View Full Version : Memory loss

21-09-2007, 10:47
I'm not talking total memory loss, rather there's always a few things you forget. Does anyone else suffer from this? It seems to happen to me on a regular basis, for example, I was talking to my dad last night before I left work and mentioned that we need some rubber gloves from the lab to take home for the weekend. Now, we have the gloves but for the life of us we can't remember why we need them?

Is my slight memory issues a product of my frequent youthful dabbling in illegal substances or is it normal for people to forget things a lot?

21-09-2007, 10:48
it's normal to forget some stuff, I forget stuff all the time. I'd be more worried about losing large chunks of memory.

I remember stuff now by writing lists :D

21-09-2007, 11:01
I remember stuff now by writing lists :D

I tried that but I have a habit of then forgetting the list :o

21-09-2007, 11:02
I tried that but I have a habit of then forgetting the list :o

write lots then you'll always be able to find at least one ;D

21-09-2007, 11:03
Yes, without my reminder list and calendar I am positive I'd end up being found confused and dazed, naked on a Japanese fishing boat with a tattoo on my left arse cheek detailing a price for me in yen.

21-09-2007, 11:05
All the time, I just have too much on sometimes and my brain is like Homer Simpson's. If you try and put too much in it bumps something else out and I forget it :)

21-09-2007, 11:25
Im terrible with my memory. If I ever goto the supermarket I always forget half the stuff Mrs L asks me to get. So lists and calenders are the future for me

21-09-2007, 11:28
The daft thing is, I always forget to write a list out :numpty: I think my memory is steadily getting worse and I'm only 26. I really need something to help me remember things and the first person to suggest Dr Kawashima gets slapped with a fish :p

21-09-2007, 11:35
I have a problem with my short term memory.. introduce me to a group of people and I will forget every name instantly.

Something I am told 10mins ago I won't remember.

I write lists too - lots of them... lists in lists too...


BB x

21-09-2007, 11:41
The daft thing is, I always forget to write a list out :numpty: I think my memory is steadily getting worse and I'm only 26. I really need something to help me remember things and the first person to suggest Dr Kawashima gets slapped with a fish :p

Caffeine is meant to improve your short-term memory.

However, it does decrease long-term bladder holding capabilities. :p

21-09-2007, 11:50
I make a checklist now, there is too much going on to remember it all. Most of it is work thoughts alas, but I literally keep a list of tasks and check them each off when done. Its the only way to ensure that it is all done.

semi-pro waster
21-09-2007, 12:00
My memory is generally pretty good except where alcohol is involved, in which case I might well forget a few hours of the night if it is a particularly heavy session*. This usually leads to amusingly frantic brain-searching for the next time I meet someone while I work out if I am meant to know their name and/or have had a conversation with them. Oh and don't expect me to remember birthdays, I remember three aside from my own (mum, dad and my best mate of about 16 years), anyone else who gets their birthday remembered is probably because I've been prompted or sheer coincidence.

There are certain words that I get confused about the spelling of, it doesn't even have to be particularly difficult words just there is a mental block there in some cases.

*although I do have a theory about this, it isn't the alcohol causing me to forget per se, it is just my brain filtering out the unimportant information such as how I got home, what I had to drink etc when it needs all its capacity for the useful stuff like where I live.

21-09-2007, 12:43
I've noticed that since getting older my short term memory is appalling. Some days I will forget what I had for breakfast, but I might recall a conversation I had with someone ten years ago that was unimportant.

Its all very odd. I sometimes arrive home and can't remember anything about the drive home.

21-09-2007, 12:47
Kryten personal black box recording. Time: unknown. Location: unknown. Cause of accident: unknown. Should someone find this recording, perhaps it will shed light as to what happened here. My short-term memory has been erased. This, I ascribe to the proximity of the magnetic coils from Starbug's rear engine. Secondly, due to the proximity of the magnetic coils, my short term memory appears to have been erased. This, combined with the erasure of my short-term memory, has left me a little disoriented... disoriented... disoriented...


21-09-2007, 12:49
I sometimes worry about my lack of short term memory :( I bought an ACTUAL filofax because I kept not turning up for things! I just keep forgetting to put stuff in it :(

21-09-2007, 13:01
I have a problem with my short term memory.. introduce me to a group of people and I will forget every name instantly.

I'm generally pretty good with remembering things (people even get annoyed at me for being able to recite whole convo's from years ago for example! ;D ) but names I really do suck at.

Got chatting to a guy in a club a couple of weeks back as he called "hi Kelly" as I was walking passed. Got chatting and realised I knew the guy and have done for about 6 years... still couldn't remember his name though! :o

21-09-2007, 14:52
My best trick is when reading a webpage I'll be reminded of something else to go and check look at when I've finished reading it. Then by the time I get to the end of the page I've got no idea what I was going to do next.

21-09-2007, 15:05
Both Mrs. Feek and I often do the same thing. Walk into a room, look around and walk back out, having totally forgotten what we were going there for.

21-09-2007, 15:39
Names I'm fine with. I've learnt the names of the 100+ staff that I manage - which is a relief. Short term things I'm not bad on - but if I'm under pressure and busy I do have to have a "to do" list else I might drop some jobs or let things slip. However in general I commit things to memory as much as I can. I think it helps that I read a lot, and do a lot of games, such as sudoku, crosswords, puzzles and try and exercise my mind as much as I can - I read everything around me and try and absorb all facts around me at all times - i.e. when driving etc...

My long term memory is intermitent and sometimes I remember things out of the blue that are so obscure it's strange. But I could tell you what I had to eat this week for example.

I may not have the highest IQ or be the most intelligent person in the world but my memory is one thing that I'm not too ashamed of. However I often forget things that I don't deem important, or that I don't file away or absorb as significant or relevant to my requirement. i.e. "oooh I must check out this website"... I may forget to do it - but remember a while down the line , or never. But it's not exactly vital to my existence that I had forgotten that.

21-09-2007, 15:49
I'm usually not too bad at remembering things but when i am pregnant someone actually steals my brain (its only small anyway) and i can't even remember simple things like why i went into the kitchen??? its now got to the point that i will be talking to someone and completely forget what it was i was talking about :/
They say a womans brain shrinks but thats going a bit far :(

I think a lot of memory loss is due to tiredness as i am a lot worse when tired.

Fay is really bad in fact he is worse than i am when i am pregnant. I am always telling him not to forget stuff and remind him loads and he still forgets.

21-09-2007, 16:02
Prime example... I have just washed my hands but I don't remember doing it... but my hands smell of soap. :confused:


BB x

21-09-2007, 16:20
Both Mrs. Feek and I often do the same thing. Walk into a room, look around and walk back out, having totally forgotten what we were going there for.

Welcome to my world.

21-09-2007, 16:20
Both Mrs. Feek and I often do the same thing. Walk into a room, look around and walk back out, having totally forgotten what we were going there for.

That's exactly what I do.

21-09-2007, 16:20
Both Mrs. Feek and I often do the same thing. Walk into a room, look around and walk back out, having totally forgotten what we were going there for.

I do the same.

21-09-2007, 16:35

21-09-2007, 16:42
I'd say I've a good memory. I can "misplace" things, but I think this is less to do with my memory and more to do with me putting things down and running off to do something else.

I did, however, completely forget to buy Picky chips from sainsburys (despite going there a billion times in one week). It's cos it's in the freezer bit at the end of the shop and I only head that way when I need bread (as the bread bits by the freezer bit).

I can remember conversations, what people were wearing, where I was, time, dates etc from years ago with ease. Though, this is possibly cos I used to keep a constant diary.

Which reminds me... I should start it back up again... ;)

22-09-2007, 09:26
All the time, I just have too much on sometimes and my brain is like Homer Simpson's. If you try and put too much in it bumps something else out and I forget it :)

I feel like that too:D

22-09-2007, 21:29
Fayshun = Win :D