View Full Version : Anyone here need to get out more?

24-09-2007, 19:18
Not something I hope most of us are guilty of, given our social status, but still...

Are your CDs arranged in order of record label?
Do you make notes in more than one colour?
When you finally got a girlfriend, did you start looking for her mouse?
Do most of your friends’ names include @?
Are your socks embroidered with the day of the week?
Would you be surprised to hear this also comes in a paper-only format?
Are you in a chess club?
Do you alternate between Pizza Hut and Dominos so that you can have a balanced diet?
Is your only item of sportswear bicycle clips?
Did you ask for your money back because Trainspotting was only about drugs and sex?
So, how did you do?

If you said “yes” 8-10 times :(
If you said “yes” 4-7 times :/
If you said “yes” 1-3 times :)
If you said “yes” no times, it may be of interest for you to know that the signs above are called emoticons and look a bit like faces if you tilt your head sideways

Source - Times Online (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/career_and_jobs/article2518124.ece)

Reason I posted this? Company I work for is a sponsor of it and we even had a live BBC interview at one point today (missed it by 5 mins - Grrr.)

24-09-2007, 19:20

I got 0 :D

24-09-2007, 19:22
8 would be appropriate for students as well as geeks :p

24-09-2007, 19:22
I used to make notes in more than 1 colour - only way to highlight key facts :p

24-09-2007, 19:23
True, but then it's about students too so it still works. :)

24-09-2007, 19:24
True, but then it's about students too so it still works. :)

Really? I'd say only the pizza one and maybe the notes one would be true for students. The rest seem a bit far removed from students to me.

24-09-2007, 19:25
I got 1 - the multicolour note question.

24-09-2007, 19:34
Like I said, I'd be surprised if it applied to anyone here, but posted anyway just in case. :)

semi-pro waster
24-09-2007, 19:46
I don't think I've ever been so happy to get 0 in a test. I particularly liked If you said “yes” no times, it may be of interest for you to know that the signs above are called emoticons and look a bit like faces if you tilt your head sideways :D

25-09-2007, 21:24
I have social AND business skills! Before I left the other I day I made sure I said to my team, the helpdesk AND my manger: 'Goodnight guys, I hope you all die.'

25-09-2007, 23:24
I got 0 but i need to get out more, mainly due to my unhealthy armchair obsession. I have a groove.

26-09-2007, 09:48
I got 0 and didn't understand the emoticon bit at first :D but I do need to get out more nonetheless :(

26-09-2007, 15:29
All you people who got none seriously believe that this test is available in paper format?

I vote that you're lying, or dumb :p