View Full Version : Help me identify this beautiful piece of classic music.

Admiral Huddy
20-07-2007, 15:56
it goes.


then a little slower..



dodolllala dooooo

It's a piano by the way


20-07-2007, 16:00
you serious? :huh:

20-07-2007, 16:08

Admiral Huddy
20-07-2007, 16:24
you serious? :huh:

of course i am.. stop calling my Shirley.

it has a dim dim dim bit as well... I can't get it out of my head.

20-07-2007, 17:17
well why don't you record yourself humming it or something then we can go from there. Just typing it on a keyboard doesn't give it any rhythm :p

Kitten says moonlight sonata, Mr Beethoven did it.

Admiral Huddy
20-07-2007, 17:24
well why don't you record yourself humming it or something then we can go from there. Just typing it on a keyboard doesn't give it any rhythm :p

Kitten says moonlight sonata, Mr Beethoven did it.

ok I'll have go at recording later :)

I really thought you get it tbh - tut :D

Dr. Z
20-07-2007, 20:19
well why don't you record yourself humming it or something then we can go from there. Just typing it on a keyboard doesn't give it any rhythm :p

Kitten says moonlight sonata, Mr Beethoven did it.

I thought Moonlight Sonata too, but then the last bit doesn't seem to fit...

22-07-2007, 02:11
I don't know why but Im thinking Rhapsody in Blue?

22-07-2007, 11:23
If it's piano only could it be Bagatelle in A minor otherwise known as Fur Elise, by Beethoven? I did that piece for my grade 6 piano when I was 14 - dammit I still wish I played the piano - I love classical music...

/me goes to hunt for classical music collections...

22-07-2007, 12:44
I thought this was just a piss take, Does he seriously expect us to guess it without a soundbite ;D
I refer to my earlier statement your Honour, LOONEY :D

Admiral Huddy
23-07-2007, 11:02
Ok, I completely forgot to make a recording.

but here's another clue.. I've heard it in a film... Groundhog Day.. he learns to play the piece day by day!

23-07-2007, 17:24
Rhapsody on a Theme by paganini or something like that??

I think you're right, it does sound like Rachmaninoff - haven't seen that movie in years! I love it! :D

23-07-2007, 19:19
is it in there anywhere, he changes to a medley at about 00:54...

Admiral Huddy
23-07-2007, 21:16
Well done Muban .. this is the one you see...


then a little slower..



dodolllala dooooo

fancy not getting that!

So have we decided what it is yet lol

23-07-2007, 22:10
Not sure what it is from Phil's Medley, but doesn't it then turn into Marioworld music?


Admiral Huddy
24-07-2007, 09:53
I guess you are right.. I have no idea.. :p

KC wins an ice lolly.

Pikey - you win Dusty Bin :D

Today, i have a new song in my head..

24-07-2007, 10:56
Today, i have a new song in my head..

PLEASE don't get us to try and identify it!?!! ;D

24-07-2007, 20:29
Huddy your muppet !

Admiral Huddy
25-07-2007, 16:29
Huddy your muppet !

You know me - I'm your Monkey!
