View Full Version : Fancy Dress.

Von Smallhausen
24-09-2007, 17:01
Our shift Christmas party has been decided that it will be complusory fancy dress. I am pretty much decided that I will go as a tinpot banana republic junta colonel type person so I reckon on the following as requirements.

1 set of olive green fatigues.
Gold braid epaulettes and rank insignia.
Aviators ( already have ).
Fake tash.
Rack of medals.

Any clues where to start ?

24-09-2007, 17:06
Fatigues - army surplus store!

Fake tash - you've got until Christmas, get growing :D

24-09-2007, 17:06
Dress up as a policeman! :)

Von Smallhausen
24-09-2007, 17:08
Fake tash - you've got until Christmas, get growing :D

No chance ..... a new born gets more stubble than I do.

24-09-2007, 17:09
No chance ..... a new born gets more stubble than I do. :p You can have some of mine, I'll send the trimmings in a match-box every weekend ;D

24-09-2007, 17:30
Dress up as a policeman! :)
tinpot banana republic junta colonel type person
He is.

24-09-2007, 17:33
Do you need an eyeglass too?

Do you mean an outfit with a hat like this: http://www.partypants.co.uk/hats/safari-hat-pith-helmet-explorer.htm

BB x

Von Smallhausen
24-09-2007, 17:44
This is the type of set up I mean BB ....


24-09-2007, 17:46

OK I will shut up then! :D

BB x

24-09-2007, 17:51
Now you have stuck a picture up the link i was going to give will most likely be useless now :p

I'll give you it anyways
