View Full Version : File Recovery

03-07-2007, 15:25
Suffered a drive failure yesterday :(

Most stuff was backed up so I've not lost too much and what I have lost is more of an inconvenience rather than a big deal but I'd like to try and get it back.

Got home to find my machine has BSOD'ed. Reset it and it tried to reboot windows, it got most of the way through then hung. Reset again with the same result. Reset again and the drive just sat there clicking.

Did some testing to confirm that the drive is the source of the problem then stuck my other drive in and did a quick windows install. I eventually got to a state where windows would detect the duff drive and would let me start to browse it's contents but it wouldn't last long before windows would lock up when trying to read the drive.

My current line of thinking is that the files are still on the drive and most likely accessible but that windows is being too cautious when trying to read it making the drive unusable. Does anyone know of a recovery tool I can use in this situation to try and access the disk either to pull specific files from it (ideally) or if needs be to pull all the data off it as an image which the files can then be extracted from?

03-07-2007, 15:27
This (http://www.runtime.org/products.htm) well get data back has been invaluable for me. I think i have full versions on here somewhere.

03-07-2007, 15:36
Trinity Rescue Kit (http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?wpid=1&front_id=12). Very light, and very well documented. The dying disk procedures (http://trinityhome.org/Home/index.php?wpid=59&front_id=12) cover a lot of scenarios if you're not familiar with the tools. ddrescue in particular is extremely useful.