View Full Version : It can't just be me?

30-08-2007, 20:54
Is it just me or are there a lot of products being advertised for constipation relief?

Oooh this advert looks nice and friendly I'm thinking right in the middle of my dinner... girl jumping around, happy music, doesn't look like a tampon advert...

"I don't want to worry about CONSTIPATION at my job interview, I don't have to because I use FIBOGEL!!!"


Senokot, Laxocrystal drink etc...

I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT!!! Can't these people eat fruit or something so I don't have to be bothered by their bowel gripe? :D

30-08-2007, 22:11
"I don't want to worry about CONSTIPATION at my job interview, I don't have to because I use FIBOGEL!!!"Out of interest, how can constipation EVER be something to worry about when you're actually at the interview?

30-08-2007, 22:13
Hmm, I'd've thought that crapping yourself at a job interview was more to be guarded against tbh.

But then again, maybe all these constipation cures are for the TV itself???
With all the crap that's on there these days ....


30-08-2007, 22:27
Its the DULCOease one i hate, "when i went to the toilet....bowel stuff....it was hard" FFS! I don't want a description of your poop, also just say poop. Stupid woman.

30-08-2007, 22:58
Whats the advert with Vagi something? Vagisil? Whenever the advert is on you hear murmer murmer VAGI... murmer murmer.

Always reminds me of something else

30-08-2007, 23:16
Reminds me of the 'If adverts told the truth' competition on b3ta.com.

"Vagisil. Because your vag is ill."

31-08-2007, 06:17
Reminds me of the 'If adverts told the truth' competition on b3ta.com.

"Vagisil. Because your vag is ill."
lol :D

I've pointed out the number of "Stool Softener" adverts there are at the moment to Leon. Why are they all done by women??? :undecided: And WHY are they so coy about it. It would be better if they just said "Dulcocalm, makes you sh1t", rather than banging on about soft stools. I think the best one is where she goes "Senokot (or whatever it is). Pass it on ;)". Makes me LOL

31-08-2007, 08:14
Whats the advert with Vagi something? Vagisil? Whenever the advert is on you hear murmer murmer VAGI... murmer murmer.

Always reminds me of something else


Sounds like a cream to seal flanges :eek:

31-08-2007, 08:35
I hate the pregnancy test adverts - they always have a part in it with stream line water gushing in from the side and sploshing against that little stick.

Makes me go "ewwwwww" and screw up my nose!

31-08-2007, 08:41
I think adverts are very realistic myself. I was just talking about this to a friend the other day as I rollerskated along in my tight white trousers while on a right gusher.

31-08-2007, 08:48
Thanks for the mental image Dawn :p

This thread reminds me of a story Billy Connolly used to tell many years ago about an advert for Preparation H (pile cream) he saw in the States.

The ad opens with a chap at the disco holding his forehead and looking uncomfortable. His wife pipes up "What's the matter George? Hemorrhoids bothering you again?"
It switches to the product shot and the sales pitch and then returns to the disco with George giving it some John Travolta on the dance floor ;D

31-08-2007, 08:55
I know that sketch ;D ;D

And as an aside - I'm going to see Billy Connolly in October :D :D :D

31-08-2007, 09:06
Lucky soandso.

I've seen him twice, he's even funnier when you see him live. My face was aching from laughing after both shows.

31-08-2007, 09:08
This will be the first time live :D

31-08-2007, 09:43
Ah yes, piles cream. There used to be loads of them too :D

Oooo me nobby stiles a' really playing up todeh. Flippin bum grapes.

Von Smallhausen
31-08-2007, 12:54
I think adverts are very realistic myself. I was just talking about this to a friend the other day as I rollerskated along in my tight white trousers while on a right gusher.


01-09-2007, 09:25
"Gentle, predictable relief when you wake."


*eyes open wide, bowels gurgle* Dear mother of God! Wait! *scrambles for the toilet*

01-09-2007, 12:21
The increase in these useless health ads reminds me of the US, which isn't good....I remember when I was over there once, we were driving back late at night and there was some sort of love/romance show on.

The presenter, who had a really soft, caring voice, had just solved someone's life and suddenly came the adverts: "have YOU got PILES??"


01-09-2007, 17:45
US medical adverts are insane. The length and number of disclaimers at the end of them seems to increase every time I go out there. :D

02-09-2007, 00:10
I hate the pregnancy test adverts - they always have a part in it with stream line water gushing in from the side and sploshing against that little stick.

Makes me go "ewwwwww" and screw up my nose!

Lol. My favourite is the one that says 'the most sophisticated technology you will ever pee on' - what other technology are you likely to pee on?!!

02-09-2007, 00:15
I was contemplating this exact thing Aitch, i have come to the conclusion that they are claiming to be more advanced than those Japanese toilets what spray water up your bum.

02-09-2007, 00:25
I wondered why they need a fancy LCD readout, surely these things are once only use, what's wrong with weeing on a stick and seeing what colour the line changes to?

02-09-2007, 08:42
Feek, I keep thinking your sig says "Constant Viagra". Just so you know :p

02-09-2007, 15:33
I wondered why they need a fancy LCD readout, surely these things are once only use, what's wrong with weeing on a stick and seeing what colour the line changes to?

Exactly. A solution in search of a problem methinks. A bit like the Fisher Space Pen in that respect.

02-09-2007, 16:41
A bit like the Fisher Space Pen in that respect.

Nope - the Fisher Space Pen actually was developed to solve a problem - and, as the name might suggest, that problem was writing in space. The Russians used pencils (the obvious answer), but the Americans wanted pens and normal pens don't work in space as they need gravity to draw the ink to the nib. The Space Pen is pressurised so it works pretty much anywhere.


02-09-2007, 17:29
You pedant :D

02-09-2007, 20:45
Nope - the Fisher Space Pen actually was developed to solve a problem - and, as the name might suggest, that problem was writing in space. The Russians used pencils (the obvious answer), but the Americans wanted pens and normal pens don't work in space as they need gravity to draw the ink to the nib. The Space Pen is pressurised so it works pretty much anywhere.

Pedant! :p

It's not as if theres a need to write indelibly up there though is it? Notes, etc can be written in pencil just as well I'd have thought. The need for something to write with that works in space was adequately solved by the Russian approach IMO, hence my point about a solution to a non-existent 'problem.'

Although possibly this expensive piece of technology could be just a peeing contest? ;D

03-09-2007, 08:50
I want a space pen now.

03-09-2007, 08:53
I have mine in my pocket right now! I regularly use it to write underwater, just because I can. Shame the paper never holds up. :(

03-09-2007, 09:42
As far as I remember, Russians *didn't* use pencils, graphite dust from a pencil - gravity + delicate russian electronics = a bad idea.

03-09-2007, 10:57
You have a point there, I forgot about that. Graphite dust = very bad for electrical circuits.

Not sure what they did use then.

03-09-2007, 11:09
It would appear they did use pencils, as did the Americans.

Well, prior to Paul Fisher inventing the space pen, which both the Americans and Russians used.


03-09-2007, 11:28
Bah Snoped. I must have just misinterpreted some information somewhere. This also makes Treefrog correct - since the Space Pen was invented before NASA realised they needed it.

03-09-2007, 22:12
No, I wasn't serious! However, I believe waterproof paper has since been invented; I recall an 'and finally' piece on the news many years ago.

03-09-2007, 22:19
Still want one, looking around I think I like the Astronaut one best rather than the plain bullet, it's got a button to press and everything!

03-09-2007, 22:23
I've got the bullet, but I want an astronaut one now. Surprised I didn't see any at KSC while I was there, but then I wasn't looking.

Dunno if they do outside-US shipping, so Kitten & Leo, how much longer are you in the US? :)

Del Lardo
03-09-2007, 22:50
US medical adverts are insane. The length and number of disclaimers at the end of them seems to increase every time I go out there. :D

They amused the hell outta me when I was out there. a 20 seconds ad, first 5 seconds is "buy our product it's great" followed by 13 seconds of "side effects may include, baldness, your penis falling off, headaches, saggy right breast, skin rash, liver failure, swolen left testicle, blurred vision and sleeping" with a final 2 second splash screen "Sleepeynol, Helps you sleep"

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

04-09-2007, 00:32
Bah Snoped. I must have just misinterpreted some information somewhere. This also makes Treefrog correct - since the Space Pen was invented before NASA realised they needed it.
Just one of the pieces of totally useless information I've picked up over the years :)

04-09-2007, 15:42
I know it's a bit off topic, but it's on topic as well as it seems to have developed slightly.... (and closeups with camera phones suck).

http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/1182/dsc00022lb2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)


04-09-2007, 16:17
I saw an advert last night on a bus for Innocent prune juice. For inner cleansing it boasted.

Crikey, a pint of prune juice made from fruit pulp would turn you inside out :shocked:

04-09-2007, 16:36
Lol. My favourite is the one that says 'the most sophisticated technology you will ever pee on' - what other technology are you likely to pee on?!!

Hahahahaha! Well I'd happily pee on my computer sometimes. Especially when attempting to use Dreamweaver. Silly poota!

They amused the hell outta me when I was out there. a 20 seconds ad, first 5 seconds is "buy our product it's great" followed by 13 seconds of "side effects may include, baldness, your penis falling off, headaches, saggy right breast, skin rash, liver failure, swolen left testicle, blurred vision and sleeping" with a final 2 second splash screen "Sleepeynol, Helps you sleep"

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have just Lolled at that and out popped a snort! ;D

04-09-2007, 17:10
Crikey, a pint of prune juice made from fruit pulp would turn you inside out :shocked:
I just had a vision of Lieutenant Worf with the ****s. This scared me. Bad imagination. :shocked: