View Full Version : All we want to do is Eat Your Brains!

27-08-2007, 23:41

Okay.. thats a song to learn ready for the next time I turn up at a meet with Geeetar :)

Sing a long if you want:

Heya Tom, it’s Bob from the office down the hall
Good to see you buddy, how’ve you been?
Thing have been OK for me except that I’m a zombie now
I really wish you’d let us in
I think I speak for all of us when I say I understand
Why you folks might hesitate to submit to our demand
But here’s an FYI: you’re all gonna die screaming

All we want to do is eat your brains
We’re not unreasonable, I mean, no one’s gonna eat your eyes
All we want to do is eat your brains
We’re at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise:
If you open up the doors
We’ll all come inside and eat your brains

I don’t want to nitpick, Tom, but is this really your plan?
To spend your whole life locked inside a mall?
Maybe that’s OK for now but someday you’ll be out of food and guns
And then you’ll have to make the call
I’m not surprised to see you haven’t thought it through enough
You never had the head for all that bigger picture stuff
But Tom, that’s what I do, and I plan on eating you slowly

All we want to do is eat your brains
We’re not unreasonable, I mean, no one’s gonna eat your eyes
All we want to do is eat your brains
We’re at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise:
If you open up the doors
We’ll all come inside and eat your brains

I’d like to help you Tom, in any way I can
I sure appreciate the way you’re working with me
I’m not a monster Tom, well, technically I am
I guess I am

I’ve got another meeting Tom, maybe we could wrap it up
I know we’ll get to common ground somehow
Meanwhile I’ll report back to my colleagues who were chewing on the doors
I guess we’ll table this for now
I’m glad to see you take constructive criticism well
Thank you for your time I know we’re all busy as hell
And we’ll put this thing to bed
When I bash your head open

All we want to do is eat your brains
We’re not unreasonable, I mean, no one’s gonna eat your eyes
All we want to do is eat your brains
We’re at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise:
If you open up the doors
We’ll all come inside and eat your brains

28-08-2007, 01:27
Zombies? :eek:

Just you wait until Pheebs sees this thread. :eek: :p ;D

28-08-2007, 07:09
Zombies? :eek:

Just you wait until Pheebs sees this thread. :eek: :p ;D

hehe.. strangely enough she's whom I had in mind when I posted this :D

Unusually the artist releases these songs under a Creative Commons licence. Full chords & lyrics can be got from his website!

28-08-2007, 09:41
We worked out a good anti-zombie team whilst we were away, I can't remember who else was in it but I know I was needed with my Winchester and Shotgun :)

28-08-2007, 11:41
I'll bring the .303 and the .44!!

Oh, and I can get my brother to send out the .50 blackpowders as well. I don't think he'd let go of the Sharps .45-70, though.

28-08-2007, 16:42
;D ;D ;D Love it ;D ;D ;D

28-08-2007, 16:50
We worked out a good anti-zombie team whilst we were away, I can't remember who else was in it but I know I was needed with my Winchester and Shotgun :)
I was included too. I'm sure you can keep them busy whilst I fuel a plane. :D

28-08-2007, 17:09
What's weird is that I too have written a song about a zombie invasion. It's called 'They Come Alive!' (in the style of the old 50s movie posters) and I have the tune but not all the lyrics yet. Might look into finishing it soon.

28-08-2007, 20:25

Pwease can you play it for me and allow me to sing next time I see you?! PWWWWWEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASE!

Zombie invasion FTW!

Rob (Goose/roduga) is going to pick up you feeky boy and me and picky (cos we have an uber master plan for zombie invasions... well I do... pickys plan is to get drunk and make alcomahol bombs to throw at them) and then find an island to make a new world! :D

I think more mebbe involved... further plans were made whilst alcohol consumption was being induced. Mu hahahaha

31-08-2007, 15:28
Might look into finishing it soon.

Just spent my lunch hour writing the first two verses and chorus. :D

31-08-2007, 22:17
I'll bring the .303 and the .44!!

Oh, and I can get my brother to send out the .50 blackpowders as well. I don't think he'd let go of the Sharps .45-70, though.

Personally, I would have a Winchester '73 for up close and personal and sheer "fun", an L1A1 with a AN-PVS10 (need to find a conversion kit) for the long range jobs, a Bren just because it makes me look cool:) and if there was any space left on my body for a side arm, I would probably plump for a desert eagle.

Now if only I could find room for an L11A1, I would be very very happy.:)