View Full Version : Mooncup
18-09-2007, 21:14
Saw this advertised in a magazine today whilst at the docs and all I can say is...
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :puke:
i refuse to ever click on that page again... i've seen it in the past and just... no.
Took me a few seconds to figure out what the picture on the right was. :/
The testimonials are hilarious. We don't need your bloody life story!
However, as I am 49 and approaching the change with heavy periods, a not too wonderful pelvic floor and a vagina that hates foreign bodies in it I have to say I was very. very, sceptical.
It's like something out of Viz. Haha!
18-09-2007, 21:20
After reading that quote I'm not sure I want to click that link.
hahaha, it was on BBC Breakfast TV the other day, because hippies use them as they're better for the environment than tampons. some guy had bought one for his ex girlfriend, and she freaked out a little - he then found out that his, now, wife uses them and they were all like "omgmooncup!!!!onenoenoneonegross"
I can't really see the appeal - not that I'd understand being a mere man. Seems a bit horrid to me - some of the "accidents" that could happen aren't worth thinking of. I can understand why you're not convinced Sinead!
No offence to the women, but I doubt sanitary products really cause that many green house gasses - but I'm not really that much into environmental stuff (until it's plausible and sensible and actually beneficial).
18-09-2007, 21:26
I have all sorts of weird thoughts going through my head, and I have a feeling some of them might be right which is the scary thought.
18-09-2007, 21:27
but ewwwwwwww !!
It's bad enough fishing a tampon out, let alone fishing out a bloody cup ! ( no pun intended ;) )
Ok now I'm grossed out. I have bad images in my head :( :'(
18-09-2007, 21:28
Mwuhahahahahah !!!
Ahahaha! I bought one of those a few years back! It was ace fun!
I took it into work as a novelty item to show Beckie who I work with. Then Paul did a post on his journal with a picture asking people to guess what it was. My favourite idea was 'Pixie hat'!
Funnily enough I found it in the back of the bathroom cupboard the other day. Never did use it but it was great for a laugh!
18-09-2007, 21:40
I'm really light so I only tend to use tampons for a day or 2 and the rest of the time it's panty liners.
Sorry guys - you really wanted to know that :p
I'm really light so I only tend to use tampons for a day or 2 and the rest of the time it's panty liners.
Sorry guys - you really wanted to know that :p
*the sound of many men switching off their computers*
I thought all bio-waste had to be incinerated? Anyway we're running out of places to build - though thinking about it, I wouldn't want to build a house on well you know....
Women really do have the rough end of the stick don't they. All the weight of the world's ecology in their pants.
Women really do have the rough end of the stick don't they. All the weight of the world's ecology in their pants.
Is that why mine are always round my ankles?
They've been out for a while now, and my friends SWEAR by them.
Dont knock it til you've tried it :)
I saw those a few years ago and i really don't understand how it can be safe :/ TSS anyone? i can see how its good for the environment but i wouldn't feel safe using one.
The thought of them makes me feel sick :puke:
Women really do have the rough end of the stick don't they.
I get a better reaction when I use the smooth end!
haha, I just grossed myself out so I thought i'd share - you could do shots out of them!
haha, I just grossed myself out so I thought i'd share - you could do shots out of them!
They have tiny holes in so that it doesn't get stuck up there by suction! I suppose you could use it as a tiny shot glass sprinkler game!
Ok... time for me to leave the thread....
I concur. Perhaps the girlies having their own forum wasn't such a bad idea after all. ;D
Would the last person to leave the internet please turn the light out. This is it. We've come to the end. I'm sure you'll all agree we had a good run. Thankyou and goodnight. thanks - not sure why but really don't like the idea - I'll stick to my cotton wool on a string thanks
Can we start a smear test thread next? :D
Never mind waiting for the last person to leave. I'll just phone up ICANN and ask them to turn the lights off now. So long, and thanks for all the cheese.
They have tiny holes in so that it doesn't get stuck up there by suction! I suppose you could use it as a tiny shot glass sprinkler game!
I didn't say what we were doing shots of - hence me grossing myself out!
semi-pro waster
18-09-2007, 22:38
Can we start a smear test thread next? :D
In your own forum. :p
I'm sure the Mooncup is a great idea but all I can say is I'm glad I don't have to worry about things like that. :)
cotton wool on a string thanks
I came in here expecting a welcome thread for a new member called Mooncup.
I'm off!
Apparently it works very well from what I've heard and is far superior to the more traditional methods of "dealing" with the monthly cycle.
19-09-2007, 07:09
I call them squealers ! :D
Smear tests... nah too tame ... COLPOSCOPY !! RAAAAH :evil: ( got one next month :/ )
On a serious note, I think the moonycups are in essence a good idea it's just the thought of a little funnel inside me full of blobs makes me feel a bit yuck.
I wonder if you jumped up and down would it slosh everywhere ? :shocked:
Isn't that Wills party trick? :p
How'd you empty it without spilling it everywhere and making the toilet look like a slaughter house?!
/me no likes
Gross.. these were advertised around Brighton Uni when I worked there.
Thought they were gross then... and still do :p
Betty I can't believe your mates have them!!
BB x
Arcade Fire
19-09-2007, 09:23
How'd you empty it without spilling it everywhere and making the toilet look like a slaughter house?!This was my first thought. What if you leave it in a bit too long and there's some overflow? It really doesn't bear thinking about.
A more useful (and less gross) female product can be found here (
Hahaaa! I call them meesey mouseys! :D
Arcade're not a girl are you. I'd rather try a mooncup!
I need to dig out my anatomy book again I think, why dont they (or meesey mouses) get filled up with weewee? *ponders*
I guess you can't do any handstands if you're wearing one or it'll all slop back in again.
19-09-2007, 10:25
I guess you can't do any handstands if you're wearing one or it'll all slop back in again.
:huh: Only if its a wornout bucket :shocked:
You definitely need to get the anatomy book out again, We women are not like blokes where it all comes from the same place!
We won't mention the biology gcse then :o
This thread =
19-09-2007, 11:37
How'd you empty it without spilling it everywhere and making the toilet look like a slaughter house?!
That comment made me cover my mouth up for fear of looking stupid by laughing out loud in work. Thanks Pheebs ;D ;D ;D
This was my first thought. What if you leave it in a bit too long and there's some overflow? It really doesn't bear thinking about.
Sanitary towels as a backup and it depends on flow level.
Also, leaving it in a bit too long is preferable to the problems which can arise from leaving in tampons for too long.
Hey why shouldn't we discuss it like the modern, mature, new men we are? :)
Sanitary towels as a backup and it depends on flow level.
Also, leaving it in a bit too long is preferable to the problems which can arise from leaving in tampons for too long.
Hey why shouldn't we discuss it like the modern, mature, new men we are? :)
HAaaahahahaaaa he said flow! *points and laughs* :p :D
Sanitary towels as a backup and it depends on flow level.
Also, leaving it in a bit too long is preferable to the problems which can arise from leaving in tampons for too long.
Surely the whole point of the Mooncup is so that you don't need to wear a towel? :huh:
The overflow problem is the only problem I can see with it and how hygenic is it? :/
BB x
All I can say is my friends think they are amazing. They take some getting used to, but its saved them a fortune :)
I doubt Ill need one cos my periods are so irregular, I know it seems gross, but once you try it, you'll wonder how you got along without it. Apparently ;)
OMG, I came into this thread expecting it to be a welcome thread. I now feel sick. I had lasagne for lunch...... :puke:
Arcade Fire
19-09-2007, 13:47
Hey why shouldn't we discuss it like the modern, mature, new men we are? :)Modern? Speak for yourself, chico! In my book a woman is only good for cooking, cleaning and ****ing...
...ironing, obviously.
You cook and iron your women? Shocking behaviour. :shocked: :eek: :shocked:
I'll go and get in the taxi waiting outside now. :)
OMG, I came into this thread expecting it to be a welcome thread. I now feel sick. I had lasagne for lunch...... :puke:
I think anyone calling themself "MoonCup" would have to seriously reconsider such a decision :)
19-09-2007, 16:42
How'd you empty it without spilling it everywhere and making the toilet look like a slaughter house?!
/me no likes
This thread is made worse by this comment :(
When the painters are in i am ignorant to the ways of women. I know about it but just refuse to believe it :D
The Curse the Dreaded Curse :lipsrsealed:
I guess you can't do any handstands if you're wearing one or it'll all slop back in again.
Damn, that's me out then! :'(
Why is it called "Mooncup" anyway?
Surely "Pooncup" is far better? :D
19-09-2007, 16:57
This thread is disturbing on so many levels. *shudders*
Haha! It always amuses me that big grown tough men get all funny at a little bit of uterean blood!
19-09-2007, 17:19
Why is it called "Mooncup" anyway?
Surely "Pooncup" is far better? :D
Now I have to explain these contraptions to my mum because she's asked why I'm laughing! Shame on you!
19-09-2007, 17:22
Haha! It always amuses me that big grown tough men get all funny at a little bit of uterean blood!
Never trust anything that can bleed for a week and not die.
A week is a long time in Politics.
19-09-2007, 17:49
Haha! It always amuses me that big grown tough men get all funny at a little bit of uterean blood!
It is not the Blood that makes me go funny, it's the Week before of dealing with a Maniac Missus that leaves me feeling strange :confused:
19-09-2007, 18:10
if the local boots are selling them...
i will have to post a review :P
19-09-2007, 18:28
Pooncup.... LMFAO !! ;D ;D ;D
Von Smallhausen
19-09-2007, 19:01
Well that takes monthly matters to the next evolution .....
If Miss X can roller skate and parachute with a normal fanny hammock in then the Mooncup can surely enable the wearer to find Osama Bin Laden single handedly after decimating his minions with a well placed mascara brush then run on water on the way back.
19-09-2007, 19:18
Fanny Hammock... ROFLMFAO !!! ;D
19-09-2007, 22:32
If Miss X can roller skate and parachute with a normal fanny hammock in then the Mooncup can surely enable the wearer to find Osama Bin Laden single handedly after decimating his minions with a well placed mascara brush then run on water on the way back.
;D ;D ;D You STAR Von ;D ;D ;D
I feel sick :( blood ewwwww
19-09-2007, 22:50
Why am i still reading this thread!
I keep thinking cup half full. *is sick*
19-09-2007, 23:28
Why am i still reading this thread!
I keep thinking cup half full. *is sick*
Your cup runneth over?
I'm just glad I don't like tomato juice or bloody marys :shocked:
20-09-2007, 10:58
Well that takes monthly matters to the next evolution .....
If Miss X can roller skate and parachute with a normal fanny hammock in then the Mooncup can surely enable the wearer to find Osama Bin Laden single handedly after decimating his minions with a well placed mascara brush then run on water on the way back.
*puts ribena down* Can you handstand with them? In theory you could use them for other purposes. Fill them with manly goodness, handstand, pregnant by tea. Ghetto sperm banks. Comedy timing on this photo though (
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