View Full Version : Welcome to the Boat, come and introduce yourself :)
hi Andy!
Please please can we go for a cruise in your awesome Mustang?! :D
09-04-2009, 09:45
GSXRMovistar you are Most Welcome. :cool:
People really shouldn't ask where else I post. :p
Welcome to the Boat Andy :)
That first Kent meet was in March 2005 :shocked:
09-04-2009, 10:10
hi Andy!
Please please can we go for a cruise in your awesome Mustang?! :D
Said it before, that's fine by me. Seriously just need to hook up somewhere/sometime, gives me an excuse to use it other than popping to the shops and back.
09-04-2009, 10:15
Welcome ! :D
Post piccies of your dog !
Said it before, that's fine by me. Seriously just need to hook up somewhere/sometime, gives me an excuse to use it other than popping to the shops and back.
this weekend?! :D
That first Kent meet was in March 2005 :shocked:
Aye, that's just a little bit scary. How time flies! :shocked:
Welcome to the Boat. :)
09-04-2009, 11:15
The Kentish Massive appear to be representing, don't you know :)
don't you know :)
Don't you know, For F**** sake? :D
(hopefully someone will know the reference)
Welcome all :)
09-04-2009, 13:29
Hello all :evil:
09-04-2009, 14:04
ello :)
New gangstas in da house.
Just thought that I'd say hi to y'all, as I just registered. I notice lots of familiar names from over on the OcUK forums, so many of you will already know me. For those of you who don't, my name's Ben, I'm from Chester and study Chemistry at Bristol uni. My hobbies include pedantry and computer hardware. :thumbsup:
09-04-2009, 16:27
Hi Ben, welcome to The Boat That Rocks :D
Where are all the newbs coming from? Has Nokkon been whoring himself again? :p
It's Justsomebloke's fault really :p
Oh I see, all the GD riff raff will be descending upon us soon then! :p
Only if people weren't traumatised by what he posted first :D
malc30 mentioned the name of this forum in a thread about his new motor on OcUk (in fairness, I did ask for it)
what's his username on here?
malc30 mentioned the name of this forum in a thread about his new motor on OcUk (in fairness, I did ask for it)
what's his username on here?
It's Justsomebloke's fault really :p
Oh I see, all the GD riff raff will be descending upon us soon then! :p
Hmmm will they raise or lower the quality of GD on here then? (
09-04-2009, 18:33
Where are all the newbs coming from? Has Nokkon been whoring himself again? :p
Probably but that's got nothing to do with the forum :)
09-04-2009, 20:33
Yep, blame malc and his gypsy wagon for us lot being here.
It's like turning the clocks back 4 years :D.
09-04-2009, 20:59
this weekend?! :D
I'm off work until next Thursday so I'm sure we can sort something, if you fancy seeing any more at the same time I know on the Bank Holiday Monday the Ace Cafe in London is having a Mustang event, about 40-50 cars starting off there driving down to Southend; I'm smack bang in the middle so tempted to hook up with that mid-point.
Alternatively the Essex (init!) owners club is meeting up next Friday (17th) evening at the Halfway House on the A127 again. I wasn't planning on going to this but it's only a 10min drive for me so happy to pop over if you wanted a nose/ride.
09-04-2009, 21:04
Yep, blame malc and his gypsy wagon for us lot being here.
It's like turning the clocks back 4 years :D.
Welcome to BD one & All.
09-04-2009, 21:12
Gah! Turn my back for 10 minutes and more of them show up :shocked:
Welcome all :)
09-04-2009, 21:14
It's an invasion I tell ye!!!
Welcome to all :D
Somebody needs to add names to this.
Rusty Shackleford
19-04-2009, 18:42
Erm, hey :) Been lurking on and off for a while. Now I've only internet at work not really able to browse those couple other rather NSFW forums so thought I'd finally register here.
19-04-2009, 20:26
Welcome aboard! NSFW eh? Boobies!
13-06-2009, 11:58
Oooh, it's been a while since anyone posted up here, so I'll say hello to anyone I missed earlier. And hopefully a hello to Dunketh if/when he gets accepted.
13-06-2009, 15:11
Hi Nokkon & Welcome to BD.
NUB !!! :D
Hey Nokkon, thanks for the welcome :)
I do know a few of you, Haly, Nokkon etc. and look forward to being part of the forums :)
13-06-2009, 19:36
Welcome :)
You look scary in your avatar. I bet you're a pussy cat though.
And welcome to the asylum.
Admiral Huddy
17-06-2009, 08:32
Welcome Dunketh my biscuit in my tea :)
I'm only here for the beer (lurker extraordinaire and not new at all)
I'm only here for the beer (lurker extraordinaire and not new at all)
I'm a bit of a lurker on here, guess I feel I don't really fit in :p
21-06-2009, 12:44
I'm a bit of a lurker on here, guess I feel I don't really fit in :p
We've ALL felt like that at times even the founders of the forum but in past threads/posts it has been admitted by all that You get back what you put in. ;)
I think it's more to do with the console gaming section lacking activity and variety.
21-06-2009, 13:00
You're quite welcome to add some variety. :)
21-06-2009, 13:59
I'm pretty sure there are threads for everyone on here :) no excuses for anyone ;)
Generally, forum activity is gained by actually posting not moaning about how no one else posts and lurking ;)
The console side of the forums has been very active in the past, due to people interacting more and new threads being created etc. Just been a bit of a lull of late.
21-06-2009, 14:17
Exactly Jen :) and Kreee it is that simple :)
Kreee it is that simple :)
I read that as "Kreee is that simple!" ;D
21-06-2009, 16:20
:shocked: I'm not rude to the guests :p
:shocked: I'm not rude to the guests :p
Just the regulars, eh?
21-06-2009, 17:24
Just the regulars, eh?
only you fay ;)
I read that as "Kreee is that simple!" ;D
Oi, I got a first from Bristol Uni!
/me does the smarty pants dance
Oi, I got a first from Bristol Uni!
/me does the smarty pants dance
Yeah.. but that was Bristol Uni. Let's be honest, the less said about Bristol the better ;)
Admiral Huddy
02-07-2009, 14:28
I have just noticed that Dan the Man is a member - Son, you're only two and too young for all this shenanigans!
Cho Zan Wan
07-07-2009, 21:52
Name's Bill, joined up by following a Twitter link to my @name on this illustrious site.
Work in retail, and I am the news editor for
* waves *
07-07-2009, 21:55
Welcome, we have some games review writers here who post regularly for a number of different sites; Haly, DaveyPitch and others too. If you need any reviews done do give them a shout :D
07-07-2009, 22:00
Ello Cho!
07-07-2009, 22:13
Evening Cho :)
Cho Zan Wan
07-07-2009, 22:13
Welcome, we have some games review writers here who post regularly for a number of different sites; Haly, DaveyPitch and others too. If you need any reviews done do give them a shout :D
Thanks for the welcome and advice!
07-07-2009, 22:18
Welcome ! :)
07-07-2009, 22:41
Hi Dude & Welcome to BD. :)
Welcome, we have some games review writers here who post regularly for a number of different sites; Haly, DaveyPitch and others too. If you need any reviews done do give them a shout :D
Matblack = my pimp :cool:
07-07-2009, 23:00
Matblack = my pimp :cool:
Looking at that pic, surely Belmit is Haly's pimp.
07-07-2009, 23:16
Google search for obese pimp didn't bring up anything good :(
07-07-2009, 23:20
Hey ho,
Joined a while ago, forgot, Then Matblack pimped it out on Bookface, So thought I'd say hello. So, Hello!
07-07-2009, 23:23
Yay, another Matt to add to the hundreds we already have :)
Good to see you mate, lots of friendly people here, its not hugely busy but the people are nice, more of a Sunday afternoon at Drakes than a Friday night ;)
Looking at that pic, surely Belmit is Haly's pimp.
2 pimps it is then :D
07-07-2009, 23:27
I do like sunday afternoons!
07-07-2009, 23:31
Hmmmmmm Sunday afternoon, must have a Sunday afternoon soon
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 14:08
Hello *waves*
I've just joined! :)
Thought this was a pretty good place to do my first post!
Hello & welcome aboard you ;)
05-08-2009, 14:11
Oooooooo a Laaaaaaddddyyyyyyyyyyy !!! :shocked:
Don't panic though as BD is the Home of All Ladys on the Interwebz & You are most Welcome. :cool:
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 14:12
Not just a lady, a princess :p
05-08-2009, 14:13
I bow down to you. :o
05-08-2009, 14:22
Ello zomerzet lass!
Princess Griff
05-08-2009, 14:24
Alright my lover??? :D
/me removes email notification
Nice avatar, is that you?
Hoooooooooray! :D Hello you! Welcome welcome welcome!!
I waved at you and Jingomeister the other day when passing your junction! Must arrange a time to say BOO (preferably over a BBQ)
Princess Griff
07-08-2009, 00:01
*waves back (even if somewhat delayed)!*
Haha BBQ sounds awesome....although the lack of garden here might be a problem - but fear not! There is a beach! With pebble and seaweed and old people!
07-08-2009, 09:52
I can throw my parents out and we have one here!!!! :D
yey for a southwest takeover!!
Not another one :p
*waves* :D
BB x
South West Takeover!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-2009, 12:56
All your base arrrr belong to we!
07-08-2009, 13:09
Hi I am JSB. :p
Good Morning Vietnam....great site
Morning. If ever you go to Gloucester, be careful of anyone called Doctor Foster :)
Morning. If ever you go to Gloucester, be careful of anyone called Doctor Foster :)
And hello Puddle and Princess Griff.
08-08-2009, 11:12
Hello :)
Tudo bom?
thought I should poke my nose in here and say hi...
12-08-2009, 07:28
Hey dude :)
12-08-2009, 07:59
12-08-2009, 16:01
Hello there!!!
;D;D;D Say it loud Dude.
Hello there from me an all. :)
newest member is swineflu thats pigging crackling that!!! :D
21-08-2009, 08:12
Hi Vertex!
21-08-2009, 09:13
I used to work for a company called Vertex ;D welcome :D
Welcome aboard Vertex, if you bring your sea legs, we'll provide the drinks ;)
Welcome aboard Vertex, if you bring your sea legs, we'll provide the drinks ;)
Rum, sodomy and the lash.
Without the sodomy.;)
I used to work for a company called Vertex ;D welcome :D
I didn;t work for them but I used to do technical support for Vertex... the company that is.
24-08-2009, 18:32
I didn;t work for them but I used to do technical support for Vertex... the company that is.
Did you also do support for United Utilities?
24-08-2009, 18:40
Not guilty!
haha I haven't worked for Vertex for many moons, but it was fun.
Hey all, new here :)
Aloha :)
Admiral Huddy
25-08-2009, 09:13
Vertex ? Mm isn't that part of genitalia?
Welcome :)
27-08-2009, 09:53
Burnsy recommended I join up here :) hello all!
27-08-2009, 09:54
welcome to the new peeps
Ooo another southerner - morning :)
27-08-2009, 10:12
Welcome new people :)
27-08-2009, 23:00
Burnsy recommended I join up here :) hello all!
Hello Missus Burnsy.
We have had dinner together. :shocked: + :cool:
Lovely to have you here. :)
27-08-2009, 23:04
28-08-2009, 18:31
Burnsy recommended I join up here :) hello all!
What are you doing on saturday the 5th?
There's an AWESOME band playing at the hobbit that you should check out :p
Oh, and welcome to the Asylum.
31-08-2009, 17:04
What are you doing on saturday the 5th?
There's an AWESOME band playing at the hobbit that you should check out :p
I assume that's Pandora? Unfortunately I'm already booked for a friend's birthday party, otherwise I'd definitely be there :)
31-08-2009, 17:15
Hehehe, you assume correctly :p
Ah, at least you have an excuse for not coming.
Some of my sisters friends just refuse to come out with no real reason.
Burnsy recommended I join up here :) hello all!
Hello Mrs. Burnsy *waves from the opposite side of the table*
Hello Hello i thought i may aswell sign up the amount father talks about it :) and tak etc :) so hello all, treefrogs son btw.
though i did notice when saying yes to the rules i found
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, and will not post hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
so i would like to take this oppertunity to call you **** **** *******
29-09-2009, 23:28
Welcome! :D
Treefrog Jr.... Treetadpole? ;)
Someone actually read the rules?! :D
yes i have to read them now :( i can only sell my soul once from what i have been told :(
Someone actually read the rules?! :D
There's rules? Oh ****!
Oh and welcome Freetrog jr.
and tak etc :)
Morning :)
Admiral Huddy
30-09-2009, 10:16
Burnsy recommended I join up here :) hello all!
Did he recommend that you pay my cabin a visit? ;p
Welcome Mrs. Burnsy..:)
ohh the Southampton contingency grows stronger yay!
:party1: welcome
It does sometimes make me wonder if Southampton is just boring as **** and so everyone goes on the internet instead. :p
15-10-2009, 12:02
Hi folks :)
20-10-2009, 22:21
Hi twz and welcome to the boat :)
Hey everyone, you lot seem cool.
Don't burn me :)
Cheers, thanks.
Have enjoyed reading through some of the threads :)
23-10-2009, 19:08
Howdy, make yourself at home, and watch out for Huddy, he breaks things :D
23-10-2009, 22:19
Hey everyone, you lot seem cool.
Lies I tell thee, lies!
You must have us confused with some other bunch of nutters ;)
Hey everyone, you lot seem cool.
Don't burn me :)
*hides the matches and blowtorch*
Don't know why people have always got to go and spoil my fun :'(
hello folks, new to the site, hopefully my boyfriend {SCM} will stop nagging me to join up, LOL he'll have no where to hide now...... Thanks Suz Xx
Hi hon and damn there goes my hiding place on the internet now lol xx
10-12-2009, 21:04
Helloooooooooooooo!!! :)
Princess Griff
10-12-2009, 21:04
Welcome Suz!
Thanks for the warm welcome from Knipples and Princess Griff. Suz Xx
To the other half {SCM} put the walking shoes on and get some dog food please love S Xx
10-12-2009, 21:09
Welcome ! :D
I get the hint will go get the dog food for the IPP and would have been easier just telling me that from across the room by talking lol :p
hello Piggymon Xx
SCM i did two hours ago when i made the dinner and have reminded you how many time LOL but this gets your attention since you have at last put your coat on Xx
pffftttt i remembered at least we needed it :p
la la la la la la you remember 1 little thing and you think your a master mind, but just you remember this dearest you live with me and I KNOW HOW BAD YOUR MEMORY REALLY IS LOL and it was not me that just phoned from the store Xx
Here was me thinking i was being a nice bf and asking if you wanted something for lunch tomorrow as i was time you can starve lol :p
But that why i sent you darling Xx :evil:;D
lol :p i knew my random thought proccess would come in handy at some stage in my life.
Shall we just leave them to it? ;D :p
Welcome to the Boat. :)
Hi mark, your ok both SCM & I are having a great laugh, we are sit in the same room less than 2 feet from each our now pull straws on who's walking the dogs, I say him he's been off allday. Plus he's my geek LOL :poke::poke::poke::poke:
;D Mark nah it is ok we don't fight we leave that to the IPP, Insane Puppy Posse, as the 3 of them are lively at the best of times.
besides i lost the straws so it my turn for the walking boots LOL Xx aaah IPP stricks again Xx
Ok folks nice to meet you, I'm off to walk the IPP's and then get ready for work I'll leave you with the SCM (LOL, some1's got to pick up my down time sorry), but don't keep him to late i need my 4 am alarm call ....
Thanks again for the Hello and Hi's Suz Xx
Looks like SCM is going to take something of a e-beating now ;D
A very big welcome to you suz - I'm sure you'll fit right in (providing you're both strange and pervy enough)
xxx :D
She is strange and pervy right enough Jingo ;D
Welcome aboard the boat Suz :)
24-12-2009, 06:08
Welcome to Boat drink where peoples lives are for the Funnys. :cool:
Hello. I recognise a few names from other places (I had been wondering where some of you had snuck off to). Just stumbled across here & though I might pop back occasionally.
Hey Nelson :)
Welcome aboard.
Princess Griff
18-01-2010, 09:12
Hi Nelson! Welcome along! :D
Hello. I recognise a few names from other places (I had been wondering where some of you had snuck off to). Just stumbled across here & though I might pop back occasionally.
18-01-2010, 23:10
Welcome ! :)
Is it true you've got a vote? Or was it a boat? ;)
Is it true you've got a vote? Or was it a boat? ;)
Or maybe a goat?
And Hello Nelson.
If you want, I'll be your Hardy ;)
15-06-2011, 17:33
Hello all, kindly been invited to join by Justsomebloke! :)
15-06-2011, 17:40
Welcome to BD mate. :cool:
Good evening and Welcome JonnyMac..... enjoy the ride
15-06-2011, 21:50
Welcome :)
15-06-2011, 22:35
In case some of you hadn't realised, I'm also on the blue screens as Maccy ;)
16-06-2011, 00:32
Hey Maccy!
I like your little red dragon - he's doing a hot burp burp!
16-06-2011, 10:14
Thanks! I made him myself and I'm usually rubbish with that sort of thing :D
Ahhh Maccy!!! :D Helloooooo! x
19-06-2011, 21:13
Hiya! :)
I'm also a Jonny from that other place....
Another Jonny! We're being overrun by Jonnies! :D
Welcome! :)
Another Jonny! We're being overrun by Jonnies! :D
Welcome! :)
Can never have too much of a good thing :P
Another Jonny! We're being overrun by Jonnies! :D
Welcome! :)
Jeremy Kyle would be delighted (cue Will saying 'Who's Jeremy Kyle?')
I actually know who he is... he's a singer right? :p
12-08-2011, 17:01
Its always good to have a supply of jonnies :o
Hello by the way!
Woooooop! Another Jonny!!!111ONETEN :D :D
hi, new here hoping to stay for a while though.
22-10-2011, 12:24
Welcome :)
22-10-2011, 14:07
Welcome to BD. :cool:
22-10-2011, 14:21
Hey :)
What's your name & where do you come from?
/blind date
BB x
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
27-10-2011, 13:32
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
lol, we use this quote at work a lot, all said in a suitably over the top arnie accent :)
28-10-2011, 22:35
My sister is called Jenna.
Oh and hi. :)
Some people may know me as Skully, but not the Skully here...
hi :) *waves*
Sent from my Galaxy S2
30-01-2012, 18:03
I know a skully, not sure whether it's the first one or you though :)
I know a skully, not sure whether it's the first one or you though :)
It's me :) - been a while!
Think the last time I saw you was Distant Thunder 04?
30-01-2012, 18:13
I thought that was the other one, hahaha - he must have no idea what the hell I was on about!
Yep, DT04 would have been it, haven't done much Airsoft since that at all actually.
How's things? Still 'softing?
Nope, I quit fairly recently.
Went to F&O quite regularly, was made part of the home team then people starting turning into queens and being two faced so left as don't need the drama!
Nope, I quit fairly recently.
Went to F&O quite regularly, was made part of the home team then people starting turning into queens and being two faced so left as don't need the drama!
Admit it, you love a bit of girly drama.:p
30-01-2012, 19:16
Admit it, you love a bit of girly drama.:p
He had better if he's gonna stick around here ;)
I need to get rid of all of my gear, but have no idea how to go about it nowadays, any good sale avenues about?
He had better if he's gonna stick around here ;)
I need to get rid of all of my gear, but have no idea how to go about it nowadays, any good sale avenues about?
Photography gear? Just sell it on TP, ebay is very hit and miss.
30-01-2012, 21:07
Photography gear? Just sell it on TP, ebay is very hit and miss.
Nah, Airsoft gear :p
First part of my post was aimed at you, second half at Skully :D
Though I'm tempted to get rid of my camera at the moment, I'm never using it and if I was to use it again I'd want to upgrade.
Best place I found was ZeroIn forums, but it takes time to sell!
31-01-2012, 16:24
Some people may know me as Skully, but not the Skully here...
Is that Stefan?!...
Is that Stefan?!...
Hi Jaime :)
31-01-2012, 16:27
How have you been?
Fine thanks! Passed my driving test couple of weeks ago so the car is my new love :P.
How are you?
01-02-2012, 00:20
'ello :D
03-02-2012, 23:10
So I need to watch the roads for a new driver in a Mini!! ;) I am the same with my car! Love it, everytime I get in it I smile :) I am good thanks, just busy with work and when I'm not working I am knackered from work!! Glad things are good with you :)
01-05-2012, 09:16
Hello. I'll put the kettle on and have a bit of a rummage.
Smilies ? *waves*
01-05-2012, 10:35
Hello :wave:
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