View Full Version : Charles Bronson.

Von Smallhausen
15-09-2007, 13:16
No, not the Death Wish one.

The man formerly known as Michael Gordon Peterson. Has anyone here read his books? I have read a few and they make good reading. I am currently reading his book The Good Prison Guide ISBN 978-1-84454-359-5.

He has had about 90 days freedom since 1974 and is currently classed as an unofficial Cat AA where he is in solitary and is never accompanied by less than six screws when he leaves his cell.

His books are a work of art and anyone who hasn't read any might just enjoy them.


Von Smallhausen
15-09-2007, 13:59
I get him (both of them in fact!) mixed up with Charles Mansen :/

Some Miss Marple you are .... ;D

15-09-2007, 15:10
I have his 'Solitary Fitness' book. Handstand press-ups FTW!

15-09-2007, 17:31
I once worked with a guy (well known in my kneck of the woods) who beat his world record for press ups. Cant remember how many but is was something stupid like 10000.

Anhyoo the point of my story is Charles Bronson found out and wrote to him congratulating him on his achievement., He also included a picture which he described as a self portrait. He is a fantastic artist but the picture was very disturbing a psychologists dream.

Von Smallhausen
17-09-2007, 19:08
I once worked with a guy (well known in my kneck of the woods) who beat his world record for press ups. Cant remember how many but is was something stupid like 10000.

Anhyoo the point of my story is Charles Bronson found out and wrote to him congratulating him on his achievement., He also included a picture which he described as a self portrait. He is a fantastic artist but the picture was very disturbing a psychologists dream.

I think I know who you mean .... surname initial M ?

18-09-2007, 20:26
yes thats right. funnily enough I was talking to him on Saturday.
Looking very big again but in retirement from those kind of antics.