View Full Version : Impressive, given the age!

Dr. Z
19-07-2007, 18:47
This was apparrently done many years before MIDI was invented, which makes it massively impressive. Not that if it was done using MIDI it wouldn't have been impressive!

Perhaps you Guitar Heroers out there might appreciate it too, I just love the music :)


Dr. Z
19-07-2007, 18:59

If that didnt do it for you on the scale of impressedness - try this for size:


19-07-2007, 21:33
On the John Williams note

Asturias - Isaac Albeniz


19-07-2007, 23:52
This was apparrently done many years before MIDI was invented, which makes it massively impressive. Not that if it was done using MIDI it wouldn't have been impressive!

Perhaps you Guitar Heroers out there might appreciate it too, I just love the music :)



From the link in the description.

1 Instrument

The two instruments I used were a Yamaha P-80 keyboard and a Tascam GigaStudio sampled piano (I forget which one).
2 Note Entry and Pre-performance Editing

I recorded the MIDI of a careful, pedal-less performance and edited it (both using the Music Animation Machine software)
3 Performance

The performance was done using the conductor program features of the M.A.M. software. (Before doing the final take, I practiced with the conductor program, too.)

So it was done using MIDI?

20-07-2007, 00:28
;D Many moons ago on a far away planet i had a Technics keyboard a TR626 drum machined midi'ed up to an spx90 fx's rack which i used to have my twin 1200's spinning along to (breathe) :cool:
If i've remembered correctly that is. Anyway cheers for bringing back some far away memorys :)

Dr. Z
20-07-2007, 18:05
Garp, he also says:

The way I look at, "all" I did was:

(1) Have the idea of doing a colored play-piano-style display of a piece of music (this occurred to me in the 1970s, about a decade before MIDI was invented).
(2) Write software for the kind of display described in (1) (the first version was done in 1985, also before MIDI was widely available).
(3) Invent a way for a computer to assist a musician in performing a piece of music.
(4) Write software to do (3).
(5) Perform Claire de lune using (4).

So the software/method to do it was written before MIDI was around, even if this exact version wasn't produced without MIDI.

21-07-2007, 10:03
Garp, he also says:

So the software/method to do it was written before MIDI was around, even if this exact version wasn't produced without MIDI.

Ahhh right.. missed that part :D

Some of the other pieces he's done in that style are interesting. Fantasia isn't my thing but I've never been a fan of 'modern' discordant classical music. The Winter Canon is pretty good.

23-07-2007, 00:47
Clair de lune, eh? I thought I'd never heard the piece before, but when it started playing all I had in my head was the scene in Ocean's 11 at the water fountain where they all meet and go their separate ways.

Thanks for that :)