View Full Version : How rude and inconsiderate..

Admiral Huddy
19-09-2007, 11:37
Someone got in the lift just as I let rip... :shocked:

How rude... can a man get no privacy now days? :(

That is all.

19-09-2007, 11:42
Lift farts are the worst.

It's like amplification for not only the noise, but the smell too.

19-09-2007, 11:54
you let rip whilst the doors were opening?! Thats dangerous! Kind of like russian roulette lol.

Admiral Huddy
19-09-2007, 12:02
They were firmly closed unlike certain part of my anatomy!

19-09-2007, 12:52
They were firmly closed unlike certain part of my anatomy!

You have to wait for movement - and by that I mean the lift and not your bowels :o ;D

19-09-2007, 13:05
I think bath farts smell the worst :o

19-09-2007, 13:16
I think bath farts smell the worst :o

They smell like sweetcorn.

19-09-2007, 13:21
Why is that? I hardly ever eat sweetcorn :huh:

19-09-2007, 13:24
No idea, but it's scientific FACT.

19-09-2007, 13:26
No idea, but it's scientific FACT.

It's to do with the way the gas bubbles through the water.

19-09-2007, 13:27
Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh ;D

I am gonna trump next time I share a bath with Daz :evil:

Admiral Huddy
19-09-2007, 14:04
Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh ;D

I am gonna trump next time I share a bath with Daz :evil:

#nods head# I have this image - Poor Daz :p

19-09-2007, 14:31

19-09-2007, 14:37
Ho ho ho! Greeeeen giant!

Admiral Huddy
19-09-2007, 15:56
Ho ho ho! Greeeeen giant!

re: Your Avatar - Were you waving your smell in our direction..?

Von Smallhausen
19-09-2007, 19:12
Lift farts are the worst.

It's like amplification for not only the noise, but the smell too.

I would disagree on the amplification .... plastic school type chairs are the worst to launch an air biscuit on.

It sounds like this Peter Sellers classic, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViYclyAkkDg

Admiral Huddy
20-09-2007, 09:22
No I wave to agree with Betty on this.. bath ones are the worst bar far.. The water amplifies the sound and the bubbles are condensed! .. and thoe bubles that lay on the surface - burst 'em at your peril.

20-09-2007, 10:45
re: Your Avatar - Were you waving your smell in our direction..?

I'm slightly concerned that the small version looks like I'm grabbing my cock and throwing it away. "No need for this any more!" *Yoink*

20-09-2007, 11:18
I'm slightly concerned that the small version looks like I'm grabbing my cock and throwing it away. "No need for this any more!" *Yoink*

At least you're recycling it! :D

... it might just be a car, or part of a plane, or your fridge, or the electricity to run or fridge, or it just be a can.... ;D