View Full Version : Photo Printer

24-07-2006, 13:27
Just bought a HP photosmart 325 bluetooth photo printer and I'm pretty impressed. I'm sure the photography experts can criticise it hugely but for me it's just right.
It's only to print out photos mainly off my camera phone (w810i) and some digital cameras (not mine unfortunately) but the photos still seem to come out pretty well :)
Only cost me £42 (staff discount :D) and got the bluetooth dongle with it which I don't think you always get included. So pretty good going imo.

Although one question, anyone know somewhere cheap for photo paper? Got a few samples with it but I'm going to use them up fast :p

25-07-2006, 17:40
Bargain, the dongle is worth a tenner at least, my Canon ip4200 should turn up tomorrow too, £35 in M&S sale :D

As for photo paper, think you can get them packs in 100 in Jessops and what not. I haven't looked into it but i'll need some too.

25-07-2006, 19:21
I've ended up getting it off ebay, £6 for 60 sheets of HP branded paper.
Might have a look in Jessops if I find out where our local one is :)

25-07-2006, 19:37
Nice bargain there :)

When I worked in the office, I never used to have any problems with paper - I did the stationery orders but for some reason, we always used to go through a hell of a lot of photo paper :p


Whilst we're on the subject of printers, does anybody know of a decent network all in one printer (printer, scanner photocopier etc.) which would do decent photo printing?

I was going to have a Google but thought I'd ask if anyone had previous knowledge of such a beast first.

Cheap would be fine - although I'd be willing to pay up to £200 if it was guaranteed to be a good-un.

Sorry for the hijack Jen :embarassed:

Stan :)

26-07-2006, 10:39
I wish I knew for you Stan :( I don't know much about printers but tend to stick to HP as I know from experience they're reliable.

My photo paper's just arrived so I'm printing off a load of photos as I'm seeing a friend I haven't seen for ages later on, gives us something to catch up on :D

26-07-2006, 11:08
Stan, you're best of getting a good parallel/usb all in one printer and then getting a network adaptor for it.

I rate Epson over HP, but for photo's the Canon's win.


26-07-2006, 16:52
Stan, you're best of getting a good parallel/usb all in one printer and then getting a network adaptor for it.

I rate Epson over HP, but for photo's the Canon's win.


Sounds like a plan - thanks :)

I like Epson printers as far as quality goes (I've had 2 and have been happy with both). The major drawback with them is the silly head cleaning nonsense they go through if you haven't used them for a while - uses up a hell of a lot of ink.

I've heard good reports of Canon so I may give them a bash.

Stan :)