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View Full Version : An Interesting insight into reverse engineering

25-06-2007, 17:42

Worth a view, but it is an hour long.

25-06-2007, 17:54
I've seen the start of this clip before (was emailed to me when the ANI exploit was making headlines), hopefully I'll get time to sit and watch the whole thing, ta :)

25-06-2007, 18:10
I've seen the start of this clip before (was emailed to me when the ANI exploit was making headlines), hopefully I'll get time to sit and watch the whole thing, ta :)

yeah.. when he exploits vista it was impressive just how quick and easy it was!

25-06-2007, 18:35
Perhaps a minor justification for UAC though. It did limit what he could do in the end. I dont believe there's been a privilege elevation exploit yet, and that's the UAC killer really.

25-06-2007, 19:53
From what I can see UAC is essentially what Linux has been doing for years?

25-06-2007, 21:56
Yes. An obtrusive, GUI su - what kdesu is, only much more of an event.