View Full Version : I am a person in need...

28-08-2007, 17:44
...of giant safety pins!!!

I'm looking for 1.5''-2'' safety/nappy/kilt pins and I can't find them anywhere. :undecided: I need to have them in multiples of 4 if possible.

Can anyone help?

Mrs Slater
28-08-2007, 18:02
What about Mothercare (http://www.mothercare.com/gp/product/B000IVVGSG) in packs of 12 or Boots (http://www.boots.com/guidedsearch/newsearch.jsp?searchArea=1&searchTerm=nappy+pins&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&uri=%2Fonlineexperience%2Fflexible_template_2006_p ublish.jsp&classificationId=1043920&contentId=&articleId=&N=0&Ntk=all&Nty=1) in packs of 6.
You may possibly find them also at the supermarket in the baby section or in a baby shop that does washable nappies (There are a number on-line too)

Hope this helps

28-08-2007, 18:04
or as google told me...

lots of stuff (http://www.sewessential.co.uk/Category.asp?CategoryID=497&NumPerPage=5&page=1)

and then there are... nappy pins (http://www.sewessential.co.uk/Category.asp?CategoryID=788&NumPerPage=5&page=1)


28-08-2007, 18:16
I have seen those ones but I've just got it in my head that you can get bigger sturdier ones - they are to hold the corners of carpet samples up as hammock/shelves for my boys so potentially you could have upward of 3lb of rat bouncing on them.

Maybe the image I have in my head of what I am after are kilt pins

28-08-2007, 18:19
Kilt pins - try dressmaking shops?

28-08-2007, 18:31
I use this shop a fair bit for stuff, they are pretty quick on delivery and postage is only £1 for orders under £10.


28-08-2007, 20:21
I don't think I can help you out (I only own those widgey wee ones)... but may I ask...

What on earth do you need them for?! Is it for holding up your trousers from where you've slimmed away to nowt!?! :)

*wubbles* I will look anyway just in case!