View Full Version : Laptops, get in quick

25-07-2007, 21:57
Yeah, I'm back, sort of. Details to follow at the weekend. :)

Anyway, after discussions in the CB, I might be able to get hold of a few (and I do mean a few - eyebrows will be raised if I go for more than 2-3 and besides, I'll have to front the cash for them on Friday).

Here's what's available - all business machines with whatever copy of Windows they came with (most will be 2000/XP I'd imagine). Typical age: 4-6 years. No other details available bar what's already here.

Model Current highest bid (£) CPU Memory HDD

Thinkpad X31 £70.00 intel pentiumiii M 1400MHz 512 35GB
Compaq Evo N410c £65.00 intel pentiumiii M 1200MHz 768 35GB
Compaq Evo N400c £25.00 intel pentiumiii 256 20GB
Compaq Evo N800v £95.00 intel pentium4 1.6 GHz 512 30GB
Compaq Evo N410c £60.00 intel pentiumiii M 1200MHz 768 30GB
Dell lattitude C600 £40.00 intel pentiumiii 512 30GB
Compaq Evo N800v £120.00 intel pentium4 1.6 GHz 1024 30GB
Dell lattitude C800 £60.00 intel pentiumiii 512 20GB
Thinkpad 600 £30.00 intel pentiumii 400MHz 256 12GB
Thinkpad X40 £75.00 intel pentium M 1200MHz 512 40GB
Compaq Evo N410c £55.00 intel pentiumiii M 1200MHz 512 30GB

Bids close @ 4PM tomorrow. I'll need to know by 3PM so I can place the bids. Let me know by then if you're interested. As it is an auction, I can't make promises. Please state model and offer.

PS - Minimal discussion please - I'll need to be able to find the bids quickly. :)

25-07-2007, 22:03
I stick with £50 on the Dell C600...

Will it have a decent resolution and will the keyboard be steam-cleaned though? :p

25-07-2007, 22:09
Thinkpad x40 or x31 £100

Ideally the x40 for the faster chip. I'll keep an eye on here tomorrow. Thanks Mark

Really useful for when I am in hotels commuting. I really owe you a pint. If bids get near this let me know as I'm flexible on that 100 limit. Will also do bank transfer so money is in there straight away

25-07-2007, 22:56
OK - noted. I will get the last update at noon tomorrow and will bid the above at 1PM. I don't know if I'll be told if I'm outbid so it may well be blind. If you need to take this into consideration now then by all means do.

For anyone interested, all funds raised will be doubled and sent to Street Child Africa (http://www.streetchildafrica.org.uk/)

25-07-2007, 23:03
I might be interested in putting in a bid or two tomorrow, though expect them to go outside my budget by tomorrow.

Good to see you back around Mark :)

25-07-2007, 23:11
Hi Mark, really glad to see you back! We were getting worried.

Can I bid £150 on either of the Evo N800v please. Thanks :)

25-07-2007, 23:20
I certainly can. I don't want to bid on the wrong one though so I need you to choose which one. The only obvious difference is the memory and I think I have the right parts to upgrade that so it's up to you.

Finding £300 in cash is going to be challenging but manageable, but that's my limit.

26-07-2007, 09:46
Ok noted on the points, looking around I think they will go for over my budget. Good that the money is going to good causes.

I'll check back at 12 to see what the prices are and to give my final bid offer.

26-07-2007, 10:06
can you find out if ..
Compaq Evo N410c £55.00 intel pentiumiii M 1200MHz 512 30GB
comes with the docking station as well? It should, as the dock contains the CD drive etc.
if so... stick me down for 75quid (no pound sign on this crap work pc!!!)

26-07-2007, 10:12
Unfortunately I don't think I can find out in time. As you say, it should, but there's absolutely no guarantee. However, I suspect bidding on 4 would be taking the michael somewhat. :(

26-07-2007, 10:20
However, I suspect bidding on 4 would be taking the michael somewhat. :(

Mark does that mean you aren't going to be taking any more bids?

26-07-2007, 10:22
Given that they're ex-company laptops from the workplace and I suspect they're intended for personal use, I don't want to abuse the system. Sorry. Even though it's for charity it'd be a bit unfair if I went after the lot. I expected a bit of interest but not this much.

26-07-2007, 10:23
Sorry Mark I'm probably being daft here but does that mean you don't want anyone else to ask for the laptops? Was about to ask about one of the Compaq Evo N410c ones and ask you to put a bid in but not sure whether I should now :huh:

Surely the point is if they all go then great for the charity and they'll go to the highest bidder. If that is you then all well and good?

26-07-2007, 10:29
in fact, dont worry, i have sourced one from elsewhere :D
with a docking station

26-07-2007, 11:23
If you have enough money Compaq Evo N410c 768 35GB - £100 thanks

26-07-2007, 11:58
I certainly can. I don't want to bid on the wrong one though so I need you to choose which one.

The one with bigger memory :) Thanks Mark.

26-07-2007, 12:15
Surely the point is if they all go then great for the charity and they'll go to the highest bidder. If that is you then all well and good?
In an ideal world, yes. But then I guess company politics comes in to play.

26-07-2007, 12:33
Is it too late or inappropriate or whatever to place a bid now? I cant quite figure it out!

/If I could make a bid, would it swing things if I made a further contribution to the charidee? I've been looking out for a laptop of about this spec on eBay for a little while and it would be great to get one but with the money going to a good cause instead :)


Whoops, this is DRZ! Paula left herself signed in!

26-07-2007, 12:36
Afraid so matey, I think the time has passed. But I think that actually occured yesterday at 11pm, not sure though.

26-07-2007, 13:06
Well just in case, I'd like to bid £100 on whichever of the IBMs Zirax doesnt want (his post is contradictory!).

If it cant be done it cant be done and thats cool, but if it can then woohoo! :p

26-07-2007, 13:24
Poo, missed out on this :D

/More interest

I'll leave it though mark, save you hassle with your work, other deals will pop up in the future :).

26-07-2007, 13:32
In an ideal world, yes. But then I guess company politics comes in to play.
Plus the fact that I have to pay for and claim them first thing tomorrow. Not that I don't trust you lot, but my bank account is not a bottomless pit and while I could probably afford another one or two I was getting close to the limit. As for politics, harib0 is right - they'd probably suspect I was trying to sell them on for a profit. Sorry I've had to disappoint some people, but I had to set a limit and it's never easy choosing where.

No updates on latest bids yet. The three agreed will go in at 3PM. If anyone is desperately in need of a laptop then let me know and I'll consider a fourth, but that definitely is the limit.

26-07-2007, 13:34
I don't think anyone assumed your bank account was a bottomless pit. I just thought people would put the bids in and make sure the money got to you asap. If you needed the money mark a bank transfer or paid over the counter today could have been done.

26-07-2007, 13:42
The money situation isn't the biggest problem as I could manage all the bids if people were prepared to pay that quick, but the politics issue is unfortunately the one that caused me to set a limit. Like I said, sorry to disappoint and it's nothing personal. I wasn't counting on the amount of interest given the short timescales, otherwise I'd have made a limit clear from the start.

Also, the offer to place one more bid stands, but since there is more than one request it wouldn't be fair to just pick one at random.

26-07-2007, 13:45
I wasn't counting on the amount of interest given the short timescales, otherwise I'd have made a limit clear from the start.

I thought you did when you said in your first post you might be able to get 2-3 :)

26-07-2007, 13:57
Oops - I'm getting forgetful in my old age. ;)

26-07-2007, 14:01
X40 upto £150, final bid.

Ok Mark, I'm prepared to go upto 150 for either of the x31 or x40. Lets see what the updated bid is for them.

26-07-2007, 14:09
No worries Mark - I was actually seriously considering buying one on eBay in the next week or so and I missed this last night because I was out with Paula for her birthday meal:) I understand the political/money situation too so its not like I feel put out or anything.

All I'll say is that if for whatever reason nobody else messages you or someone pulls out or something then consider my bid :) The money is going somewhere, charity seems like as good a place as any to me though :)

EDIT: Depending who you bank with, getting you the money tomorrow morning shouldn't be a problem either - I get paid tomorrow :D

26-07-2007, 14:18
Definites :-

dymetrie - Dell C600 - £50
Zirax - Thinkpad x40 - £100-£150 (bid £125)
Pebbles - Evo N800v/1GB - £150
Frumpy_Pigskin - Evo N410c/35GB - £100

Sorry :-

DRZ - Thinkpad x31 - £100

26-07-2007, 14:25
If Martin is thinking of getting one off Ebay, I'd like to take the opportunity to ask for the N410C please. If you get it let me know your details and I can get cash into the bank first thing tomorrow morning.

26-07-2007, 14:34

26-07-2007, 14:43

If I can help find you one instead let me know :)

26-07-2007, 14:46
If I can help find you one instead let me know :)

On eBay £100ish seems to get me a laptop about 1GHz with 256Mb of ram and a 12Gb HDD - which is why these laptops jumped out at me!! So if you come across a laptop thats about the same spec as the X40 that I was looking at there, let me know immediately!

26-07-2007, 14:49
On eBay £100ish seems to get me a laptop about 1GHz with 256Mb of ram and a 12Gb HDD - which is why these laptops jumped out at me!! So if you come across a laptop thats about the same spec as the X40 that I was looking at there, let me know immediately!

Will do mate, bear in mind though, haven't got the laptop yet :p there might be :'( in about 20 minutes ;D

26-07-2007, 14:55
Its a shame its not a "live" auction, else we could have each submitted maximum bids and hoped that both didn't win! :p Ah well, here's to much ebay scouring over the coming week!

26-07-2007, 15:05
Its a shame its not a "live" auction, else we could have each submitted maximum bids and hoped that both didn't win! :p Ah well, here's to much ebay scouring over the coming week!

I'll keep an eye out if I see anything. Thanks again for allowing me to get my laptop back ;D

26-07-2007, 15:07
Zirax - bidding £125.00 for the X40 as it's still blind. Not sure what's happened to the the update.

Let me know if you want this changing.

Bids going in now. List above updated.

26-07-2007, 15:15
Thanks Mark, when do we find out?

26-07-2007, 15:35
The deadline has been extended for 24 hours due to illness. That does unfortunately mean that people will have sight of the bids I've placed this afternoon so there's more risk of losing with them now. :(

26-07-2007, 15:41
ok Mark.

Was it supposed to be a blind auction?

26-07-2007, 15:46
doh, its understandable though. Still flexible as due to their lightness they are expensive second hand.

26-07-2007, 15:55
There's still headroom on your bid Zirax as I bid below your maximum. The rest were bid at the stated amounts.

I *should* illness permitting get an update at lunchtime tomorrow so keep an eye out between then and 4PM in case you want to increase your bid.

26-07-2007, 22:11
If I do find anyone has been outbid tomorrow, I will text them ASAP. Have your phones handy. :)

27-07-2007, 11:38
All four bids are winning right now, but I'm now told I won't get any updates, so if you want any bids changing, let me know by 3.30PM. It's definitely finishing today. :)

27-07-2007, 11:57
cheers for the update Mark

27-07-2007, 15:26
*All* bids except Pebbles' have been outbid.

I'll up Zirax's bid to £150

The C600 is currently at £51, and the N410c is at £101.

*Please let me know if you want me to re-bid ASAP*

27-07-2007, 16:02
*Bids closed*

Will pass along the results as soon as I find out.

27-07-2007, 16:12
OK - there were two of us bidding for two laptops (the X40 and N800). The other guy only wanted one but bid on both in the hope of getting one, and I wanted both outright.

I agreed with Zirax to let the X40 go, and I've bid Pebbles' N800 up to £160 but I'll cover the £10 difference (it is for charity after all).

I think that means success on the C600 and the N410, but I await confirmation of that.

27-07-2007, 16:29
Aand, the results - I seem to be spamming this thread. :eek:

Model Current highest bid (£) CPU Memory HDD

Thinkpad X31 £120.00 intel pentiumiii M 1400MHz 512 35GB
Compaq Evo N410c £130.00 intel pentiumiii M 1200MHz 768 35GB
Compaq Evo N400c £45.00 intel pentiumiii 256 20GB
Compaq Evo N800v £135.00 intel pentium4 1.6 GHz 512 30GB
Compaq Evo N410c £120.00 intel pentiumiii M 1200MHz 768 30GB
Dell lattitude C600 £60.00 intel pentiumiii 512 30GB
Compaq Evo N800v £160.00 intel pentium4 1.6 GHz 1024 30GB
Dell lattitude C800 £100.00 intel pentiumiii 512 20GB
Thinkpad 600 £35.00 intel pentiumii 400MHz 256 12GB
Thinkpad X40 £155.00 intel pentium M 1200MHz 512 40GB
Compaq Evo N410c £90.00 intel pentiumiii M 1200MHz 512 30GB

Red = losing bid. Green = winning bid.

Pebbles - the N800v bid is £10 higher than you agreed. This is not a mistake - as it's a charity auction I decided to contribute £10 myself to secure the win, so you only need to cover £150 as agreed.

We can sort out payment and delivery details via PM. I'll pay for and collect the two laptops on Monday.

27-07-2007, 18:03
Wheeee how exciting! Thanks Mark!!

27-07-2007, 18:29
Yep as Mark said that one guy was after either of the laptops, I said that mine could be let go :)

27-07-2007, 18:50
Well, you didn't know that at the time (neither did I), but you did say you didn't want to go above £150, how much you could get them elsewhere, and that you didn't mind, so that tipped the balance in favour of doing what I did. It's all sorted anyway. :)

27-07-2007, 19:10
yep yep fully agree with you there

27-07-2007, 19:13
Oh, just read the rest of the thread...Matt, thank you!! I'll buy you a big glass of pop when I next see you (HARRY POTTER!!!) with an unbrella AND a sparkler!

30-07-2007, 16:24
Look what toys I have...

Pebs' N800

Kleo's N410

Very impressed with the N410. It's the sort of laptop I'd love if I didn't already have one. Nowt wrong with the N800 but it's a bit heavy for my personal taste.

I've been asked to courier at least one of them, so anyone recommend anyone good - not too expensive but not likely to throw them around the depot as happened with a certain other laptop recently. :/