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21-08-2007, 11:23
A call just popped in, started off reasonable...

My company mobile phone has ceased functioning.

The battery is fully charged and the Sim card is intact but the phone does just not work.

It stayed sensible.

I am currently using another phone that was a spare to another person.

And then progressed thus, he's obviously spoken to someone previously who's organised a replacement.

I have a message from Vodafone which states. “Your faulty Phone will be exchanged today. Please backup your phone if possible- retain your battery and sim card and ensure it is available for collection”.

Then it all went downhill.
Can you advise on the next course of events in the replacement of the phone.

Luckily I'm not dealing with this.


(it's a senior manager, someone who one would hope is employed for their intelligence and common sense).

21-08-2007, 11:47
I can see your mistake there - hoping that managers are intelligent.

Not a problem I have to endure as all the managers I regularly work with worked their way up.

21-08-2007, 13:33
lol, sounds so familiar!

21-08-2007, 19:38
I can see your mistake there - hoping that managers are intelligent.

Not a problem I have to endure as all the managers I regularly work with worked their way up.

Heeeeey! I'm manager and I'm intellugunt!

21-08-2007, 20:50
Heeeeey! I'm manager and I'm intellugunt!

You are?

Funny I hadn't noticed that yet... ;)

21-08-2007, 21:26
You are?

Funny I hadn't noticed that yet... ;)

Is you taking the mickey innit?!

22-08-2007, 10:23
Service Manager rings:

Manager: "There is something wrong with the system....."
Me: "Which system are you having a problem with?"
Manager: "My computer"
Me: "Whats wrong with your computer, whats it not doing?"
Manager: "Its not working correctly"
Me: (Sighing) "One moment, I will be down shortly"

He had locked himself out of one of the proprietary systems, which only requires a password reset, and can only be done from my desk or the server, so I traipse back up to the server room

Same manager rings:

Manager: "Have you fixed the system yet?"
Me: "No, I have just got back to the server room" (the server room is at the end of a factory that holds 30 lorries so you can imagine how long it takes to get to the end)
Manager: "How long will you be?"
Me: "?!?"
Me: "Just logging in now, shouldn't take a moment"
Me: "Ok, can you try now?"
Me: "Hi Neville?"
Me: "Hello?"

The git had put the phone on the desk and was talking to someone else.

How rude!

22-08-2007, 10:26
I had an email today asking me to spec a photocopier.

Boy, did I explode.

22-08-2007, 10:40
Your managers suck. If I was managing you you'd all be happy :D

22-08-2007, 11:17
Your managers suck. If I was managing you you'd all be happy :D

You would sack me after 5 minutes:)

I would...