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View Full Version : Gatecrasher Immortal

17-09-2007, 22:13
This will be the album that will lose me my driving licence.


18-09-2007, 00:01
Dance music + cars = SP30.

18-09-2007, 08:58
You have this? I want want a copy :p

Please? :D

BB x

18-09-2007, 09:00
I take it it's good, need to have a listen myself.

18-09-2007, 10:20
You have this? I want want a copy :p

Please? :D

BB x

I'll get it sorted :)

18-09-2007, 10:40
Right it'll be ready in a few hours, check the FTP i meant to upload this the other day but i was too busy moving to Edinburugh...

18-09-2007, 10:40
Fankoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D

BB x

18-09-2007, 12:30
No worries, looks like it could take a while though. I'm uploading a fari amount of stuff atm, and it's taken me this long to get to 14% :embarrassed:. But when i'm finished you'll have loads to choose from! :)

18-09-2007, 12:45
Right just had to cancel getting down the banks from flatmates for killing our internet which is fair, i will get them up today sometime though don't worry :)

Joe 90
19-09-2007, 14:29
Alex - you legend :D

pulling it down now 2 tracks at a time, 300kb/s each :D

19-09-2007, 14:41
It's not all up there yet, don't bother
I had to cancel because flat mats were about to slaughter me for killing our internet connection...

I forgot last night, we're all goin out tonight 7/8 onwards i'll leave them all on then uploading, should be done in a few hours so before i get back. If thats OK?

Sorry about the delay!

Joe 90
19-09-2007, 15:07
ah np, some good tracks already up (only just realised its not all there.. lol)

19-09-2007, 17:39
Right here we go again, its going to take roughly a long time :D

Looking at 5 hours minimum possibly as much as 15 if you believe windows... But i am uploading 5 albums all of them 2 discs (well ones 5 actually =/). So it could take a while i suppose!

19-09-2007, 19:06
Unbelievable! :mad: Just tripped over the router power cord and nuked it. Windows threw up a big nasty error and instead of asking me would i like to keep trying to blew up...

Can anyone recommend me some decent FTP uploading software thingy. I would like be able to limit my upload a little too so it doesn't saturate our bandwidth. This is a royal PITA

20-09-2007, 11:37
its been going since about 3:30am and its still got 4/5 hours to go :)

20-09-2007, 12:50
I are hav this. Tis very very good. If anyone would like to hold a copy of my offsite backup, just ask.

20-09-2007, 14:12
2 hours to go, i can't wait until i get my internet back!

20-09-2007, 17:22
Back in, and its done done done done, ta-da!

20-09-2007, 18:59
This will be the album that will lose me my driving licence.


Try running to it, you'll blow your lungs!