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View Full Version : Anyone got a small (40mm) fan kicking around?

09-08-2007, 16:52
I want to cool my Northbridge a little bit but I'm not sure if the current heatsink is glued in place or not and I have very little clearance between it and the CPU cooler:


(yes, I know the cable is untidy, it'll be sorted when I put a fan in place)

I want to mount a small fan, no bigger than 40mm x 40mm to the heatsink itself, probably by forcing screws through the vanes!

Anyone got a small suitable fan that they're not using? If I buy one, it's costing as much for the postage as it is for the fan itself and that seems silly.

09-08-2007, 17:12
40x40x10? Yupski. I'm sure I have one of those. I'll bring it to Cottaging. Be warned they whine somewhat at full speed.

Must admit I never thought of doing that, but then I have the DS4 which has heatpipes (northbridge at 39C right now) so I probably don't need to.

Must make a list of all the stuff I'm supposed to be bringing - it's getting longer by the second.

09-08-2007, 17:14
Oooo, not a Delta? I'm after something fairly quiet if I can find it.

It's a shame I can't easily tell whether the HS is glued in place, if it's not then I could find an aftermarket cooler but it's going to be really awkward (ie board out and main cpu cooler off) to find out.

09-08-2007, 17:24
Nope - akasa. I went to one of my parts boxes and didn't find one, then I came back here and spotted one right next to me. Also found a box of food storage boxes I didn't know I had (having bought another). :/

As for the noise, it's an unfortunate consequence of physics. Fan blades that small have to turn fast to make any difference, and that inevitably causes whistling/whining issues. Try it and see I guess (you probably won't notice with the case on and that big HSF right next to it).

09-08-2007, 17:43
The main HSF is actually pretty much quiet, but with two other fans, the PSU and a pair of hard drives, I reckon you're right!

Thanks Mark :)