View Full Version : Removing codecs in Vista?

03-09-2007, 21:28
I need to strip out all codecs that weren't supplied with the OS to help with getting TVersity (http://www.tversity.com) working. Uninstall routines with codec packs are notoriously bad in that when I've removed them, the system still plays files with the format that they're for.

So, if I look at the tech info for WMP I get the following.


It looks to me as though the files with the version number 6.0.6xxxx, 11.0.6xxxx and 11.0.5840xxxx are MS supplied ones so is it as simple as just deleting the listed DLLs for all the other versions?

Should I need to de-register those DLLs manually once deleted? If so, how?

Thanks :)

03-09-2007, 21:38
How do I get the tech info? I have an absolutely vanilla Vista install so I can dump the information for you.

03-09-2007, 21:44
Oooo, that'd be perfect.

Open Media Player



Technical Support Information

It'll open up a file in your browser, that file is:


03-09-2007, 22:01
Fwiw I never touched the vanilla codecs, just installed ffdshow and it all worked (Vista + TVersity here).

03-09-2007, 22:02
That's what I want Daz, I need to blat all the stuff I've added but don't need and just install ffdshow.

What version do you have?

Can you do me a dump like the above as well please? :)

03-09-2007, 22:05
Will do tomorrow, rigs not quite in one piece at the moment while we're moving/packing stuff :)

03-09-2007, 22:17
I couldn't use the VM I wanted to (need to fettle with activation on that so I don't end up activating more times than I need), so I used the live install on my desktop at work, which *should* be relatively clean...


03-09-2007, 22:26
Looks good Mark, that along with Daz's will suit me perfectly, thanks :)

03-09-2007, 23:02
In fact, Mark's list was good and sorted me out.

Removed the un-needed stuff, installed ffsshow from here (http://www.free-codecs.com/download/FFDShow.htm) and it seems to be working.

The only issue I'm having is that the screen aspect ratio isn't right, but that may be just the one file I'm using, I'll see what it's like with other stuff and I just had the tversity service stop during playback, but Mrs. Feek was watching the telly and I interrupted her to test it so I'll play more later.

04-09-2007, 11:15
Hmm, not had any crashes/stops since the early builds. There were some Vista quirks that needed you to actually log-on to the system before it would work properly, but they were sorted around the time of the new dash. There are still occasional problems if you're transcoding 2 or more different streams bound for2 different sources (say the web browser and the 360 at the same time) but that's about all I can think of :/

04-09-2007, 21:31
That sounds like the sort of thing I'm getting.

Boot PC, start xbox, it doesn't find the computer. Stop and restart the service, still doesn't find it.

Delete the connection from the xbox, still doesn't see the computer. Stop and restart the service and *bingo* there it is.

05-09-2007, 09:37
I get that sometimes - best way to sort it I've found is to get to select search for another connection on the xbox, wait until it says no computer found, leave it at that screen and then restart the service, it'll find it no problem.

That doesn't happen if you're hosting on XP, apparently it's something to do with UAC that they cant work around yet, and it does go away if you disable it.

05-09-2007, 10:01
I've got UAC disabled and the way you've described is _exactly_ how I worked out to fix it!

I was wondering this morning whether having a static IP on the PC will make any difference, but I was driving to work as I thought of it so there wasn't much I could do to try it.

05-09-2007, 10:04
Na, doesn't really matter, it's all UPNP broadcast traffic. Only way to get around it really is to leave the rig on all the time. In XP I could work around it - so long as I turned the PC on first the 360 would always see it - but that hasn't worked in Vista.

Being honest, if they do add Xvid support in the next dash I'd probably leave TVersity for a while and see how I got on with WMP.

05-09-2007, 11:07
I set up TVersity the other day after seeing this thread and got it all up and running fine :)

Seems to do a pretty good job overall. Only thing I can't do is skip forward/backwards in a Divx.

05-09-2007, 11:15
It wont let you do that until it's completed converting it. Or at least it shouldnt, cant say I've ever really tried it.

05-09-2007, 11:20
But if it's converting on the fly, that means you can never really skip? Unless it saves a new file somewhere I'm unaware of.

05-09-2007, 11:25
It does set up some cache space, I think if your processor is fast enough it's effectively caching faster than it can stream.

05-09-2007, 11:55
I think I might increase the cache size quite a bit whilst I'm fiddling, see if it makes any difference.

05-09-2007, 12:07
It converts the files and then only deletes them if it needs the space. If it's pulling a video from cache you can skip around (the folder is somewhere under the TVersity directory, it's fairly obvious (cache, temp or something like that). Default size is quite large, about 8GB

05-09-2007, 13:00
Ah right, coolio :)

05-09-2007, 21:25
Started watching something tonight which was in xvid format and thought I'd see how hard it was thrapping the CPU. Checked and it was sitting at around 1%. Whether it had finished transcoding the whole episode or whether it was barely using anything, I don't know.

I'd like to find something High Def to play through it to see what it's like. Any suggestions/sources?