View Full Version : Ladies: is this offensive?

12-07-2007, 14:10
I walked passed the mini kitchen on the top floor today and said good morning to a girl a knew. She turned round and said hello at which point I realised it was someone else. I said 'Oh, I thought you were Liane' and she replied 'No, she's skinnier than me' - which is true, but the girl has a nice body nonetheless! I didn't know what to say and blurted out 'Well, there's not much in it!' Is that really bad?

Thinking about it now I should have said 'I still would sweetheart!'

12-07-2007, 14:12
I wouldn't have thought so personally.

12-07-2007, 14:13
Thinking about it now I should have said 'I still would sweetheart!'

I think that would have got you a slap more than what you actually said :p If you are really worried about it see you can find her and mention it to her :)

12-07-2007, 14:34
Perhaps not the pcest of pc things to say but forget it and move on! I certainly wouldn't have been offended.

12-07-2007, 14:40
Shouldn't she take it as a compliment? If she thinks the other girl is skinnier and you said there wasn't much in it then she's closer in size to the skinny girl than she thinks she is.

12-07-2007, 14:41
Nah... thats fine forget it!

BB x

12-07-2007, 15:23
Shouldn't she take it as a compliment? If she thinks the other girl is skinnier and you said there wasn't much in it then she's closer in size to the skinny girl than she thinks she is.

I would have!

I was mistaken for somebody I think is gorgeous the other day. I was well chuffed!

12-07-2007, 15:35
Nothing wrong with it but you missed out on an opportunity for riding if you ask me.
You have to have at least 3 lines in your head at all times for situations like these.
Personally i would have turned & said as quick as a flash, " I knew it wasn't her really i just wanted an excuse to get chatting to you" Give her my best cheeky grin & walked off :cool:

12-07-2007, 23:14
In your case, could have been far worse, you could have looked her up and down and said 'Aye, true. Sorry love' and gone on your way. ;D


12-07-2007, 23:25
You're going to have to sleep with both, then form an opinion, before you can compliment either again.

13-07-2007, 00:05
;D ;D

13-07-2007, 00:19
^^ Woooooooo ha ha ;D

13-07-2007, 08:33
Hahahahaha! I'd have been to weak laughing to carry on icing!

13-07-2007, 08:42
Nothing wrong with it but you missed out on an opportunity for riding if you ask me.
You have to have at least 3 lines in your head at all times for situations like these.
Personally i would have turned & said as quick as a flash, " I knew it wasn't her really i just wanted an excuse to get chatting to you" Give her my best cheeky grin & walked off :cool:

Would have been a good idea if I could think straight and stop staring at her arse!

Del Lardo
13-07-2007, 10:31
Bring back the days when you could slap your secretaries bum as congratulations for a job well done and get a flirtatious giggle in return rather than a £50million law suit ;D

13-07-2007, 10:40
Those days have gone?

Del Lardo
13-07-2007, 10:42
Yup. Finished in 2001 :evil:

13-07-2007, 23:05
I refuse to be PC.... Defiance is the key. Long live anarchy.

14-07-2007, 13:27
^^ said by the least anarchic person I've ever had the pleasure to meet ;D
