View Full Version : Yarrrrrrrr - It be Talk Like a Pirate Day 2007 today!

19-09-2007, 06:23
Arr, ahoy me hearty! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day -- an' that mean it be time fer swashbucklin', pluderin', an' talkin' like the buccaneer that ye be!

In this email: th' charity single be available, an' there be more'n a dozen PIRATE PARTIES around th'country - why not head t'one o'em? Pirate Day be all about mystery an' adventure, after all - take a bit o'a chance an' have some fun!


If ye be wantin' t'hear the Cap'n, then I be on Talk 107 in Edinburgh at 7:30, Gemini FM in Devon at 8:10, Gold Radio around the country at 8:20, BBC Lincolnshire at 10:20, an' I be on Mansfield 103.2, BBC Kent, Gemini in Torbay, an' twenty other stations via Sky News Radio at various points in th'day. Tune in an' let me know 'ow it sounds!

If ye know o' any local radio station, email or call 'em an' tell 'em it be Pirate Day! Their phone an' email be on their web site, mos' likely, an' the more messages they be gettin', the more likely that ye be hearin' 'em talk like pirates later! (Yon breakfast shows be rather 'appy to do such.) They can be contactin' me at capntom@yarr.org.uk - or, just call 'em up an go 'arrr' at them!


Arr, if ye not be gettin' a copy o'the charity single afore the day is out, I be keelhaulin' ye, matey! We be raisin' money fer Marie Curie Cancer Care - an' wi one big heave-ho, we can be plunderin' the charts come Sunday! So please, me hearties, grab yerself a copy an' tell yer friends - it be only 79p, which be less than the price o'a mug o'grog, an' they be takin' cards an' PayPal!

www.yarr.org.uk/single t'watch the video www.indiestore.com/pirateday t'grab it (it also be on iTunes an' other download shops an'all, but we be preferrin' Indiestore)

If ye be havin' an account on Digg, Reddit, or any o' yer social news sites, fer cryin' out loud submit it there an' 'elp us t'be plunderin' their charts an' all!

Full details fer each o'these can be found by clickin' around www.yarr.org.uk/events !

11:00 Yorkshire Waterways Museum, Goole
12:00 Aegean Sailing School, Greece
17:00 Pirate Shindig, Bury St Edmunds
17:30 Aintree Library Pirate Day Celebration 18:00 Pirate Pub Crawl, London 19:00 Leamington Spa Pirates 19:30 Big Pirate Gig, Victoria Hotel, Leeds 20:00 Skull Branded Pirates Gig, Leeds 20:30 Pirate Quiz, George Inn, nr Banbury 21:00 Dundee Students' Union Pirate Night 21:00 St Ives Pirate Party

19:00 Pure Rawk Pirate Night - London
19:00 Bring Stuff: Fancy Dress Party, London

16:00 Pirate BBQ, Mirfield, West Yorkshire

O'course, the standard warnin's apply: I not be checkin' the veracity o'these, an' fer all I know they be lies spread by scurvy privateers - but they prob'ly be true!


Have a great, grand, wondrous Pirate Day, me hearties! Best o' luck on the high seas!


-- Mad Cap'n Tom

Del Lardo
19-09-2007, 07:18

19-09-2007, 07:19
*Waits for Pheebles to arrive*

19-09-2007, 07:36
OOO ArRRr ME HEaaaaARRRrrtIes!

Got mEEya Sum SCAHR-Lee-WAaGSS teh Luk ARRrRFtaaaarRr soO'd BEee Seein' yer laahTeaAR!


;D ;D ;D

19-09-2007, 07:38

19-09-2007, 08:20
Scurvy dogs, the lot of you!

Arcade Fire
19-09-2007, 09:18
Why are pirates called pirates?

Because they arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

19-09-2007, 09:48
Well shiver me' timbers.

Mainly because I couldn't think of anything better and no-one else had done it yet :D

19-09-2007, 09:52

19-09-2007, 09:53
You'll walk my Plan Ye Skurvy Dogs, Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!

19-09-2007, 10:01
I be lookin' forward to a keelhauling, yarr!

19-09-2007, 10:12
Yarrr, there be booty on the starboard bow shipmates.

19-09-2007, 10:50
Had I put some some foresight into this I would have made a pirate ship to chuck up on top of the Pop with a cannon and a Jolly Roger flying. A real cannon.

Admiral Huddy
19-09-2007, 10:52
Why are pirates called pirates?

Because they arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Oi that my joke guv!! http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5541 :D

yarr yarr fancy catchin' crabs young miss!

19-09-2007, 11:06
Yarrr, there be booty on the starboard bow shipmates.

No, that be klingons me hearty. Oh hang on, wrong theme :o

Arrr :)

19-09-2007, 11:30
how far can a pirate throw a rock?


19-09-2007, 11:55
What does a pirate do in jail?


From http://www.piratejokes.net

19-09-2007, 14:00
Where does a Pirate go on holiday?

Great Yaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhmouth

What's a Pirates favourite cheese?


19-09-2007, 14:08
Every mile a pirate travels is 1760 yaaaaaarrrrrrds!

Where do pirates go to work out?

To the JIM LAD!

19-09-2007, 15:06
A pirate walks into a bar wearing a paper towel on his head. He sits down at the bar and orders some dirty rum.

The bartender asks, "Why are you wearing a paper towel?"

"Arrr..." says the pirate. "I've got a bounty on me head!"

19-09-2007, 20:59
how far can a pirate throw a rock?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That made me chortle muchly! ;D

I'm gonna tell all my kids it tomorrow! Hahahahaha!

19-09-2007, 21:26
Ahaaaa Jim lad i be casting off shortly & heading for the High Seas with my New Thunder box :)

Admiral Huddy
20-09-2007, 12:34
Ok, this thread got me in trouble yesterday. I went into a meeting yesterday with the bosses and said :

"Yarrr me WorkMateYs, Dooo we AVVAA AGENDAaaRRRRRR!!

It was one of these :pebbles: moments ...

20-09-2007, 12:41
Ok, this thread got me in trouble yesterday. I went into a meeting yesterday with the bosses and said :

"Yarrr me WorkMateYs, Dooo we AVVAA AGENDAaaRRRRRR!!

It was one of these :pebbles: moments ...

Um, new keyboard please. Mine has apple juice spit all over it... ;D

20-09-2007, 13:02
Ok, this thread got me in trouble yesterday. I went into a meeting yesterday with the bosses and said :

"Yarrr me WorkMateYs, Dooo we AVVAA AGENDAaaRRRRRR!!

It was one of these :pebbles: moments ...
I did a similar thing, some people just don't get it.

I feel more like talking like a pirate today though :(