View Full Version : *swears vociferously*

05-08-2007, 09:47
Yesterday morning, for no reason, my lovely wireless desktop (pretty much this one) (http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/productdetails.aspx?pid=057) decided to go screwy on me... Every now and then (pretty much every 15-20 minutes) for no reason the cursor would scurry off (moving windows, right clicking, using the magnifying tool) and do what it wanted...

No change this morning so have ripped out the wireless and am back to y old Trust wired keyboard and M$ wired intellimouse...

Now these pieces of hardware are pretty old (and the keyboard media buttons don't actually work properly) so I'm looking at getting a new desktop set either wired or bluetooth (although I can't really afford bluetooth despite finding a dinovo bluetooth desktop for £82 yesterday :p), and either M$ or logitech.

I would seriously love the dinovo but can't really justify the expense :(

So I've been looking around and have found this (http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/productdetails.aspx?pid=030) which looks pretty ok and I could combine it with a new one of these (http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/productdetails.aspx?pid=003) (currently have one which is 3-4 years old so is on its last legs :() or one of these (http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/productdetails.aspx?pid=042) 'cause it looks pretty ebil and funky :p

So basically I'm asking for any advice/suggestions/other that people may have as well as good places to source a new desktop/keyboard/mouse at a reasonable price :)

(for some reason my typing seems to be slightly better now, this could be due to the different keyboard shape or mebbe because a wired keyboard doesn't drop/lose keystrokes like my wireless one seemed to :p)

05-08-2007, 09:59
Whenever I need mice/kb on a budget I just go to ebuyer and buy a cheap black logitech keyboard and microsoft mouse. Usually don't pay more than £15-20 for the pair.

05-08-2007, 10:08
If you want a Superb Budget keyboard then the Speedlink Ultra Ally jobby is what you want.
I've had one over a year now & battered it with BF2/Spamming forums & the like.
Heavy ally design which makes it sturdy hard wearing & it never moves during critical frag sessions. Flush lap top style keys so your fingers don't get caught up when they fly about over the keys & all this for just over 20 quid :cool:

05-08-2007, 10:10
I have a Dinovo and I've always been very pleased with it, the customer service is excellent and despite being secondhand, when the mouse charger stopped working they happily sent me a new one. They are expensive but no other keyboard/ mouse has ever lasted me the time these have. They do do a wireless rather than BT set which I think is a bit cheaper and you might want to consider :)

I'm quite tempted to get a new Dinovo Laser, so if you were interested then I'd be happy to let my old set go secondhand, everything works well, its just a little worn.


semi-pro waster
05-08-2007, 10:32
If wired then the re-released Intellimouse Explorer V3 is definitely worth a punt although if you look around then you can still sometimes find the originals secondhand - I picked up a spare for £5.

Keyboard wise, I'd still be suggesting Microsoft, mine is currently at least 4 years old and still works as well as it ever did, the lettering on the keys hasn't even worn off yet and that is with near-enough use every day. :)

05-08-2007, 10:49
That's quite tempting MB, would depend how much you want for it (it is the BT version yeah?).

Saying that, I have become somewhat accustomed to the M$ comfort curve rather than a straight keyboard, and after some digging around on various sites I've managed to find:

Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 Black (http://www.dabs.com/productview.aspx?Quicklinx=3V1H&CategorySelectedId=11117&PageMode=1&NavigationKey=11117,50310,4294960288,42410000)


Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3 (http://www.dabs.com/productview.aspx?Quicklinx=4JPS&CategorySelectedId=11117&PageMode=1&NavigationKey=11117,50310,4294960288,41970000,4802 0000)

The pair for ~£30+P&P doesn't look too shabby to me....

Now to fire up Kelkoo and see if I can find even cheaper :p

05-08-2007, 11:31
Those two at DABS will suit you nicely. It's a nightmare going back from a curved keyboard to a straight one. I like my G15 but I can't type for **** on it.

05-08-2007, 12:28
MS Natural 4000 - £25 for the oem iirc
Logitech MX 1000 - £45ish

The MX1000 lasts for over a week on one charge for me.
MS Natural 4000 is the most comfortable keyboard I've ever used. Have every machine I use either running one of these or a MS Natural Pro.


05-08-2007, 12:44
I can pick up a Natural 4000 with a wired mouse for ~£23+p&p.

Was opting against it as whilst I like the comfort curve I find the natural slightly too far for me (although if I gave myself time to get used to it then I'd probably end up as comfortable with it) and when I looked at the tech-specs they stated that the keyboard was 3.6" high... There's only 2.6" clearance on my desk (slidey drawer goodness) and it's only 8" deep from the front of the drawer to where the clearance needs to be....

I'm pretty sure I said BT or wired Flib :p

05-08-2007, 13:26
I can pick up a Natural 4000 with a wired mouse for ~£23+p&p.

Was opting against it as whilst I like the comfort curve I find the natural slightly too far for me (although if I gave myself time to get used to it then I'd probably end up as comfortable with it) and when I looked at the tech-specs they stated that the keyboard was 3.6" high... There's only 2.6" clearance on my desk (slidey drawer goodness) and it's only 8" deep from the front of the drawer to where the clearance needs to be....

I'm pretty sure I said BT or wired Flib :p

3.6" high with the legs up to tilt the keyboard more and the front lift as well. I don't use them so it's only about 2" high at the highest point at the back.

Whats wrong with the MX1000? You're not a militant leftie are you? :p

05-08-2007, 13:36
3.6" high with the legs up to tilt the keyboard more and the front lift as well. I don't use them so it's only about 2" high at the highest point at the back.

Sounds interesting, I shall discuss with my contacts during the week :)

Whats wrong with the MX1000? You're not a militant leftie are you? :p

Yes I are! And I shall be coming for you with my left handed machette! :D

05-08-2007, 13:40
Sounds interesting, I shall discuss with my contacts during the week :)

Yes I are! And I shall be coming for you with my left handed machette! :D

Will measure my 4000 properly later on.

*hides in the cupboard of all right handed impliments... they scare lefties... ;)*

05-08-2007, 14:49
Whats wrong with the MX1000?

I suspect it's because it's neither bluetooth or wired which is what Dym asked for :p

05-08-2007, 15:08
I suspect it's because it's neither bluetooth or wired which is what Dym asked for :p

*ding* *ding* *ding*

We have a winrar! :D

MB, if you do want to upgrade and offload your old dinovo then even if I get something else then so long as it's BT then I reckon my brother will be interested for his new mediabox which I is building him :)

p.s. I'm not a leftie :p

05-08-2007, 18:42
I suspect it's because it's neither bluetooth or wired which is what Dym asked for :p

I'm being dense - other than being left handed why wouldn't he want an MX1000? From my view it'd be better than bluetooth.

05-08-2007, 19:44
Basically, when my mouse started screwing up then I followed the usual steps....

I turned Phoenix off and on again, replaced batteries in the desktop devices, uninstalled and reinstalled drivers, changed the device channels....

It still forked up...

There have been, over the bast 2 years, niggling things about the wireless desktop which have annoyed me (lag, multiple key presses, feek's ridicule) which combined with the problems and failed solutions above have led me to the decision to either return to wired HIDs (as I am currently using and which are great) or to upgrade to BT for HID interface/connectivity...

05-08-2007, 19:49
There have been, over the bast 2 years,


05-08-2007, 19:52

I challenge you to spend 2 hours in the pub (after some earlier afternoon beverages) and then write that post with c-o-m-p-l-i-c-a-t-e-d- words and not make a little typo ;)

05-08-2007, 20:11
I'd want £30 for the set, that's kbd, mouse and media pad comes with a mouse charger which doubles as a BT receiver.

Bottom of the mouse is worn, and the battery compartment of the kbd is taped in as the lug has broken but the wole kit is still perfectly usable and I am very fond of it


05-08-2007, 20:14
That's more than reasonable Matt, I'll tell Simon he's paying that much for it and he'll be happy :)

(he's stupid and believes what I tell him :D)

05-08-2007, 20:15
I suppose I better order a Dinovo Laser then :)


05-08-2007, 20:20
I suppose I better order a Dinovo Laser then :)


No rush, not even getting the base of the mediabox until next weekend, then Simon's in France until the weekend after, plus I can tell him he has to wait until you're ready :p

05-08-2007, 20:38
Opps, oh well done now :evil:

Need to to upgrade the PC now too ;)


05-08-2007, 22:34
Simon says yes :)

So if your replacement turns up before the weekend I'll get cash for Jarp to give to you in exchange for blue stuff :p

semi-pro waster
05-08-2007, 23:33
I turned Phoenix off and on again,

Hold the phone, you don't call your PC Phoenix do you? I've got a mate who called his car Phoenix, well at least until it failed to rise from the ashes - if the diddy hadn't picked a Scorpio it might have been a reasonably apt name but that car was always going to die horribly. ;)

09-08-2007, 13:31
Yes :p

New kb and mouse delivered this morning, now plugged in and working all good :)

The keyboard is very low profile (the keys are pretty funky) but it has an American keyboard layout printed on it, good job I actually know where everything is :p

MB, any news on your new dinovo?

09-08-2007, 15:09
This is annoying...

There's no backslash :/

It's printed on the board but as I have windoze set to UK keyboard layout then it come sup as # and ~

/me sighs

09-08-2007, 15:13
ALT+92 (numpad) :p

Know what you mean though. How did you end up with a US layout keyboard?

09-08-2007, 16:03

that works (although not in BD)

This is what Mr Proudfoot sent me :/

09-08-2007, 16:07
That'll teach you for buying from there then :p
Having said that, when I bought my widescreen TFT from there (It was the cheapest because I could drive there easily :p), it had the wrong plug type, luckily I had a spare kettle lead.

09-08-2007, 16:07
RMA it.

09-08-2007, 16:13
My new Dinovo is here and works beautifully, oddly I had not problems with the supplier and I'm sure if I wanted to RMA it I would get a refund before next Millenium ;)

Old set up can be boxed and given to someone at the cottage meet if you like :)


09-08-2007, 16:58
To be honest I like the new keyboard too much to be bothered about the layout. If I find that I really need the backslash then I suppose I can set the windoze layout to US (OVER MY DEAD FRIGGING BODY!) or can just use the ALt+92 method :p

Simon has dumped £30 in my account so I'll pass that on to Jarp to bring with him and exchange for a box of blueness at the cottaging :)


