View Full Version : The Golden Jigsaw

05-08-2007, 16:35
Anyone been playing this? www.goldenjigsaw.com

You download the playing board, and every day on their website they give a new clue to find jigsaw pieces on the internet which you drag into the playing board folder and have to place in the puzzle. There's 1000 pieces to find and so far I have 30 (well, all of them so far!). The first person to complete the jigsaw gets $1,000,000.

Not sure how it'll work right at the end since I guess most people will be rushing to solve the final clue, and the first person that does will win. Still, it's fun to play!

05-08-2007, 17:18
lol that looks really cool - gonna sign up now even if there's slim to no chance of actually winning it

06-08-2007, 21:25
OK have found the site for clue 17, now just to find the page.

EDIT: found it