View Full Version : Best RSS util?

16-07-2007, 17:38
I never really use RSS, but with the amount of websites I follow for news I really should keep track of them. Which RSS reader is the best these days?

16-07-2007, 17:39
I use google reader as it's web based so easy to access anywhere. :) Plus I hate having too many apps installed.

16-07-2007, 18:40
I haven't really tried any others so couldn't say whether it's the "best" but I use a Firefox add-on called Wizz (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/424).

Does what I need it to do :)

16-07-2007, 19:52
Still using Opera.

But it does chug a bit when it tries to update 400odd RSS feeds :embarassed:


Joe 90
16-07-2007, 20:32
I think the best thing to use is Firefox live bookmarks...you don't have to bother with another app...just click on the bookmark every now'n'then to see the updates - and if u got too many...just stick them in a folder like 'RSS' on ur toolbar...perfect :)

16-07-2007, 20:47
I use the same as Show, though just with this (http://www.efinke.com/addons/feedbar/) to show me unread items in a sidebar. Dead simple, where as I found most other utils a bit much for what I wanted.