View Full Version : One photo from the weekend...

24-07-2006, 13:19
Taken at a party *yup - this was more interesting than the party*

Little bugger wouldn't keep still for long so this is one of only 3 shots I got.


Taken with a Fuji S9500 in point and shoot mode.


24-07-2006, 14:23
Very nice!

24-07-2006, 14:56
Cheers. :D
It's one of the first images that I'm fairly happy with straight form the camera. It's had some minor tweaking but nothing major at all.

I've put up the 100% sized one now...

Caution - it's a 2.9mb, 2,159 x 2,159 pixels file.

It's surprising me how good this camera is.


24-07-2006, 20:10
wow! seriously thats damn good! The pics that have been posted in here make me want to give it a blast :) Only got an Olympus C-310 camera, but it might be worth a go

24-07-2006, 22:14
Fantastic shot!

Dr. Z
25-07-2006, 12:56
I must say, that is suprisingly sharp for a compact!

How much was that cropped down?

Its a shame about the reflection on the water that has reduced the contrast a bit / washed it out but other than that its pretty good :)

I wish I had dragonflies by me! :(

25-07-2006, 13:15
Original file size was 3488x2616 - will try to upload it if you want a look.

Was cropped a little side to side as there was nothing happening - but not a lot was cropped from the top and bottom.

I tried one with my polariser - made it difficult to get a shot as it took the exposure down to something like 1/25 @ F3.4 iirc. Wasn't happy at all.

As for getting dragonflies near you - dig a hold in the garden - fill with water and put a few weeds in it - seemed to work for the parents. ;)


25-07-2006, 13:32
Wow, great shot :)

It's (mostly) about the photographer, not the camera, as they say :)

25-07-2006, 21:43
Very cool shot especially given the equipment.

26-07-2006, 14:33
That's amazing!!