View Full Version : Pimping a downloader

18-09-2007, 13:27
For the Linux people I'm afraid, but I've found something which is going to be dead useful to me:


It's a web based download manager, supporting .torrent, .nzb and .wget files (web front end for wget to you and me), but it's list of features is quite large, right down to optional VLC streaming of your downloaded files!

Feature List:

* Supports multiple internet transfer protocols
* Unified transfer control
* Transfer statistics and logging
* Uploading and injection of metafiles (.torrent, .wget, .nzb files)
* fluxcli.php - a complete command-line version of torrentflux-b4rt
* Fluxd - background perl daemon to perform scheduled tasks
* Integrated Filemanager AJAX updates for maximum info with minimal bandwidth
* AJAX updates for maximum info with minimal bandwidth
* Templating engine


Fluxd is a powerful backend daemon that can run 24/7 to control various aspects of your file transfers (screenshot):

* Qmgr module handles queueing of transfers with per-user and global limits. Add transfers to the queue and Qmgr will automatically start one transfer after another finishes.
* Automate fetching of torrent files from RSS feeds
* Watch a list of directories for new upload of torrent files and automatically start those torrents running


^^ Integrated Filemanager
Support for a large number of additional third party utilities/functionality (screenshot) (screenshot), including:

* Archive file extraction from the browser (zip/rar)
* VLC streaming controllable from browser (screenshot)
* Download of completed transfers directly from browser
* Creation of torrent files directly in the browser (screenshot)
* Reading of .nfo files directly in the browser

All the AJAX stuff works very well to boot. Totally headless and ideal on a download box, have a poke around and see what you think :)


19-09-2007, 17:19
I think that's just solved a problem I didn't realise I had. I'll give it a whirl :)

Dr. Z
20-09-2007, 19:07

Cheers mate! Looks awesome!

Del Lardo
20-09-2007, 21:47
ah hah! Been looking for that program for a while. My old housemate used to use it but neither of us could remember what it's called.

Very cool little app.