View Full Version : Posh dining

06-09-2007, 10:31
I used to dine in a lot of fancy restaurants in my previous employment. On some occaisions rather exclusive ones at times. It's something I really enjoy - it's not for everyone, some people find it pretentious, some say it's over priced for what it is, but for me it's the whole experience not just the food (and I like dressing smartly) - I personally love it. In spite of what a lot of doubters say, in general, and the majority of times the food is beyond comparisson - it's usually fantastic. I'm a bit of a snob at times when it comes to food and like to treat myself.

On saturday 6th of October Piali and I (it's ok she knows!) are going to Chez Bruce (www.chezbruce.co.uk). I can't wait - it's been months since I've been to have some posh nosh. Just have a look a the wine list!!

Do any of you have any posh nosh recommendations? Do you like going to such places?

06-09-2007, 10:40
Not my cup of tea I'm afraid. I tend to feel out of place and it would make me feel uncomfortable. I also don't appreciate food or drink enough to justify the prices.

Oh, I fixed your broken link too :p

06-09-2007, 10:58
Oops! Thanks Jamie! :)

It's completely valid, there'd be no point in you going there if you didn't want to or were able to appreciate that type of thing. :) I never used to like it when I was younger, but as I've become older it's something I've learnt to appreciate.... I wouldn't want to eat like this all the time, but certainly feel like I'm spoilt when I do do it!

06-09-2007, 10:58
I've been to a few good places in my time

Le Manior (got engaged there)
The Waterside
The Dorchester
Yang Sing (Britian's highest rated Chinese)
Chewton Glen

And a number of others that are more obscure.

I do like to eat in nice places, drink good wine and generally posh it up, the only thing I don't enjoy is the dressing up to do it :(


06-09-2007, 11:02
Christ, that's a cellar and a half!

The only thing that really puts me off about places like this is having people standing around waiting to clear the table, top up the wine etc. That feeling of being constantly watched (and listened to) doesn't sit well with me if I'm eating.

06-09-2007, 11:02
I don't see the point in paying fifty quid for a portion so small and decorated that it doesn't look like food and certainly doesn't satisfy an appetite.

Call me a philistine if you like! :)

06-09-2007, 11:02
Oooh Le Manoir - that's somewhere I do want to go.

I can't see you in a suit MB ;D I bet you look dashing though ;)

06-09-2007, 11:08
Christ, that's a cellar and a half!

The only thing that really puts me off about places like this is having people standing around waiting to clear the table, top up the wine etc. That feeling of being constantly watched (and listened to) doesn't sit well with me if I'm eating.

It is isn't it?! Yummy! :D

You see if the place is good, the garçons should be attentive but not intrusive. Getting that balance right takes a lot of skill and practice - some places have it some don't. It shouldn't feel like you're being watched though...

I don't see the point in paying fifty quid for a portion so small and decorated that it doesn't look like food and certainly doesn't satisfy an appetite.

You see it's not like that at all. Often you get 6 courses and a cheese board, so the portions are often smaller, but in general quite a challenge to finish - and boy I can put food away! There are a lot of "nouvelle cuisine" restaurants which aren't that great but like to sell themselves at a higher rate than they deserve. Proper gastronomy should enable you to be satisfied after 3 courses.

06-09-2007, 11:54
I've never really eaten anywhere particulary posh or expensive - that place we went to for your birthday was probably the most expensive restaurant I've eaten in, Will. Having said that the food was absolutely scrumptious and I don't begrudge a penny of it but being Scottish, I can't help thinking to myself "I can have a plate o' mince and tatties for a pound if I make it myself".

One of these days, I will push the boat out and eat somewhere really posh and exclusive.

Edit: Having looked at the menu on that website, it's not particularly expensive. Funny how one always equates posh with expensive - just goes to show, it's not always the case.

06-09-2007, 12:01
The key point is - did you enjoy the food? Yes! Therefore surely it was worth it?! Yeah that place was amazing wasn't it? The company made it for me. :)

Yes you can have some mince and tatties for next to nothing, but it's not as adventureous or some might argue as interesting - though no doubt it is satisfying. :)

06-09-2007, 12:02
The only thing that really puts me off about places like this is having people standing around waiting to clear the table, top up the wine etc. That feeling of being constantly watched (and listened to) doesn't sit well with me if I'm eating.
This is how I feel too. It's probably not a problem with the staff at all, just me feeling conscious that they are there.

06-09-2007, 12:05
You just don't want them to smell your toxicicity! :p

06-09-2007, 12:05
I've never gone away from the Manoir or any of those places feeling hungry, on many occasions I've felt royally stuffed. The Menu Gormand at Le Manoir is usually between 8 and 10 courses with a taster and pettit fours afterwards, the meal however will be streched over 2-3 hours and never feels rushed or too slow, its a great experience and one of the few times I will eat litterally anything with is served, even if its something I wouldn't normally try. :)


06-09-2007, 12:10
The key point is - did you enjoy the food? Yes! Therefore surely it was worth it?! Yeah that place was amazing wasn't it? The company made it for me. :)

Yes you can have some mince and tatties for next to nothing, but it's not as adventureous or some might argue as interesting - though no doubt it is satisfying. :)

Going out for a meal is more than just the food or the price, it's a combination of many things. You have to take into account the surroundings, the wine, the ambiance, the company, the food, the service and more besides.
As you say, if you've had an enjoyable night out, then it's more than worth what you pay.
The combination of all of the above on the night in question was more than worth the paltry sum it cost - what's the point of money but to use it to enjoy oneself? :)

06-09-2007, 12:11
You just don't want them to smell your toxicicity! :p
Well, it would be rude to ;D

Actually, you kind of hit upon another point. Whilst I'd not be farting around the table wherever I am, these places would stop me being me. I can be loud, daft and stupid sometimes and in a nice place you have to keep a lid on your behaviour. Whilst I "can" do it, I don't necessarily enjoy it.

06-09-2007, 12:18
I don't mind going to a few posh places now and again - always nice to dress up. :) In fact I have one next month...but it is more of an occasion then choosing a restaurant on a whim and going there to pay more for something you don't even know is going to taste nice or not.

I can't relax and enjoy my food in that environment... aswell as put up with people making sure I hold my knife and fork correctly and sip my soup in the correct manner.

I don't really like fancy food either which you only get a bite out of...

Saying all this I am not missing out on broadening my horizons as I go out on a lot of client lunches so can sample these kinda places on expenses if I wish ;) however, probably the best example of this so far is the Vietnamese myself and Pebs went to in San Francisco - twas tres yummy and nothing like anything I have eaten before! :D

BB x

06-09-2007, 12:35
I like eating out at posh places.

Last time was at The Bank in London. Calves Liver with Cauliflower mash and sausage and onion gravy. :D My idea of posh food. :D

However, the dressing up bit I tend to be rather poor at. Very nice dark grey suit with red and white converse all stars. :D


06-09-2007, 12:45
I don't mind going to a few posh places now and again - always nice to dress up. :) In fact I have one next month...but it is more of an occasion then choosing a restaurant on a whim and going there to pay more for something you don't even know is going to taste nice or not.

I can't relax and enjoy my food in that environment... aswell as put up with people making sure I hold my knife and fork correctly and sip my soup in the correct manner.

I'm rather similar. Its nice to do occasionally, but even though I was brought up properly with how to use knife and fork, and such like I still feel too self-conscious.

I much prefer to find a very nice Chinese or Taiwanese place and go there, 'cause at least I can use chopsticks, and if you make mistakes using them its rarely as embarrassing because you can usually guarantee you're not the only one!

06-09-2007, 12:56
I much prefer to find a very nice Chinese or Taiwanese place and go there, 'cause at least I can use chopsticks, and if you make mistakes using them its rarely as embarrassing because you can usually guarantee you're not the only one!

Same :)

Whilst I enjoy good food and love trying new things, "posh" places always scare me :embarassed: maybe its the feeling like you're being watched, maybe its because I have no idea what half the fancy words on the menu are, maybe its because I'm not use to dressing up nicely and therefore feel self-conscious. I don't like looking like a dumb, "uncultured" idiot which is the only way I can describe how I end up feeling :embarassed:

There is also the fact that I can't afford to go to "posh" places and always feel guilty if someone else is footing the bill :embarassed:

06-09-2007, 13:05
I don't think I could go somewhere that demands the correct table etiquette (I know I don't use knife and fork correctly and being 'told off' or shunned for this wouldn't sit right).

However, for the fine dining thing in general - while it's not generally my 'thing' and I wouldn't do on a whim, if an occasion happened by expressing a preference that I should partake, I wouldn't rule it out of order. I've eaten and enjoyed food cooked by a chef who worked at the Dorchester and it certainly wasn't food I would normally eat.

I also can't understand half the menu. Too many posh words for things that just turn out to be stuff you'd eat anyway but call it something completely different. :embarassed:

PS - Chinese food definitely gets my vote - though using chopsticks definitely doesn't - I'm the token guy who asks for a fork. :embarassed:

06-09-2007, 13:14
I think people get the wrong idea about expensive places.

If you can afford to eat at good reasonably expensive restaraunts you will in the main be allowed to behave in any manner which is excepted in modern society. Although I usually wear a shirt if I'm going some where nice, I've eaten at Chewton Glen in jeans and a T-Shirt and not had any comments, if you're paying the price the place demands then in a lot of cases they will be very accepting. As for using you knife and fork in a non conventional way, the chances of anyone commenting are as high as they are in McDonalds. remember the rich are the most excentric of anyone :D

The only people who might look down their noses at you are the other customers and my philosiphy is that as long as your not disturbing them then its none of their business.


06-09-2007, 13:52
Agreed MB - well put.

I don't care if I get it wrong, and some dishes, as far as I'm concerned can't be eaten smartly. Nice food is one thing, silver service is another. I don't understand the self conscious thing with regard to eating in a restaurant - but if you don't feel comfortable and don't enjoy the atmosphere then you're not really going to enjoy the food or the experience. It's not for everyone. I guess it's the snob in me, or the way I was brought up that makes me enjoy this type of thing? I'd love to do it more - I'm just not flush enough yet! ;)

06-09-2007, 13:54
The restaraunt we ate at in Boulogne was quite posh, hint, hint


06-09-2007, 14:00
Aye, that it was. That counted as one of those occasions. I think Will is right though that it's the distinction between good food and silver service. Though I've had the latter (sort of) - on Concorde no less. I guess that counts as one of the highest accolades in snobbery. :)

06-09-2007, 14:05
I don't understand the self conscious thing with regard to eating in a restaurant

Maybe because, for me at least, you can count the number of times I've been somewhere "posh" on one hand - its a setting which is just alien to me :embarassed:

06-09-2007, 14:16
I just noticed that the title of this thread is an oxymoron.

Haha! I *AM* Rory McGrath!

06-09-2007, 16:31
I like posh nosh but I'm just as happy to go somewhere cheap and cheerful. I can see why people think it can be over-priced but there are so many factors involved I think that it can be worth it. Went to a tiny place in the Bay for Dads birthday which was a rather posh italians and it was lovely. Beautiful presentation, really fresh food and lovely atmosphere which made it all worth the cash.

As part of my prize from the Gym I actually won a meal for 2 at the Fishmans Lodge (http://www.fishermanslodge.co.uk/) in the Dene which I gave to my parents. It's not that I wouldn't have enjoyed it mind, just I knew they'd appreciate it so much more. Afterwards they both raved about it for days. Said the resturant itself was very intimate and quiet, food was delicious and Mum was definately won over by the dessert platter ;D

06-09-2007, 16:44

I inevitably make a complete moose out of myself, but I really don't give a monkeys! I like dressing up too but then I really like to be comfy sometimes so canny be bothered!

Blow the other posh people in the restaurant! If I'm paying the prices I will enjoy my meal and be me and not feel awkward!

I love a good variety of food - big or small! I don't really mind! As long as it's edible!

Mmmmmmmmmm fooooooooood
nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom!

;D ;D

That reminds me... I'm starving marvin...

/me goes off to find fud.

06-09-2007, 16:59
Blow the other posh people in the restaurant! If I'm paying the prices I will enjoy my meal and be me and not feel awkward!

If you blow the other posh people int he resturant - chances are you'll eaiter get thrown out or at least one of them will pay for the food... :p

*heads for the naughty corner again*

06-09-2007, 17:29
I'll eat anything anywhere :) I'll never go for posh nosh out of my own choice, it's just not often my idea of a nice relaxed evening out which is generally all I want. I love discovering little local pubs and restaurants who do lovely fresh homecooked food, fun relaxed atmosphere (even better now the smoking ban is in) and along few chums.

That said I didnt feel the place we went to in France was posh, it was just a 'proper' restaurant with decent service, a rare thing in the UK without getting a big fat bill at the end of it all. It's a shame that service seems to have such a high price over here, in the States for example there seems to be a lot of pride taken in good service (I know they rely on tips but they earn them on the whole)

I've found a new favourite. A pub in Little Waltham which is run by an old boy who used to run a really big country pub and downsized for his retirement. The food is fabulous, all fresh cooked to order and totally delicious. I went there quite late one evening and we ordered food, ate it and asked if it was too late for dessert (it was about 10pm) He said the kitchen people had all gone but he'd see what he could rustle up. He came back with gorgeous bread and butter puddings with home made custard that he'd made himself...nothing is too much trouble. (this is the place we did a bunk from without paying :/ ) It's a tiny place in the middle of nowhere and it's always packed to the gunnels. I'd faaaar rather have a night in there than in a fancy place. Heh, they had a power cut there once, the whole place was pitch black! We got ready to leave but within seconds there were candles everywhere and he just ran tabs behind the bar to be paid at the end of the night. And they never call last orders there either....fabness!

BUT, I love going to good restaurants too. The vietnemese in SF was aMAYzing, I've never had food like it! We were very underdressed but noone gave us a second look, at the end of the day our money is the same as the person wearing a suit. Just not overly keen on the proper posh nosh places where you have 12 courses, most of which you're not sure whether you're supposed to eat or decorate the table with it.

To me there is a difference between going out to eat, and going out for dinner.

06-09-2007, 17:34
Good point well made there Pebs. :)

Maybe I've just been lucky to have been brought up in France and maybe a little spoilt with my impression of a good meal, service and quality of food? What Pebs said though I can completely relate to and understand and appreciate.

06-09-2007, 17:45
I also agree with Pebs. We used to have a little pub around here like that (sadly it was 'under new management' last time I went in). And yes, I agree with the comments about American and French service too.

06-09-2007, 17:52
Hmmm, well I'd like to think I know good food, service etc if it poked me in the eye :D, just given the choice between two place with excellent food, I'd choose the casual relaxed place rather than the suited and booted place every time. A plummy waiter, dress code and second mortgage to pay the bill doesnt consitute a good evening imo. I'm not saying thats its a bad night either and if it's what you're into then fill yer boots, it's just I am equally satisfied in other settings that I don't consider inferior to posh nosh! So ner!

Plus they dont do bacardi breezers and chicken nuggets. Heathens.

06-09-2007, 18:49
You make of it what you want to get out of it. :) I wouldn't want to dress smartly all the time for dinner, but it's nice to make the effort from time to time.

06-09-2007, 20:37
Well I have eaten at a large number of expensive restaurants. A nice little place was called "gravy" in Chiswick and "London Brasserie" in Reading. It is overrated though for one person dining alone :/ Heading out for a meal with friends with _good_ wine is much much more rewarding. I tend to head out with a friend every few weeks and have a meal out.

06-09-2007, 22:20
I've never eaten at a fancy restuarant so I don't know.

06-09-2007, 22:21
Spend some time in France - it's part and parcel of life there ;) :D

07-09-2007, 02:14
I've never eaten at a fancy restuarant so I don't know.

*hint* *Hint*

I absolutely LOVE nice dining, shame i can't really afford to eat out full stop at present, but i really do love nicely cooked food. Most of all i want to eat at The Fat Duck :)

09-09-2007, 09:12
I've never eaten at a fancy restuarant so I don't know.

Awww piggy! *ahem*hint des hint*ahem* *giggles*

I haven't been out for posh nosh in yonks actually. I think that needs to be changed!

*ahem* hint picky hint *ahem*

Mebbe next time we see it could be arranged?! ;D

Aww my dream meal... and this will sound so corny but I really don't care... is to have a posh nosh slap up meal (probably sushi sort of food) and in the middle of it... have a barber shop quartet come in and sing for me!!

I'd love it! LOADS!

I wouldn't stop laughing at all! Hehehehehe!

09-09-2007, 09:43
"No-one likes a buttmunch!"

Love that episode of Friends. :D

09-09-2007, 20:48
Aww my dream meal... and this will sound so corny but I really don't care... is to have a posh nosh slap up meal (probably sushi sort of food) and in the middle of it... have a barber shop quartet come in and sing for me!!

Haaaa! This is exactly what happened to us the night before I got married! Posh nosh in the place where we were all staying and having the reception (the Meeting of the Families, we wanted to do it before the actual day...erk!) and my uncles quartet came in! We had already taken over most of the restaurant as there were loads of us and everyone else kind of joined in the party and we had a really great night!

12-09-2007, 18:15
I'm sick of posh dining but then I do it so often it isn't surprising.

There is an easy solution if you're feeling uncomfortable having the waiting staff watch you all the time, call them over and tell them that you're quite capable of eating without supervision. It does the trick for me.

12-09-2007, 19:10
You always take me out to nice places! :D

I have to say that even when I was doing it week in week out, I enjoyed it. I used to balance it with more simple restaurants obviously...

12-09-2007, 21:42
I love posh eating out, H and I dont do it very often any more...

I also like to put on a posh do at home.. spend a couple of days preparing the menu. Make sure every one is dressed up to the nines as well
Good guests, good wine and good food makes a good evening.

12-09-2007, 22:25
*gets worried*

I expect nothing less than LACE from the chicks :D

13-09-2007, 00:23
You always take me out to nice places! :D

That's only because it's you darling :x