View Full Version : Anyone have an old XP2500M capable mobo?

21-08-2007, 18:31
I'm trying to upgrade Tina's computer to something out of the P3 866 era (yes, she's still running on the Intel CA810e), so I picked up a PCChips board for her, but it just doesn't want to play. It says the processor is an XP1100 and doesn't want to boot into Windows for me.

Running in Safe Mode it gets to Mup.exe and reboots. And the BIOS update program they offer won't run in DOS. So I'm stuck with a mobo that's a paper weight.

Anyone got a board laying around that they no longer need that I might be able to get working? My old Gigabyte AN-700Pro was a wonderful board (got that sucker clocked to XP3200 speeds on stock air cooling with no problem) but it died a horrible IDE failure death. Both IDE controllers failed on it over a period of a year.

So, anyone able to help me out here? :undecided:

21-08-2007, 19:51
I got a PCChips board with an XP1700 in it. Dunno if it'll take an XP2500. I have a feeling not (they're Barton core, aren't they).

I'd have thought getting something cheap locally could end up being cheaper than the shipping costs from here.

22-08-2007, 00:33
In the same position as Mark, i think ive got an ASRock with an XP2100 or something in it, not sure what it'll take maybe with new firmware it may, i seem to remember it already has an IDE problem though haha, if you used a CDROM and IDE hard drive in some order all hell broke loose, and its got cold boot issues, it really is cheap ***** i wouldn't pay postage costs over the water for it myself personally!

22-08-2007, 12:27
Some of the XP2500 chips were 266Mhz and some were 333mhz. You need to confirm this with the chip you have. However, Im sure I could find something suitable in the pc pile I have.

16-09-2007, 05:03
Mejinks, any update on this? It's looking like we'll be able to rearrange the living room to accommodate Tina's larger desk and I wanted to update her computer at the same time.

Not a big rush on this as I'll have around a week's worth of work just trying to get the desk out of the back of the garage....

16-09-2007, 16:49
I have had a good look around and I have either a 2.0 athlon with motherboard or a 2.6 Athlon with a flaky motherboard. I don't have any reliable RAM though. (Both are DDR)