View Full Version : Anyone know about java/activeX in Firefox and IE ?

26-07-2007, 23:19
Installed it, but when i tried to load photos in Faccebook, I get this message.

Tried reinstalling to no avail.


edit- fixed IE :)

27-07-2007, 06:58
Looks like just crappy caching..

Java is frustrating me at work too. Every time I try and use an iLO connection to one of our servers, which remotely loads up a screen that is just like if I had gone to the server itself and plugged in a keyboard and mouse, Java just dies. Even tried jumping to a Windows workstation (I use a Ubuntu one) and tried it in IE and Firefox to no avail :D

27-07-2007, 11:37
Could (in both cases) be down to which version of Java you're using. The latest one (JRE 6) is still relatively new. It'd be worth trying JRE 5 if you're having problems. Haven't had any yet myself, but there's still time.

30-07-2007, 16:42
I've given up on it now, loading images in IE in facebook works so i'll just have to do that. It is Java 6 but i'll just live with it, not a big deal and its only 1 site.