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19-09-2007, 09:21
That is high in the narcotics sense :p

Just been reading this (http://www.scribd.com/doc/91/It-seems-this-essay-was-written-while-the-guy-was-high-hilarious-#) and had to laugh and the comments by the marker ;D

Arcade Fire
19-09-2007, 09:26
The mark at the end is 61% - wtf?

Dr. Z
19-09-2007, 12:01
I absolutely want to hear that rap verse as a tune.

What a legendary essay! :D

19-09-2007, 13:25
In my uni 61% is a pass!
Awesome essay.

19-09-2007, 22:41
Hehe - I notice the lasty one of the references cited ;)

Don't go looking for that site. Trust me, you'll thank me.

semi-pro waster
20-09-2007, 09:04
61% isn't so bad although I'm led to believe that they grade rather higher (no pun intended) in the US. I'd have stuck it in the creative writing section though rather than hand it in as a discussion of the story. ;)

20-09-2007, 09:11
Heh heh heh, that made me chuckle :)

20-09-2007, 17:29
"Page is to big"
I suggest the tutor goes back to school myself! :p.

20-09-2007, 23:52
That's one of the weirdest things I've ever read ;D