View Full Version : Annoying Adverts

19-08-2007, 18:28
...I think I've turned into Victor Meldrew... I'm getting increasingly pissed off with adverts that seem to encourage children to misbehave.

The most recent one is a George at ASDA one for school uniform.

It features a kid speaking and saying other kids should say to their Mums " you might pay for the trousers but I wear them " and another one with the same kid saying that kids should undo their top button and loosen their tie or they won't fit in with other kids in the playground or words to that effect.

What the hell are we teaching kids these days ffs ! .. I know it's only a small thing but it just adds up to the problem these days of kids growing up before they need to and being treated like equal adults instead of what they are .. children who should bloody well do what they are told :angry:

I'm going to be an evil Mummy :embarassed:

19-08-2007, 18:34
...I think I've turned into Victor Meldrew... I'm getting increasingly pissed off with adverts that seem to encourage children to misbehave.

The most recent one is a George at ASDA one for school uniform.

It features a kid speaking and saying other kids should say to their Mums " you might pay for the trousers but I wear them " and another one with the same kid saying that kids should undo their top button and loosen their tie or they won't fit in with other kids in the playground or words to that effect.

What the hell are we teaching kids these days ffs ! .. I know it's only a small thing but it just adds up to the problem these days of kids growing up before they need to and being treated like equal adults instead of what they are .. children who should bloody well do what they are told :angry:

I agree with you completely.

Not only do children know that they can do whatever they want without any kind of reprimanding but now they're being actively encouraged to misbehave and be little bastads :(
I'm going to be an evil Mummy :embarassed:

Is that just until they get taller than you, you know, at age 3?


*runs for the hills*

19-08-2007, 18:34
The underarm spray one, I forget which brand, where 7 women get some spray and 2 tops, and at the end of the week, see which top they choose to wear, one woman says, "You can just put it
on and forget about it". Funny that, cos whenever I use my spray in a morning, I stress about it all day long :rolleyes: ;D

19-08-2007, 18:36
Annoying adverts? Cillit Bang. Barry Scott. Do I need to say more? http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/images/icons/icon13.gif

Sadly advertisers know all too well the power of nagging children and they've used that to their advantage for years, despite assertions and even regulations to the contrary.

19-08-2007, 18:38
You can't diss the Barry Scott dude !!! ;D

Another one that pisses me off is the one for the coco pops straw things.... no it's fine I won't have a proper breakfast .. I'll **** about with a stupid bloody drinking straw ! :angry:

And don't get me started on those bloody hideous Bratz things ...

19-08-2007, 18:39
"Josh, dad's found ya scootah!"

*Double-legged flying drop-kick to TV*

19-08-2007, 18:40
"Josh, dad's found ya scootah!"

*Double-legged flying drop-kick to TV*

ARGHHHH !!! Look for it your bloody self you lazy little ****e ! .. and stop interrupting your Mum when she's on the phone you rude little bastid ! :angry:

I love kids really... honest ! ;)

19-08-2007, 18:43
The worst part of that advert is where they agree to the 25K loan while she's on the phone.

"About 25 thousand?"
*Mouths '25?' to husband*
*Dude gives the thumbs up*

No wonder they're in spalling debt.

19-08-2007, 18:48
I used to get a whip and top and a satsuma and Christmas and if I wasn't happy with it I'd get my arse spalled until I couldn't sit down for a week.

19-08-2007, 18:50
That bloody shampoo ad with Girls Aloud in the limo - gets right on my wick, that one does :angry:

19-08-2007, 18:51
i love barry scott.
Noted. Play it 24/7 and I doubt you'll be loving 'him' for long. :p ;D

19-08-2007, 18:52
I'd get my arse spalled


19-08-2007, 19:00
was it a nice top?

Made of wood IIRC


Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
19-08-2007, 21:28
Welcome to my world ;) I have to put up with about 500 kids a week saying stuff like that!

I'm going to be an evil mum, Jen can testify to that! ;)

On the Asda advert thing, I haven't seen it but real peer pressure in my school is over how to wear your uniform. If they wear it correctly then they get bullied :/ (properly = top button fastened tie length long)

Nearly everyday I seem to say this little speech:

Erm and who do you think you're talking to madam!? (I get the bitchy girls, young man if its a boy) Is Miss Hughes a piece of dirt on the bottom of your shoe? No, she isn't! Where will you learn this? That's right detention


19-08-2007, 21:31
I'm going to be an evil mum, Jen can testify to that! ;)

She's scary! :shocked: :'(

19-08-2007, 21:42
I tend to hate adverts in general - how about that for mr grumpy!! :p

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
19-08-2007, 21:45
She's scary! :shocked: :'(

:( :'( I was a good mummy I saved you money :p

19-08-2007, 21:47
:( :'( I was a good mummy I saved you money :p

You did and I got plenty of bagels :D
But you scared the crap out of me initially :p ;D

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
19-08-2007, 21:51
You did and I got plenty of bagels :D
But you scared the crap out of me initially :p ;D

both of us you mean! ;)

19-08-2007, 21:55
Yes ;D

19-08-2007, 22:05
Made of wood IIRC


I got one of them for Christmas once, never did figure it out. Last seen being used as a centre punch by my Dad!

I hate adverts too, but have developed the art of ignoring them. My Dad detests them, and seem to revel in actively bemoaning them each time they're on. When F1 went over to ITV I thought he was going to implode ;D

19-08-2007, 22:19
Evil mummy? Bad parent? WTF??

I think I'd rather see a few more of this type of evil mummies than a nation of softy, politically correct doormats who let the kids rule the roost.
Spare the rod and spoil the child, cruel to be kind, hurts me more than it hurts you - all true.
And what favours are we doing our children if we don't teach them how to behave properly towards others?

19-08-2007, 22:23
There was an advert on not that long ago (can't recall what on earth it was for), it had a policewoman walking home. She wanted to get back home asap and took the most direct route walking over the top of cars etc. Bugged the crap out of me as someone once did that to my car cracking the windscreen, denting the roof and scratching the spoiler :angry:

Loads of adverts annoy me though. When you watch them (especially the supposedly funny ones) you have to wonder how many people sat there thinking 'oh this is a great idea, people are going to love it!', really what are they thinking :rolleyes:

19-08-2007, 22:30
Treefrog. How could you? rod? cruel? hurts? :eek:

Beware the thought police with their inappropriate labels. They'll be around shortly to correct this un-PC, un-nanny state, deviant, behaviour. If you should see these misguided fools, tell them to get spalled. :angry:

This country needs people like those in this thread who are willing to apply some discipline. What did protecting our kids from dirt get? A nation of asthmatics. What did wrapping our kids in cotton wool against the nasty parents who smack them? A nation of chavs.

19-08-2007, 23:01
Mark for PM!! \o/
Should I take that Literally? :p ;D

19-08-2007, 23:18
I went to see Jenny tonight and the next door neighbours kid (aged 7) knocked on the door and said "we are going to wash the car, you need to give us a quid" (You think I would hesitate eating you for touching MY car?!?)

I was totally :shocked: The absolute brass b****** of this little **** when I told her politely that I could wash my own car and indeed had spent most of the afternoon doing so, she disappeared. When I went home, there was a wheelie bin with its lid open lying on the front of my car.:angry:

I know it was her and I know it was the same kid that scratched all down Jennys car. If only flaying was still legal.

It was this kids birthday last week and as usual her mother had spent all the money on booze and was lying in the garden apparently, so Jenny yet again fed them and put them to bed.

They repay her by burglaring her twice in the last year. This is why im helping her to move out of scumsville. Parents that can't look after their children shouldn't be allowed to keep them, that's what I thought the point of social services was. Doesn't work imho, things only change when it is far too late.

With the gradual decline of intellectually stimulating things, especially the dumbing down of tv, I can only see the future of tomorrow having a particularly low IQ. How long before society regresses?

Maybe we are fighting a losing battle? Im not joking when I say we should bring back the cane and capital punishment. Things like rape and murder should be met with equal response, not 2 years reduced to 6 months. I wonder how long it will be before society becomes like a dystopic fiction novel from a decade ago?

Im ashamed of what our society is becoming. We need to start at the bottom where a difference can be made, with the kids. There was an old saying "spare the rod and spoil the child" I think that although it doesn't mean beating a child, there should be stricter control over the children at school for example. I mean, whats the worst a teacher can do to a child these days? Detention? big wow, like thats going to make a kid think twice about what they have done. I believe its all about attention and what they don't get at home. In a perverse way, getting into trouble is a substitute for the lack of attention they should be getting from their dysfunctional families.

Just my 2p worth

19-08-2007, 23:21
Meh my parents used to let me eat sand and dirt if i wanted, i got smacked when i misbehaved never did me harm. My younger cousins are little ****es as my aunt didn't believe in smacking or really disciplining them and undermined my uncle when he tried.
I hate these adverts that are basically breeding a generation on mindless, antisocial little ****s.

19-08-2007, 23:44
Treefrog. How could you? rod? cruel? hurts? :eek:

Beware the thought police with their inappropriate labels. They'll be around shortly to correct this un-PC, un-nanny state, deviant, behaviour. If you should see these misguided fools, tell them to get spalled. :angry:

This country needs people like those in this thread who are willing to apply some discipline. What did protecting our kids from dirt get? A nation of asthmatics. What did wrapping our kids in cotton wool against the nasty parents who smack them? A nation of chavs.

Heh. I'll spall them myself and leave them crumbling away internally with just a thin shell of what should be a strong structure to mark their passing.
See what I did there? ;D

And on a lighter note: our remote ancestors didn't wipe down their caves with Cillit Bang, nor did they use New Improved (oxymoronic) Lemon Fresh Antibacterial washing up liquid on the pointed sticks that last nights Aurochs was roasted on - and we're still here. I guess we'll survive a bit of dirt :)

And I guess our kids will survive a smacked arse if they won't listen to "No!"

19-08-2007, 23:56
The sole of a slipper applied with force to the buttocks of an errant child is a marvelous deterrent and contrary to popular modern belief, does not turn the recipient into a sociopath. Lack of discipline is more likely to encourage sociopathic behaviour than appropriate corporal punishment.

I hate listening to people who say, in a haughty manner, "I don't believe in smacking" as their children run amok and terrorise the customers in the supermarket or the local OAPs.

20-08-2007, 00:10
And Ms Haly, I remember telling you nicely that the bagel you wanted was rather expensive, and that it wasn't very much for how expensive it was. I didn't say 'PUT IT BACK YOU'RE NOT HAVING THAT' (although that's what I was thinking) ;D

Firm but fair ;D

It certainly wasn't much to it considering I originally thought it was half the size it was ;D I couldn't help it, there was the lure of food and my brain hadn't kicked in and realised I was surrounded by cheaper food :D

I think you and Lynnie were good cop, bad cop in that scenario ;)

20-08-2007, 21:09





Such a weird advert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpD1U_3gnrk

20-08-2007, 21:13
Gillian Anderson is now selling cards ?? :shocked:

20-08-2007, 23:13

21-08-2007, 06:25
I thought the same name when I saw "moonpig" :D

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
21-08-2007, 09:12
Mark for PM!! \o/

And Ms Haly, I remember telling you nicely that the bagel you wanted was rather expensive, and that it wasn't very much for how expensive it was. I didn't say 'PUT IT BACK YOU'RE NOT HAVING THAT' (although that's what I was thinking) ;D

Firm but fair ;D

But the question is what would you have done if she said i'm having it so ner ;) ;D (not that Jen would as she's too nice :))

Mine wasn't even meant to be mummsy, it just came out that way, it was meant to say don't buy that Jen get a huge pack for the same price and enjoy nom, nom ;D

21-08-2007, 09:20
I tend to hate adverts in general - how about that for mr grumpy!! :p

Nowt grumpy about that laddy, I also detest adverts.

21-08-2007, 12:59
I think the current trend is 'being down with the kids', understanding them, empathising with them, considering the effect od every single word on little Jonnys mental welfare. Bollocks to that quite frankly. My kids have plenty of friends, I'm not here to be another proper friend yet. I love them and they know that, they are very secure in that I think, but they also have 'the fear', that 'oh god mum is going to KILL me!!' which I personally think is important. There is too much undermining of people in authoratitive positions by parents, parents not letting kids do detentions at school etc. Thats not to say I go mental at every little thing that happens..if something has been dealt with at school then I leave it and tell them it serves 'em right lol. And I will fight their corner if it needs fighting, no question.

Kids need rules, boundaries and love in equal measures and you wont go far wrong. A big stick and a dark cupboard full of spiders helps too ;)

21-08-2007, 17:41
WTF is that Corsa advert all about, a load of flannel people (?) running round the streets shoulding "COME ON" and stealing a Corsa off a hot bird?

Have I missed the point?

21-08-2007, 18:31
I'd let her get on with it and laugh at her when she had no money ;D

Then I'm glad I'm too nice to go ner ;D

21-08-2007, 18:41
WTF is that Corsa advert all about, a load of flannel people (?) running round the streets shoulding "COME ON" and stealing a Corsa off a hot bird?

Have I missed the point?

i got one :/

A flannel cow, not a Corsa :p

21-08-2007, 19:17
WTF is that Corsa advert all about, a load of flannel people (?) running round the streets shoulding "COME ON" and stealing a Corsa off a hot bird?

Have I missed the point?

It's a crap advert which is saved only by the fit bird. If it was a bloke in that advert it would be of ultimate failure.

25-08-2007, 13:38
I just saw one on tv that reminded me that it is the most annoying and kind of fits it with what everyone has been saying.

Can't remember exactly which yoghurt it is for (might be Muller) - see thats how effective it was! I don't remember the brand - I just remember the annoying kids and it's because of this line...

'it makes your bones strongerer...'

STRONGERER?! Strongerer isn't a word!? Kids are going to be using that out of context for like.. forever!!!

Stupid ******* advert!


BB x

25-08-2007, 13:41
That was some foreign ad with dubbing in it, can't remember the brand either, think it began with F.
Saw it last night and thought aaaargh at the word too!

25-08-2007, 13:44
It was French I am sure... but they still use the chuffing word.

Man that irritates me!!!

PETIT ******* FILOUS!!!!

Damn! :p

BB x

25-08-2007, 13:45
That's the one!