View Full Version : WTD: Achievement partners

16-08-2007, 23:14
Turtles Arcade, Double Dragon and Backgammon.

Feek offered some BG assistance so it more the other two really. 1 achievement left of DD - reach mission 4 in co-op without continues. Can help with any other the others on the way (I'll lose in the end battle, take all hits on the first level). Couple of turtles co-op ones - one ideally with 2, the other with a full foursome.

I'm not an achievement whore. Honest.

16-08-2007, 23:16
Oh good, glad you posted this, I'll get into it when I'm alone tomorrow :)

16-08-2007, 23:17
I want some help wiv some soon if ppl can :D

16-08-2007, 23:19
Oh good, glad you posted this, I'll get into it when I'm alone tomorrow :)
Cheers dude :)
I want some help wiv some soon if ppl can :D
Happy to help!


17-08-2007, 00:10
Yes you are an achievement whore :p Nowt wrong with it though ;)
How good at TMNT do you need to be? I wasn't amazing admittedly.

On a related note: Any chance of a Spyglass partner Daz? :D

17-08-2007, 09:59
Yes, as you're the only other person I know with it ;D

Need to be reasonably good at Turtles (not TMNT :p) - 2 player one being 250 point score individually (which isnt easy, pretty sure we've tried before and failed) and simple complete in co-op and survive (more people the better, but still quite difficult without a silly amount of continues).

17-08-2007, 10:23
Oooh pedantic :p I'm probably a crap one for it then as I wasn't great at it.

Definitely up for the spyglass ones though :D Now I know why you were so pleased for me winning it ;):p

17-08-2007, 11:28

17-08-2007, 13:55
I'll get into it when I'm alone tomorrow :)

Fnar fnar

20-08-2007, 22:17
That's Backgammon sorted then :)

20-08-2007, 22:24
Indeed, ta very much :) The kittens were disappointed we stopped playing, however ;D