View Full Version : Maps for Garmin i3

31-07-2007, 14:42
I only really know the basics of my satnav, but just wondering where I could acquire updated maps for my Garmin i3.
Just need British ones but it's not been updated since I got it over a year ago and I know if nothing else, it gets entirely confused by Stoke so it could do with some updated maps.
Erm where do I get them from and how do I install them? :D
For free ;) I know I can buy them off the garmin site.

Thanks in advance :)

31-07-2007, 14:49
Free? Not likely. Sorry. Garmin use map unlock codes that are tied to a specific device, so while you can download their maps for free, you'll almost certainly not be able to use them on the i3.

I've been through this myself and I know it just doesn't work. Sorry to have to give you bad news.

Really shouldn't be getting confused by Stoke though, unless it's changed lots in the last year or two.

31-07-2007, 14:50
What Mark said is what I've said before and is accurate. The Garmin system hasn't been cracked.

The prices have dropped a lot though, I think I paid about £40 for this years upgrades to my Streetpilot.

31-07-2007, 14:53
Ah well, worth asking :)
I'm not paying, can't afford it and tbh don't need it that much.

31-07-2007, 15:32
I ought to find out how to get update maps for my GPSmap 60CS, but they seem to want a serial number I don't have. :/