View Full Version : Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (may contain movie spoilers)

16-07-2007, 15:36
Just got back from taking the family to see this, and as expected, we all thoroughly enjoyed it. I've discovered since that it's the shortest of all the HP movies so far, but I certainly didn't notice that while we were in there.

It was really rather good, there was a lot of content and it didn't feel like some of the earlier HPs which I thought were more just made up of certain bits of the books with very little to link them together. Of course there were parts missed out which isn't surprising considering the size of the book but I think that a very good job was done of getting all the important bits in.

Dan Radcliffe has come on a lot since the first film, he's so much better now than he's been in the previous films but he does have other acting experience. Emma Watson was a bit wooden still though. Evanna Lynch as Luna was superb in the few scenes she had ("they're called Thestrals"), dreamy and pretty much out of it!

Umbridge was perfect, as was Belatrix.

Thumbs up from Feek and the Feekamily :D

16-07-2007, 15:59
I hate to admit it, but I do enjoy HP films. I shall have to see it when I get the chance.

Just out of curiosity, how old is Emma Watson these days?

16-07-2007, 16:02
Just turned 17 a few months ago so she'd have been 16 when this was filmed. Considering it's the fifth year at Hogworts that's about right for the character.

16-07-2007, 16:05
Just turned 17 a few months ago so she'd have been 16 when this was filmed. Considering it's the fifth year at Hogworts that's about right for the character.
Cool, that's what I was checking. Characters age. *ahem*

I don't know what it is about HP movies, they do have a nice feeling about them. I tend to zone out when they get too kiddy though. I can never remember the plot though, so I'll probably be here asking questions when I've seen it.

16-07-2007, 16:12
Heh heh, there is nothing kiddy about this one, it's a lot more grown up than any of the previous films.

Admiral Huddy
16-07-2007, 17:30
Not bad and you're right it wasn't as long.. Kids enjoyed it but I think they're all the same tbh but still good fun. Daniel enjoyed his first trip to the cinema.. front seats too :)

I liked the giant - is it me or was that Lee Evans?

16-07-2007, 17:35
Front row seats?

Did your neck not hurt at the end from looking up and twisting back and forth to see the whole screen? Did you really take a 4 month old baby to a 12A film, you're not serious, surely? (I'll stop calling you Shirley).

Half way up in the middle is the bestest.

Lee Evans as Grawp, LOL!

Daaaaaaaaawwwwlish :D

16-07-2007, 20:00
Sadly it wasn't Lee Evans, looked similar though.


We were sat at the front aswell and it was fine, was pretty much lying down which was great as I hate cinema seats, they're too close together so I have no leg room.

17-07-2007, 03:07
I couldn't stop laughing when I realised the actress who plays Hermione looks like she's about to have an orgasm every single time she says anything. Look at her eyebrows, it's like they're on fire!

17-07-2007, 08:26
I enjoyed it last night, although I worry that they rely on you having read the books to understand some underlying bits. However I think Phil enjoyed it too!

I thought it was going to suck at the beginning as it seemed to move fast and there was a lot of things they missed out, but the beginning of the book is rather long, so I can see why they did it.

I also never imagined Bellatrix to be an Elvira clone, but it looks like it worked.
Luna and Umbridge were perfect.

Admiral Huddy
17-07-2007, 08:56
Front row seats?

Did your neck not hurt at the end from looking up and twisting back and forth to see the whole screen? Did you really take a 4 month old baby to a 12A film, you're not serious, surely? (I'll stop calling you Shirley).

Half way up in the middle is the bestest.

Lee Evans as Grawp, LOL!

Daaaaaaaaawwwwlish :D

Yep at one point he even giggled!! We did get a few looks as we came in but we knew he'd be fine. Made sure he was fed just before so most of the time he was asleep lol. Front seat were great.. I've never sat on the front row and it wasn't too bad.. plenty of leg room :D

Grawp had big ears like Lee Evans :)

18-07-2007, 09:51
Went last night, really really enjoyed it. Seemed slow paced than the others but never slow paced, if that makes sense. Luna was superb, really liked her.

As someone who hasn't read the books, with everything starting to come together in this one it feels ready for a finale, so I'm curious to see what happens in the middle. Though I do know the big twist unfortunately, as some **** spoiled it for me :(

Del Lardo
18-07-2007, 12:38
Went to see a late showing on Saturday with my GF and we both enjoyed it though I think she enjoyed it a lot more than me. I left with a rather unsatisfied feeling.

Umbridge was perfect, as soon as she came on screen I had a urge to punch her in the face.

I really didn't like the ending of the film, I know that they need to miss sections of the book out but there is so much of the final fight scene missing it's stupid. In the book the final fight scene is an epic battle raging from room to room with the DA very heavily involved, the film just didn't do this justice when it would have only added another few minutes onto the film to do it properly.