View Full Version : Interviews and Employees Rights
As some of you know I have meetings/interviews coming up in October with regards to my card designs.
Does anyone know whether Employers have to legally allow you to attend these interviews or not?
Basically, my work looks like they could get poopy on it (which I think is quite rude considering I am currently doing a job not in my job evaluation and according to the Unison am under paid by £500pm because of this).
I'm 99% certain they have to let you go.
Annoyingly CAB (citz advice bureau) and my Unions office are closed at the moment (slackers)... am gonna be having a meeting with the head tomorrow about it so wanted to be armed and ready.
Looked on webbys and things and haven't managed to find anything yet! Anyone know where I can look / know the answer to this?
Fankoo people!
Pheebs xxx :)
As some of you know I have meetings/interviews coming up in October with regards to my card designs.
Does anyone know whether Employers have to legally allow you to attend these interviews or not?
Basically, my work looks like they could get poopy on it (which I think is quite rude considering I am currently doing a job not in my job evaluation and according to the Unison am under paid by £500pm because of this).
I'm 99% certain they have to let you go.
Annoyingly CAB (citz advice bureau) and my Unions office are closed at the moment (slackers)... am gonna be having a meeting with the head tomorrow about it so wanted to be armed and ready.
Looked on webbys and things and haven't managed to find anything yet! Anyone know where I can look / know the answer to this?
Fankoo people!
Pheebs xxx :)
I don't know much about your situation but I highly doubt your employer is obliged to let you attend interviews at other organisations in work time. Whatever you choose to do with your free time and your holiday is entirely up to you of course.
I think most prospective employers would respect a candidate's request for an interview outside normal office hours if that's any help? Typically, you could say that you're currently very busy finishing off your current project so you don't want to leave them in the lurch hence you would prefer if they could be flexible about your interview.
Incidentally, I feel your pain - I'm currently waiting for a guy from the US to ring me for a technical interview. He's cancelled twice already and he's now 10 minutes late for the third attempt! I'm not impressed :/
I'm pretty confident that they don't have to give you time off for an interview unless your contract of employment specifically states that they do. We had someone here who wanted time off for an interview but after getting legal advise we were told that we didn't need to.
The solicitor we used pointed us to this site -
Thing is... I have no holiday time being a teaching assistant - I have to work in term time (when, incidently, my interviews are for)
Bar -stewards. They know this is important - they know it _could_ set me up for life.
I will be fuming if they don't let me the time off (obviously I would have pay deducted.) They're mucking me around as it is with pay and things... and they've already said to me they wouldn't have to get anyone in to cover so they don't lose anything.
/me is ready to go in for a fight and a half tomorrow
18-09-2007, 16:44
Can't you pull a sicky or have you already mentioned the up-coming meetings ?
I agree with Burble on this. Unless it's in your contract, or the norm for your employment, there is no obligation. If you're a member of a union then they are the best people to ask.
Can't you pull a sicky or have you already mentioned the up-coming meetings ?
I would have kept very very quiet about this or any potential interview. In your situation I would personally either pull a sickie or go AWOL. I know you are trying to go by the book. But as my mum has recently discovered, there is the book way, and then there is the way to do it. I would tell your school that the card company has found someone else (and be pissed off), then on the appropriate day pull a sickie.
On the day don't answer your phone and have all points of family contact briefed on what to say if person X rings. Yes this is dishonest, but meh.
I wouldn't advise going AWOL, unauthorised absence can play havoc with references.
I wouldn't advise going AWOL, unauthorised absence can play havoc with references.
Agreed its all if you can get away with it. My work would never have a damn clue, but I'm not sure what Pheebs does as to whether they would notice.
Another thing, I keep saying personally DAMMIT! Where the hell has this come from? I imagine that its even more annoying for people reading it all the time :(
Can they at least allow you to leave work early? Surely your prospective employer would be able to see you just after normal working hours if you explain the situation that your current employer can't provide cover for you otherwise.
Heh I have already mentioned it and I couldn't pull a sicky/go awol without an immense amount of guilt anyway! I'm too honest :(
I need the full days off as the interviews are in London - and I'm in Exeter :) Getting there would be troublesome!
Pickys just come in and I explained it a bit to him. He's very angry as they admitted to me they wouldn't incur any loss of money to themselves etc in my Teaching Assistant role but there might be problems with me being a tutor (as cover would be required). Currently I am being a tutor without an increase in pay and with an increase of responsibility and work load. I'm waiting to hear from them about changing my contract but they're very reluctant to. Unison are absolutely shocked I'm a tutor and in their words - should be being paid £500 more a month (put up to a level 3 TA).
So yeh... if they blame my tutor I will just say I refuse to do it anymore as they're currently getting me for free on it.
I have just sent a lengthy email to my head teacher explaining how vitally important these interviews are and how they could potentially set me up for life - they're not for jobs of the same pay/work as currently. I pretty much begged in the email.
fingers crossed it will have worked.
Bar -stewards. They know this is important - they know it _could_ set me up for life.
Sorry to say Pheebs, it's not their problem. But then I always look at these things from the other side of the fence being an employer myself. If you're being paid to do a job is there any reason they should let you have time off?
these interviews are and how they could potentially set me up for life
If, and it's a big IF, that is the it worth taking the risk and going anyway.
18-09-2007, 18:02
Sorry to say Pheebs, it's not their problem. But then I always look at these things from the other side of the fence being an employer myself. If you're being paid to do a job is there any reason they should let you have time off?
She's being paid to do a job, just not being paid to do the job she is doing (this kinda makes sense)...
I hope that they do give you the time off (and give you backpay for being a tutor) but I'm pretty sure they don't have to :(
*crosses all his things which can be crossed*
*realises that's stupid so grabs the shotgun to go and have a 'chat' with the headteacher*
To the best of my knowledge they're under no obligation to give you any time off, unless you've been given notice that you are being made redundant in which case you're entitled to 'reasonable time' with pay to attend interviews.
I think interviews are the one thing where you can 'morally' get away without telling your employer what you're up to, ideal for 'sickies' really. In the past I've asked for a days holiday (but for a different reason) and gone to interviews etc.
That doesn't really help, but good luck persuading the employers to let you go :)
18-09-2007, 19:35
Tell them you have an appointment, don't tell em what it is but that you need X amount of time off to attend. When they ask why tell them it's personal.
It's what I've done for the last two meetings I've had (meetings to arrange a loan for my new business)
She's being paid to do a job, just not being paid to do the job she is doing (this kinda makes sense)...
Which is a different issue really :)
Sorry, I just struggle to take my "boss" hat off on things like this :p
I can't lie... it's just not me to lie... plus they already know it's interviews. I'm massively underpaid and stupidly over worked... and if I'm honest, since the beginning of my employment with them I have been mucked around left right and center. If they say no I will seriously consider handing in my resignation. I don't want to cause them problems and I have a lot of work to do to get my cards up and running. It would be unfair on them for me to have to keep disappearing every week.
In some ways it would be easier for me to do this and just temp so when I needed to disappear frequently, I could do so without worries of upsetting anyone.
Heh, temping I would probably get paid more than I do now thinking about it :) I was coming home with £800ish a month (after tax) when I was temping - £100 more than I do now!
We shall see. I'm going in very level headed but prepared to beg in essence. (Also prepared to make them understand they're underpaying me and I want to be back paid and level upped - if not I refuse to continue my position as a tutor.)
/me hates conflict :(
Arcade Fire
19-09-2007, 13:56
Be strong! Show them who's boss from the off and they won't dare mess you around. You need to demonstrate that you're a single-minded independent woman with an iron will, and that you're willing to play hardball to get your way. Don't let them tread on you - ideally you want them tippy-toeing around you 'cause they're so scared of upsetting you. Go play the part of a power-bitch and they'll both fear and respect you.
Alternatively you could cry a bit. That sometimes works.
Admiral Huddy
19-09-2007, 14:03
If this is what you mean.. I've just checked our staff handbook and it states that interviews must be conducted in persons own time or use of holiday entitlement. It also states that the employee has a duty to disclose any intension of moving jobs which includes interviews.
I'm not sure they can do anything apart from make life a bit awkward.. I'd pull a sicky.
Well being slightly mucked around... was told it was probably a YAY today to which I was like "whoopi-dee-doo-dah"... but when I got home I had an email saying I would have to arrange a meeting with the head.
Luckily, I have already arranged one for next tuesday to discuss my current pay level and work status :) ;)
Many MANY people at work are convinced they have to let me go. Still haven't had the chance to contact Unison and have still got to dig out my contract to see what it says... but yeh. I dunno!
I've pretty much decided if it's a no I'm going anyway and will hand in my resignation (please don't think I'm a moose for wanting to do this - I just only can see this as the fair way for both me and the employer)! I would feel very sad about leaving my kiddies though :(
Just spoke to my mum who is a teacher. Her response was really its down to the head teacher. They can't stop you going, but they can doc your pay for that day. The main thing is to be upfront and let them know far enough in advance, which you are doing. She also said to get in touch with your Union and see what they have to say :)
Lynne would be someone else to ask as well as she is in the teaching trade. I would let everyone in the staff room carry on, nothing like having a staff room full of glares and silence for persuasion power.
19-09-2007, 23:25
More than happy to talk to the Unison Reps that I know, but pretty sure (as you're on the teaching side) that the response will be negative :(
If you can let me know the difference between your JD and what you're actually doing (pay grades would be handy here) then I may be able to assist in organising a pseudo argument for you :)
Drop me a mail in the morning with details and I'll have a word with the mouthy Unison Rep as soon as I can and mebbe get you a response by tomorrow afternoon :D
20-09-2007, 07:44
Be strong! Show them who's boss from the off and they won't dare mess you around...
shouldn't that be the attitude of the employer, rather than the employee?
tbh i really think it's taking the mick when people expect their employer to let them have time off to attend interviews
you're doing a job, you have responsibilities
i am all for self improvement, but it should not be at the cost to others
i presume your school day finishes at 3.30? arrange an evening appointment
or wait until half term (it's not that far away)
g'luck with the meeting with your head anyway
(maybe make her a 'please let me have some time off' card!!)
Well I know the rules are a bit different with academics. With the issue of Pheebs being in Exeter and the commute to London, asking for the interview to be changed to 5pm would make no difference.
With regards to rearranging as well its one thing to ask to move the interview date a few days either side. They will not move it a few weeks into half term, there are more likely to say clear off.
I've pretty much decided if it's a no I'm going anyway and will hand in my resignation
I think that this is the right decision. Several people have mentioned (and I'm fairly sure are correct) that the employer does not technically have to give you the time off, but some people seem to forget that although there are laws in place about this kind of thing, on both sides of the table there is (supposed to be) a human being. Particularly when working in a school, if it's not possible to arrange a bit of leniency to help each other out from time to time (in both directions), then I would question the suitability of that person for that workplace.
tbh i really think it's taking the mick when people expect their employer to let them have time off to attend interviews
But then how'd they get jobs elsewhere? :(
you're doing a job, you have responsibilities
Heh, well in my situation I'm doing much more than the job I should be doing - and they know it! They're meeting with me to discuss this further with me (Unison are well angry about it all!) I'm being taken for a ride and a half me! (they owe me uber amounts of dosh!) :)
i am all for self improvement, but it should not be at the cost to others
I agree in some respect. I'm very much a - you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours person. They know I'm dedicated and work my bottom off for them so a few days off (unpaid!) to pursue something that could make me for life is asking for not much in return! Plus - it won't cost them and my line manager has already said she could cover the lessons I'm in :)
i presume your school day finishes at 3.30? arrange an evening appointment
I would do if I had a personal jet to fly me up to London ;D
or wait until half term (it's not that far away)
Heh... well, unfortunately, the people I'm meeting are directors of big international companies and they gave me what dates they could do (which nearest were October) and then said next time they could see me was December. I canny, therefore, do it in half term :( Boo!
I do agree with what you say in principle, but I think every situation has it's own spin on it and requires a little leeway :) I believe from the depths of my heart that I am doing everything in the correct way (informing them well in advanced and being completely honest! Atleast I haven't pulled a sicky or made up that I have a docs appointment or something!) And if they canny let me go then I'm doing the decent thing by handing in my resignation! I'm really not one to muck around employers - it's not fair :)
As for Unison (and Unions) - fankoo so much Dym for your offer of phonecalls but I'm already there! They're going to call me back tomorrow with regards to it (as my local one has ill people in it and they're all off sick!... or possibly at interviews ;) ;D)
Fankoo so much for all your help people and advice :)
Glad I don't work in the teaching industry! I like Desmo would pretty much have my boss hat on and say, fine go, but you're not getting paid for it.
Good luck Pheebs - I really want you to succeed in this because I reckon this will be a great step in the right direction for you :) However you manage to sort it out I'm sure you'll do your best, and hope it all goes well.
I don't think there's any argument there. I'd expect it to be taken either as holiday or unpaid leave, and as there's no option for holiday in this instance, that leaves only the other option.
Pheebs will they not allow you to bring forward a days holiday from your next years entitlement at all ? Im a Union rep at our place and the ruling is that interviews are within your own time or holidays.
I have no holiday loki which I can take - I am allocated my holiday in half terms and summer hols etc :) So unfortunately I canny shift any dates around :)
This is the email I sent to my head being very beggy :)
Hello Helen!
I understand Ivan has forward the details of my up and coming interviews / interview processes I have been asked to attend in London.
I just wanted to give you some background on these interviews as they were completely unexpected until the last couple of weeks!
As you know, I do card designs (I will happily bring in my portfolio and show you them!) and over the summer holidays an international licensing company (Gemma International) took much interest in them. After a meeting and interview with them they decided to pass my details on to another company as they felt the designs were "of a different elk" to their current designs, but believed they were excellent and would be snapped up by other companies.
Within the past week I have been contacted by both Start Licensing (licensers of Polly Pocket) as well as Ignition Licensing (licensers of Juicy Lucy and Bang On The Door) asking for me to attend their offices/London for a number of interview processes in Surrey and London (which involves a range of meetings and a conference). I have tried my best to arrange them so they are all grouped together - as travel to London isn't exactly easy and it would mean less of a break from my school work.
These dates really mean the world to me. If either company do take interest, I would end up being a key designer within there company, which, potentially could set me up for life (my designs would be distributed world wide and within shops such as Clintons, Hallmark, Asda, Tescos, Sainsburys, Athena etc)
I understand four days off is a lot to ask for but as stated above - I have not intentionally gone looking for this employment - they have found me, which makes me think I am in with a chance. I fully understand I would have those days deducted from my pay and with regards to cover for my work - I believe there is no problem (other than my tutor group, which I am sure I could arrange with another TA to look after them for the few days I am away).
I just really wanted you to understand why I am asking for these days off and not think I am attending an interview for a job of my current equivalent status - it really is something quite big and I am very incredibly nervous about it all (though equally excited)! I hope it all makes sense and if there are any questions or information you need from me with regards to the above then I would be more than happy to have a chat and supply you with all I know!
Thanks so much for your time Helen and look forward to hearing a response,
All the best,
*awaits in anticipation*
Well put. Speaking as a boss I'd have a hard time justifying to myself why I'd refuse your request.
Same here. You've put your case forward very well there Pheebs :)
21-09-2007, 10:42
Have you sent that yet?
Its just that
This is an elk
and this..........
this is a completely different elk ;)
Its a pretty well reasoned argument Pheebs so it would be hard for them not to be reasonable in return
Fingers crossed for you honey :) hope they are reasonable.
BB x
Well put. Speaking as a boss I'd have a hard time justifying to myself why I'd refuse your request.
Same here. You've put your case forward very well there Pheebs :)
Fingers crossed for you Pheebs!! Let us know how you get on! :D
Have you sent that yet?
This is an elk
this is a completely different elk ;)
LOL. I think she has unfortunatly. but don't worry - I think people have got used to Clare's attempts at broadening her vocabulary by messing up words ;).
I quote clare from a year ago
"My vocabulary is very....erm....urr.....big"
Oh. Is elk not the right word? I'm sure they said Elk to me!
/me feels like a div.
She's letting me gooooooooooooo!
Took some convincing and I think because I looked ill and weak and pale she pitied me and decided to let me have the days of for interviews!
YAAAAAAAAAAY! *boogies boogies* YAY YAY YAY!
I canny wait!
As for my tutor role - it's being discussed with governors at the end of this half term. Dunno much about monies and things. But don't really care as I'M ALLOWED TO HAVE THESE DAYS OFF!
One day will be paid and the rest will be unpaid! w00T!
:D :D :D :D :D
*me is happpy!*
/Breakfast Club
Excellent! Power to the people...or summat.
25-09-2007, 19:02
Aww that's great news ! :D
Fantastic :D :D
And if they offer you a position, you *have* to do an elk card now ;) :evil:
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