View Full Version : Oops we did it again... PlusNet!

23-08-2007, 14:37


23-08-2007, 14:41
Inexcusable. How that email system isn't being handled with kid gloves by people who know what they're doing is beyond comprehension.

23-08-2007, 14:47
/me sighs....

Oh well, at least im getting 4mb download speeds now.

23-08-2007, 14:49
I thought this was an old story, but no, it appears it's another fresh blunder.

Leave a donkey with a lemon in its mouth in charge of emails and it'll do a better job than these guys.

23-08-2007, 15:01
If I wasn't a priority customer with them I'd be gone, and if they break broadband again like they did at the beginning of the year, I will be gone. As for the ancillary services, don't use them, don't trust them, would never use them. Even my parents have been taught the ways of not using PN email addresses.

semi-pro waster
23-08-2007, 19:40
I'm glad I don't actually use the email service and just use them as an ISP or rather my parents do on the odd occasions they use the PC. You'd think after the first time that PlusNet would have more checks in place though.

Richard Slater
23-08-2007, 19:47
"These mails will not be recoverable and we recommend customers who have not received email that was sent yesterday to ask the sender to re-send where possible."

Hang on, if people have not received e-mail that was sent yesterday how do they know it has been sent and who sent it? I can understand a small fraction of people who asked someone to send them e-mail or were expecting an e-mail at that time, but the majority of e-mails I receive are "unsolicited" in the not spam sense.

23-08-2007, 20:18
When rolling out new technology like this at work, we have work e-mail addresses and stuff that it gets used on first, checked that it works and we're happy with it then slowly gets rolled out across the platform. At all stages it is ensured that everything is transparent and no matter what happens it can be de-provisioned without loss of data. That's planned in from square one of design let alone implementation.

23-08-2007, 20:44
Seems like Common Sense™ to me. Obviously PlusNet have other ideas.