View Full Version : Fallout

07-08-2007, 12:45
Interesting, I hadn't clocked this before but Bethesda have picked up the licence for Fallout.

I remember it as being a cracking little game albiet a bit hard to get into, RPG set in a post nuclear war environment. The article in Edge seems to suggest that it can be played in a turnbased or flowing FPS style which sounds quite inovative :)

I'll look forward to this one :)

But Blue Dragon got slated, and judging by the review I can see why, it sounds really sterile and scripted despite having fab graphics :(


07-08-2007, 12:47
It isn't looking good I agree. My eyes are on Eternal Sonata now - which imo, looks better anyway, at least graphically. Combat in the demo was alright too.

07-08-2007, 12:48
I loved the first one but my then boyfriend always had to do the beginning bit for me as it was time based :embarassed:

07-08-2007, 12:51
I love the Fallout games, and I'm really looking forward to number 3. The only bad thing I've read about it so far is that the story is only meant to be 20 hours or so long (whether you finish it or not), which is tiny compared to the length of most RPG's these days. Beyond that I really can't wait to get my grubby mitts on it :D

07-08-2007, 13:01
I love the Fallout games, and I'm really looking forward to number 3. The only bad thing I've read about it so far is that the story is only meant to be 20 hours or so long (whether you finish it or not), which is tiny compared to the length of most RPG's these days. Beyond that I really can't wait to get my grubby mitts on it :D

Edge are quoting 40 with 20 for the main plot and 20 for side missions. It is interesting though because they are saying that unlike Oblivion you can't do everything with one character, there should be replayability :D


07-08-2007, 13:26
Fallout 3? Wasn't that Fallout Tactics?

Sorry I don't know much of anything about the games, the only one I even played was Tactics and that was only the demo.
I really liked it but my mum couldn't afford to buy me another game so close to Max Payne...

07-08-2007, 14:21
I didn't really know much about Fallout. Saw the video which looked rather good but I couldn't really gleam much from that as I haven't played any of the earlier games :embarassed:

07-08-2007, 14:37
Fallout 3? Wasn't that Fallout Tactics?

Sorry I don't know much of anything about the games, the only one I even played was Tactics and that was only the demo.
I really liked it but my mum couldn't afford to buy me another game so close to Max Payne...

Yup, there was a Fallout Tactics, but it's wasn't an RPG like the others, it was a turn-based/RTS squad based shooter, hence why the new game will be Fallout 3. I've still got a copy of Fallout Tactics here, and it runs lovely on XP, as well as Fallout 1 + 2 :)

Admiral Huddy
07-08-2007, 15:35
I've not played any of the series but FO3 looks superb. From reading a recent review, it appears that the game can be played without the need of playing it predecessors, which is great.

Apparently, the story starts in the cave as baby and you determine his charactor from birth lol. This is where I'll be no good going by my parenting skills hahaha

07-08-2007, 16:48
I really need to devote some time to the Fallout series soon, I keep meaning to.
I cancelled my Blue Dragon pre-order last night due to lack of money but I might manage to get it yet if I end up with a job before then. I'll let people knowif Edge were right then ;)