View Full Version : Urgent ASF file help needed!

03-08-2007, 12:37
Aaargh! My best friend's wedding tomorrow, and her two Aussie friends have emailed me a short video of them saying hi and good luck. Except it stops after 20 seconds, the timer says 58 seconds.

Any suggestions? File is 477kb Audio is 160kbps and Video is 136kbps, not sure how you work out how long hte vid should be for that file size?

I'm off out now to try and make the metro presentable (no not Daz!), as apparently it's needed to shuttle people ;D

But will be back later to see if you people can save my bacon!

03-08-2007, 12:44
File seems too small. 160kbitps + 136kbitps = 296kbitps = 37kbyteps

477KB / 37kbyteps = 12.9 seconds

The video will be VBR, and the audio possibly as well, so getting to 20 seconds isn't such a big stretch. 58 seconds probably is though.

I've got various editing tools here, but none of those will help you if the file is truncated.

03-08-2007, 16:29
I did wonder that, hence putting the info :) Thanks, have asked for it to be sent again.

05-08-2007, 02:15
Alas didn't get it in time :( So used the old fall back, and about 11:30pm rang our friend up, and passed the phone over. If anyone's interested, a PAYG mobile to an Oz mobile works out about £6 for 10 mins. Not too bad :)
