiperspirant. It dries up your tongue for hours and yooo kaa nn t ttaakk prropppaaa.

Cool ! Instant Geordie paste.

Admiral Huddy
23-06-2007, 12:51
.. and this is what happened to you ? :D