View Full Version : Heathrow protestors

24-08-2007, 15:14
Just been reading through The Times from Tuesday and read a fascinating piece (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/mick_hume/article2295752.ece) by Mick Hume about the "eco-warriors" currently making nuisances of themselves at Heathrow.

I particularly liked this paragraph:

Once, when I debated these issues with George Monbiot, a leading green writer, he declared that they had to take action for the sake of “the unborn”. I pointed out that this apparently democratic mandate amounted to signing themselves a blank cheque to do as they see fit, since the unborn were hardly in a position to disagree or vote them down from the moral high ground.

It's very rare I read a newspaper article with which I agree so wholeheartedly (actually, it's very rare I read a newspaper but that's beside the point). I agree entirely with Mr Hume's stance on this matter. These people have taken it upon themselves to cause a disturbance and have the cheek to claim they're doing it in the name of the "voiceless", i.e. the developing world and the "unborn", two groups of people from whom they could not (and probably would not) receive a mandate.

What sort of self righteous egotists are these that they think they can protest in the name of groups with whom the vast majority of them have never had any contact.

Abuse, I call it.

24-08-2007, 17:56
Yes.. and no.

Whilst that point is valid, thats down to semantics of wording. Essentially the motives there are true. If the Green types were being smarter about it they'd be saying "we're doing it for the benefit of future generations" which is a subtle, but key, difference. Not doing it on their behalf, but for them instead.

24-08-2007, 18:04
I think they are worse than the so called "terrorists". Bunch o' tree hugging hippies. They are doing absolutely nothing for the good of man kind - they aren't helping the environment, and there is no such thing as global warming. If they want to do something sensible there are other ways of doing protests that don't cause a security risk or inconvenience people. There are ways of doing things, they are just doing it to cause havoc which doesn't help their cause - if anything it's alienating them from anyone even thinking of supporting them.

28-08-2007, 01:01
How very unFrench Will!

28-08-2007, 10:54
Due to this protest, Thames Valley had about 4 coppers on duty as all the rest were down there waving their batons around.

Growls at the tree-huggers.

28-08-2007, 11:45
If they understood what they were protesting about, then I might at least listen. As it is most of them are just serial protesters who can find nothing better to do than moan at everything. I wouldn't even give them the pleasure of calling them tree-huggers.