View Full Version : 360 Temptations.

01-08-2006, 20:49
I've been looking at these new-fangled contraptions for a while now, although I will probably just play Halo2 on it. Would you say they are worth the £200-300 they cost? It seems that there are not that many great games out at the moment, only PGR and Oblivon catch my eye.

Niggling in the back of my mind is that I should wait until the PS3 comes out probably because I want to play MGS4 when it arrives.


Oh Xbox live, I realise that you get silver free does this mean you can play games multiplayer online or do you have to upgrade to gold to get that?

Most importantly, do the old xbox controllers work with it?

02-08-2006, 08:54
I'd certainly recommend getting one as there will be some cracking games coming out soon. I originally was going the PS3 route but since the details of price etc I have started looking at the 360 and will certainly be getting one.

Perhaps it might be best to wait till the PS3 is launched incase M$ decide to drop the price.

I think there is a thread in here I started talking about games people are looking forward to, have a look in there incase you haven't already.

02-08-2006, 09:48
Ta, butchers hookering now.

02-08-2006, 10:07
Cool, I think Haly is waiting to get a 360 towards the end of the year too. There is lots of good stuff planned, like Gears and Mass Effect, but it's all a bit dry at the minute.

02-08-2006, 10:13
Yeah Christmas hopefully :)

02-08-2006, 10:41
I'm going to wait and see what the PS3 has to offer before I go out and get one. I bought the 360 on release day and frankly it's worth having one just to play Oblivion on. With the PS3 rumoured to be £450-£550 I'm already thinking about having a Wii (hehe!) and waiting for the first PS3 price-drop in a couple of years time. There'll be loads more great new 360 games out by the time the PS3 emerges anyway and frankly if I have a Wii as well (teehee!) then I think a third console would just be overkill.

Dr. Z
02-08-2006, 11:13
I am seling mine because I barely used it.

I am too lazy to get scammed on ebay but I will get around to it eventually. I have offered it to Haly but she doesnt want it / cant have it at the moment. If you are interested, add me to MSN or something! :)

02-08-2006, 11:55
MGS4 is a long way off. The Jap release is 2007 sometime. The Euro release is probably 2015 ;)

02-08-2006, 13:43
I should get mine mid-September as I have to submit 2 phone bills (just got a new contract) and they'll send me a core apparently...if they do of course!!

Be interesting to see what games are around then :)

02-08-2006, 17:30
MGS4 is a long way off. The Jap release is 2007 sometime. The Euro release is probably 2015 ;)

I was thinking of working it that way, 360 around xmas time, ps3 when its price drops and metal gear is around. :)

02-08-2006, 18:01
As long as RE5 comes out on the 360 I'll be happy :D

02-08-2006, 18:12
I am seling mine because I barely used it.

I am too lazy to get scammed on ebay but I will get around to it eventually. I have offered it to Haly but she doesnt want it / cant have it at the moment. If you are interested, add me to MSN or something! :)
No way is it I don't want it!
Just can't really afford it :(

02-08-2006, 18:39
I've decided to be an uncouth heretic and never buy a console ever again. I've bought or been given several consoles (right back to the famed Atari VCS), but I stopped at an original Playstation and have never bought one since.

I got as far as the 'add to order' button with both the PS2 (you can blame MB, the Kent meet, and GT4 for that), and the the same with an Xbox360, but never ordered either. :)

My PC habit has filled this house with computer-related kit in almost every room. I don't need a Console habit as well. :eek:

02-08-2006, 21:54
No way is it I don't want it!
Just can't really afford it :(

Same here, I have the money, but without a job, I really need it for petrol; I got stuck in a traffic jam for an hour today and watched the needle slowly fall. :(