View Full Version : More Neighbour Madness

23-09-2007, 09:18
So i am off out to walk my Frank staffy dog this morning when i notice the couple down the Jitty are out in there back yard. Strange i think as it is far to early for them to be out & about as the lad only got out of Jail on Friday so surely they should be riding the crap out of each other. Meh me thinks & toddles off for me dog walking session.
As me & Frank came back up the road i saw a Fire engine parked right across my drive. Not so meh now is it dumbarse your house may be on fire :D
Anyways i think to myself, did i put that J out, could it be my house, No way i thinks so cruise up to it all cool. When i turns into my jitty there is a Fireman ( Yes in full uniform girlys :p young an all he was you would have loved it ) I says Am i safe mate. Yes mate No probs & gives me one of those I am a Kin Hero you do know that don't you looks ;D
So of course it is my neighbour & her young just got out of jail boyf who had the Fire incident. Of course i am glad that it was only minor & they were quick enough for it not to turn bad.
Me i have come & wrote a thread about it so i will be perfectly Ok now :p

23-09-2007, 09:27
there is a Fireman ( Yes in full uniform girlys :p young an all he was you would have loved it )
All the Trumpton boys round here are old, grey and fat.

Fortunately, I am slightly younger, less grey and not as fat as they are so I'm safe if they ever do come round here!