View Full Version : Routine or take things as they come?

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 09:22
What sort of person are you?

Do you live by a routine or do you just take things as they come?

Personally, I live by routine otherwise my life would be chaos, so my day is pretty much planned out for me, unfortunately.

In the morning, if I don’t follow my routine, I’m all over the place for the rest of the day, so this is my normal morning routine is :

Get up > wash and shave > get dressed > fold up a shirt for work and gather gym stuff > go downstairs > pack bag for work > breakfast > cuppa tea as I sit and look out into garden for 10 minutes while I wake up > get frozen food from fridge and place in bag > make Daniel’s bottle > back up stairs > feed Daniel if I have time > brush teeth and gel hair > say good bye to snoozing family > back down stairs > grab rail pass nad keys off stairs > 7:25 > off and cycle to station…

This is what happens if I do anything in the wrong order.. In this case go down stairs for breakfast first :

Get up > yawn I need breakfast urgently!! > go downstairs > have breakfast > cuppa tea > sit and watch out of window for 20 minutes > have another cuppa > panic > rush upstairs > have a wash > gather gym stuff > rush down stairs and place gym stuff in bag > forgot shirt > rush back upstairs > brush teeth > rush down stairs > forgot what I came down for.. oh yes shirt.. That’s upstairs! > Rush upstairs > Brush teeth.. I’ve done that.. oh yes gel hair > what did I come up for? Can’t remember > go down stairs > Dooh Shirt!! > I’m down here now so pack dinner.. > go upstairs for shirt > say good bye to family > forgot Daniel’s bottle! > go down stairs put kettle on > make bottle > rush back upstairs > Give Teresa bottle > say good by to family> rush down stairs > check that I have every thing.. no, I don’t have keys and pass which are on stairs > > go back in > kids wanna say good bye again > put keys down > give kids hug > say good bye (do you remember Laural and Hardy :) ) > leave > now where are my keys and pass? Oh yes back on stiars > go back in (well I sneak in so noone sees me ;) ) > grabs keys and pass > get spotted by kids > say goodbye again > lol > 7:58 > bike !! Horra were off!!

8:03 : #BRAKES HARD#

S H I R T !!!!!!

25-09-2007, 10:07
Tough morning today, huh?

I have a routine as well.

05:50: Get up > Go downstairs, make sure water is on > open fridge and take a slurp of drink, turn on coffee machine > back upstairs > wee > clean teeth > shower/shave > back downstairs > press button on coffee > put tie in briefcase > get cash and wallet out > take slurp of cold drink from fridge with daily tablets > take coffee bag from machine and head back upstairs with coffee > put coffee next to PC and turn PC on > get dressed > sit in front of PC, read mail and drink coffee > turn off PC > kiss Mrs. Feek goodbye > go downstairs > pick up briefcase > put cash and wallet in pockets > pick up phone > put shoes on > unlock front door > pick up briefcase > 06:30: leave.

25-09-2007, 10:14
Because of all the travelling I do a routine wouldn't work for me.

25-09-2007, 10:17
Because of all the travelling I do a routine wouldn't work for me.

Wake up, try to remember which country you're in, try to remember which country you are going to...

25-09-2007, 10:22
Wake up, try to remember which country you're in, try to remember which country you are going to...

I've been waking up in strange places recently, houses more than countries though.

I guess I have a routine at the minute.

Wake up > see whether postman delivered my spray yet; If yes get up and spray guitar, If No go back to bed :p

He hasn't turned up yet!

25-09-2007, 10:27
Haha! Wasn't expecting that last bit. Had an image of you with your tie flapping in the wind, peddling like a maniac, shirtless!

I don't tend to follow a routine too closely, mainly because I hate getting up in the morning. I make my lunch the night before because I know I'll be late if I don't, but that's about the only preparation I do. This morning I got up and went to the gym at 6:30 whereas most days I wouldn't. Sometimes if I'm up I'll leave early, and sometimes I leave it until the last possible moment to head off. That said, the actual routine of getting up and going to work does my head in. I'm starting to think about doing something about it...

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 10:45
No you cheesy chedder chomper .. I have to pack a shirt to change into when I get to work.. I have my scruffy bike gear on in the mornings..

25-09-2007, 10:45
Work day routine

05:20 alarm goes off, stumble into bathroom, clean teeth, gel hair. No shaving as I've done it the night before to save 5 mins and many lacerations, my fine motor skills aren't the best in the morning. Wash gel out of my ears.

05:30 Go downstairs, switch kettle on, put on previously ironed shirt, tuck it onto my pants (it sits better that way). Realise I've not put my deodorant on, go back to the bathroom and roll the Mitchum on.

05:33 Go back downstairs. Put BBC news on to see if anything's happened in the word over night. Pull on my trousers, realise my boots are next to my bed.

05:35 Go back upstairs, hunt around on hands and knees in darkened bedroom for boots. Whisper loudly "Looking for my boots" to Lom after she asks "What are you doing?"

05:37 Return to lounge, lace boots. Stand up, realise there's something in my boot, undo boot and shake. Discover toy/play-dough/coin/screw have kindly put in boot. Relace boots. Go into kitchen, trip over cats, feed cats. Pour coffee into stay warm mug, add sugar and hot water, put lid on and shake to save stirring.

05:45 Rig check, have I got my belt kit (hook knife, resusci-mask, gloves)? ID card? Access token? Quid fifty for bacon roll?

05:46 Leave house, lock front door, get into car, spend 5 mins trying to start car (the automatic choke's buggered) put into 1st gear and realise I've left my coffee/ID card/something else on the side.

05:50 Fall out of car, fall down steps, burst in through front door, grab coffee/ID card/shopping list/whatever else I forgot. Run up steps 3 at a time jump in car, stall it. Swear. Get out of car, run and lock front door.

That's my routine, God help me if anything upsets it!!

25-09-2007, 10:48
Neither Huddy or Fayshun have a wee in the morning before leaving for work.

I'm busting for a leak when I get up, is this un-natural?

25-09-2007, 10:49
No, they go when they are asleep. :D

25-09-2007, 10:51
Wake up, try to remember which country you're in, try to remember which country you are going to...

You're not far wrong there. Waking up and not knowing what country you're in is not a nice thing to experience.

25-09-2007, 11:01
Neither Huddy or Fayshun have a wee in the morning before leaving for work.

I'm busting for a leak when I get up, is this un-natural?

Annoyingly, I normally wake up for a wee about 1/2 an hour before my alarm goes off. :(

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 11:01
Neither Huddy or Fayshun have a wee in the morning before leaving for work.

I'm busting for a leak when I get up, is this un-natural?

I multi-task Feek, I sit on the loo and wee whilst brushing my teeth!

25-09-2007, 11:04
I don't tend to follow a routine too closely, mainly because I hate getting up in the morning.

I do rely on routine tasks to manage my time though(keeping notes of what's going on, updating project info, keeping all my personal/home bits on a calendar - if I dont keep them up to date I waste a lot of time (at work anyway)), but for the most part I just get up and get on with whatever comes to me first.

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 11:06
I get on with whatever comes to me first.
:p Betty?

25-09-2007, 11:06
I have no routines, ever. I often do things the same way in the morning, but that's generally because I wake up 10 minutes before I need to leave the house, so I never have time to do anything else.

If I were any more laid back I'd be horizontal.

25-09-2007, 11:09
I have no routines, ever.

I often do things the same way in the morning,

That's a routine :p

I don't actively think about what happens in the morning, it's just fallen into place over the years and evolved into what I said.

25-09-2007, 11:19
:p Betty?
Actually at the moment it's hungry kittens ;D

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 11:19
haha well spotted Feek lol @ Davey :D

Actually at the moment it's hungry kittens ;D

ROFL - oh please don't haha - that opens up all sorts invites:D

25-09-2007, 12:01
I'm very much a routine type person. I guess I just find things easier that way :)

25-09-2007, 12:30
I have a routine on Monday and Thursday when i have 9am lectures:
6:45am Wake up
Put on shower, go to toilet whilst waiting for it to get to temperature. Have shower get dried in bathroom, thump around room trying to locacate clothes from large pile on chair lay out on bed. Get underwear from drawer and then get dressed. Mum brings through cup of tea and i dry my hair whilst drinking the tea.
7:55am Start walk to bus stop
8:06am Get on bus
9am Arrive at lecture

25-09-2007, 12:52
I don't really have a routine either, I tend to try and conserve as much time in bed as I can manage.

Though my routine would loosly consist of;

07:00 - alarm goes off
07:10 - finally get out of bed
07:15 - have shower
07:25 - brush teeth and get dressed (depending on my laziness I might still be in bed at this point)
07:30 - feed minions..sorry animals
07:35 - prepare lunch (if there is anything in to take) - if not read BD.
07:45 - realise I should have left and get stuff together
07:50 - find car keys and house keys
08:00 - dash to car and try to get into work on time.

25-09-2007, 14:13
05:30 - Alarm 1 goes off, press power button on pc or laptop and the snooze button. Automated processes run
06:00 - Alarm 1 goes off again, followed by Alarm 2. I check e-mails and any problems before I get to work, I also run any reports that will take a long time to run
06:30 - BBC world news
06:45 - Breakfast
07:00 - Shower
07:15 - Get dressed
07:30 - Leave for work
08:00 - Arrive at work
08:05 - Order bacon roll for 11 and JP for lunch
08:10 - Fight through crowds of people telling me their problems
08:20 - Nervous breakdown 1

25-09-2007, 14:28
Put on shower, go to toilet whilst waiting for it to get to temperature.

I do this too... very bad for the environment and my water bill (but its split between all the flats in the block anyway) except I brush my teeth instead of having a wizz :o

6.30 alarm goes off
6.40 alarm goes off again
6.50 alarm goes off again
7.00 alarm goes off again
7.15 Rob's alarm goes off...should get up but don't
7.20 alarm goes off again and REALLY have to get up
7.21 put kettle on
7.22 go to loo
7.23 make tea and coffee
7.24 Turn on shower and brush teeth
7.26 I use shower/Rob irons shirt
7.33 I do lenses and make up/Rob showers
7.36 drink tea/coffee
7.41 get changed
7.55 leave for station
8.05 catch train
8.20 arrive London Bridge/catch bus
8.45 arrive work/check BD etc etc and eat breakie :)

BB x

25-09-2007, 14:45
Don't really have any routines, bar get up, go to work, go to lunch, do more work, go home.

I suppose my weekly routine is best described as:

Between 7:00-8:00 - wake up/get up/shower/dress/eat breakfast plus general pottering around depending on when I get up (latest usually 7:45)

Between 8:05 and 8:15 - leave house to get the 8:24 or 8:32 train to work.
9am - 1pm - work
1pm-1:30 to 2pm - out at lunch
2pm-6pm onwards depending on whether I'm finished for the day or taking work home, sometimes as late as 10pm sometimes 6pm on the dot.
Go home and eat/watch TV/play on computer if I'm not out somewhere in London village have after-work drinks!

Don't really have any responsibilities or places I need to be at certain times bar work, it's quite nice :)

25-09-2007, 15:19
I never really have a routine for any aspect of my life. Especially in my old job like Burble - travelling meant I could **** off any idea of planning anything.

As of now, the only thing I routinely do is get up at 5am during the week and go to bed at about 11pm. I have breakfast - that is my only routine I have to eat first thing in the morning.

Otherwise everything else in between is however I take it. I don't need routine as I can function without it and I find life easier that way.

25-09-2007, 15:25
I find it very hard to believe that anyone who gets up at the same time each day and goes out at the same time each day hasn't settled into a repetitive routine for their morning activities.

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 15:26
Consistently inconsistent !!!

Dr. Z
25-09-2007, 15:35
I get out of bed 10 minutes after the last possible moment I could wake up to get where I need to get to on time. Dash to the bathroom to empty my bladder and brush my teeth (I don't bother with a shave 99.9% of the time).

Everything after that happens in whatever order I happen to stumble across it until the point I am walking down the hallway towards the front door, when I pat my pockets in order: Phone, Keys, Wallet.

25-09-2007, 15:38
Think I already answered this one Huddy ;)

I get up when I want, except on weekdays when I'm rudely awoken by the alarm that I set (dymlife)
I have some coffe, smoke a cigarette and run out of the house to catch my train (dymlife)

Seriously though...

6am - Radio turns on.
6.10am - Alarm goes off, I get up, pull on trousers.
6.11am - Wee, wash, brush hair and teeth
6.20am - Make coffee
6.25am - Smoke and read BD
6.35am - Put in contact lenses then read e-mails and browse other intermaweb stuffs...
6.45am - Drink coffee
6.55am - Put on shoes, pick up keys/phone/travelcard/ID/headphones, put on coat
6.57am - Leave the house...

25-09-2007, 15:43
I find it very hard to believe that anyone who gets up at the same time each day and goes out at the same time each day hasn't settled into a repetitive routine for their morning activities.

Was that aimed at me? I don't shower always before b'fast, I don't always get dressed first, sometimes I don't have a shower (if I'm running late and had a shower the day before). Sometimes I get up at 530, sometimes at 430, it just depends. Sometimes i'll watch a bit of tv, or go on the net - it all depends how much time I have. When I wake up I just get up, I don't bother lying in bed so I sometimes have longer mornings than others. Sometimes I have porridge, sometimes I have cereal or some beans on toast. There's no order I do it in, I just do whatever I feel like. Some days I'm not in work until 7am.

Ok everyone has a "basic" routine, i.e. you wake up before driving in your car - but that's just common sense and basic fact that you can't drive a car whilst in bed. I have about as much routine as X Factor wannabes dance routines.

25-09-2007, 17:11
I have a morning routine sort of, now that I'm working. That's about it.
8am: Get up (Sometimes this is 8.10 if I cba and press snooze on the alarm)
8.01am: Turn PC on while getting dressed, then go to the loo, wash, brush hair and teeth.
8.10am: Check emails, read BD, read BBC News, anything else I can fit into the time
8.25am: Go downstairs to stick some bread in the toaster while making my lunch for later.
8.30am: Sit downstairs for a bit to chat to my Mum while eating toast.
8.40-8.45am: Leave for work and hope no one's been a noob and crashed on the M4.
9.25am: Arrive for work for a 9.30am start :D

When I get in from work, I don't bother with a routine as tbh I hate feeling controlled by routines and timetables. So I cook food when I'm hungry (Although that now tends to be 7.45ish as I like to eat dinner with my parents unless I've got other plans) and anything else that needs doing is on a 'To Do' list and does actually get done by whatever deadline there is :p

I reckon once I'm out of training and understand my job fully, I could manage to get up at 8.30am and still get to work on time. When I worked for CPW I used to regularly manage it for a Saturday morning, it's just i'm trying to be sensible now ;D

25-09-2007, 17:24
I find it very hard to believe that anyone who gets up at the same time each day and goes out at the same time each day hasn't settled into a repetitive routine for their morning activities. Heh, when you're in a house with 3 other guys all doing the same things (breakfast, shower, ironing) at roughly the same times with 1 bathroom, 1 iron and 1 kitchen, you tend to fit in activities around everyone else rather than have a routine as such :D

25-09-2007, 17:30
I have a new routine this week...

7am alarm goes off (I get up first time, I don't understand how people just let it go off and off...just accept you wont get up at that time and set it for when you WILL get up and get an extra half hour sleep!)
7.01 wake the girls up and tell them to all get dressed
7.02 get in shower
7.10 head downstairs, put on radio, check that everyone has underwear on
7.15 sort food for whoever wants food and iron stuff
7.20 dry hair
then I spend up until 7.45 nagging people to put socks on/brush hair/give me water bottles
7.45ish leave house
8am drop kids off at breakfast club
8.15 join the rugby scrum that is WPC car park

25-09-2007, 17:57
6:00 alarm goes off *snooze*
6:10 alarm goes off - he gets up, and runs the bath, goes the the loo, and generally fafs around until 6:30
6:30 get woken up by him - have a wee, brush teeth (if morning breath is too bad to stand any longer), have bath / wash hair, cleanse/tone/moisturise, wrap myself in a towel
7:00 eat breakfast whilst watching the news (BBC 1 ofc) and checking emails / forums etc
7:15 dry hair, get dressed (in 'casuals'), pack bag
7:30 final messing around in the bathroom, put on mascara, try and wrestle my hair into a pony tail, brush teeth (again)
7:40 either get a lift (if he's feeling kind) or walk to the bus stop
7:54 (if it's on time) get on the bus
8:10 arrive at hospital, get changed - text him, sort things out for the day - start at 8:30

we tried me getting up at 6:10 and him getting a lie in, but i just can't do it!
those extra 20mins make all the difference :)

25-09-2007, 17:59
I get up first time, I don't understand how people just let it go off and off...just accept you wont get up at that time and set it for when you WILL get up and get an extra half hour sleep!)

I agree!

Dr. Z
25-09-2007, 18:08
Snoozing is so much nicer than sleep.

Sleeping is wasted on people asleep, its between being awake and asleep that is the best time :D

25-09-2007, 18:11
I don't. I just like to wake up slowly. Alarm goes off, I'm out of the 'deep sleep' zone but still groggy I doze for 10 mins enjoying the moment and being lazy in my nice, warm & comfy bed, then wake up and either torment Leo or get up.

That's what I do too :D

Except the tormenting Leo bit :p

25-09-2007, 18:13
I bet he'd love a tormenting phone call first thing in the morning :p

25-09-2007, 18:17
Lazy arses :p

I'm a morning person anyway - when I wake up I'm fully awake and lucid. I can't really "do" lie-ins either, I just get restless and fidgety and just get up :p

Everyone's different - I just like to get up and go. I love my bed, but getting in it and feeling comfy as I fall asleep, when I wake up I lose that feeling. :)

Del Lardo
25-09-2007, 18:23
Wake up, try to remember which country you're in, try to remember which country you are going to...

I've done that quite a few times. Wake up and have to look out of hotel window to remember which city I'm in.

A few months back after a particulary heavy travel schedule where I flew to a different country every day for 10 days I arrive back at Heathrow and the Customs Officer asks me where I'd flown in from. I just stood there looking vacant as I honestly had no idea. I ended up running through the entire trip so I could remember. She was quite amused :D

25-09-2007, 18:23
I bet he'd love a tormenting phone call first thing in the morning :p

He didn't seem to mind the early morning call he got from me when I was in SF :)

25-09-2007, 18:30

25-09-2007, 18:35
That was cool

25-09-2007, 18:36
Yeah, it was. My phone bill didn't agree though :)

25-09-2007, 18:38
Oh **** yeah! I seem to remember badgering you about it - at the time you didn't seem to care though :p

25-09-2007, 18:59
I just stood there looking vacant as I honestly had no idea. I ended up running through the entire trip so I could remember. She was quite amused :D

;D Sorry...it isn't funny...

;D ;D

25-09-2007, 19:01
I wubs snoozing ! .. I have 2 routines

A - Washing Hair :
6.35 - Alarm goes off - Jamie snoozes
6.45 - Alarm goes off, quick cuddle and then I get up.
6.46 - Turn on shower then wee wee, once a week I weigh after wee wee
6.46:30 - Enter shower
6.56 - Exit shower, put on towelling dressing gown and go downstairs
6.57 - Pour cereal and log onto forums
6.58 - 7.10 - Browse forums whilst cereal goes soggy
7.10 - 7.20 - Eat whilst browsing
7-21 - Cuddle Jamie
7.22 - Get dressed
7.28 - Brush teeth
7.32 - Dry Hair
7.42 - Apply Makeup
7.48 - Straighten Hair
7.50 - Leave for work.

B - Not washing hair

7.00 - Alarm goes off - Jamie snoozes
7.10 - Alarm goes off, quick cuddle and then I get up.
7.12 - Pour cereal and log onto forums
7.12 - 7.20- Browse forums whilst cereal goes soggy
7.21 - 7.30 - Eat whilst browsing
7-31 - Cuddle Jamie
7.32 - Get dressed
7.38 - Brush teeth
7.42 - Apply Makeup
7.48 - Straighten Hair
7.50 - Leave for work.

I don't think about it - I just do it !

Also, like Kitten, I can't just get up as soon as the alarm goes off... I prefer spending 10 minutes in denial :D

25-09-2007, 19:15
I can't be arsed to wash it in the evenings :p

I wash my hair every other day :)

25-09-2007, 19:35
I prefer washing my hair in the evenings - dunno why :)

25-09-2007, 19:38
ROFL !! Me too !

Somehow, my hair develops more bumps than usual :/

25-09-2007, 19:48
That only happens if I go to bed with damp hair - then I look like I've been dragged thru a hedge backwards and not in a fun kinda way either ;D

25-09-2007, 20:28
I get out of bed 10 minutes after the last possible moment I could wake up to get where I need to get to on time. Dash to the bathroom to empty my bladder and brush my teeth (I don't bother with a shave 99.9% of the time).

Everything after that happens in whatever order I happen to stumble across it until the point I am walking down the hallway towards the front door, when I pat my pockets in order: Phone, Keys, Wallet.
If this surprises anyone i'll be utterly amazed :p

25-09-2007, 21:36
I have no routines as I change from the 7:30 start shift to the 10:30 several times a week. I also tend to be hungover frequently which stops me from getting up early. My only routine is swearing at whoever is waiting at my desk when I get in to work.

25-09-2007, 21:58
I'm so glad I'm not the only person who tends to get us before the sun. Seems like with 1-2 exceptions the entire office gets up 7am or later.

I aim to be up at 06:30, so...

06:28 - Alarm 1
06:30 - Mobile alarm (normally cancel this before it goes off)
06:33 - Alarm 2 (almost always cancel this)
06:45 - First flat mates alarm, normally eating cereal by this stage
07:00 - Decide I should make a move before he gets up
07:15 - 07:20 - Leave
07:30 - Arrive at work cursing the traffic :)
08:30 - Rest of office begins to arrive and the trouble starts

Not sure why I worry the housemates will arise and I'll be stuck waiting to clean my teeth, it's only happened once in 6 months. Once you've been awake more than a few minutes you've lost REM and therefore most meaningful sleep!

That's on a good day... On a bad day I'm up 04:45 and in work by 05:30, not that often fortunately.

Admiral Huddy
26-09-2007, 09:07
Plan B this morning!! I had to take a cold shower due to some high blood pressure problems in the southern hemisphere! No easy peeing when you're reaching for the sky :D

Just managed to get out of the door before the childminded kids arrive

26-09-2007, 09:14
That's a routine :p

Ah, but I can change things as I please depending on the time I get up. Surely a proper routine would be thrown completely off track if that happened? ;)

26-09-2007, 09:56
If I don't have to walk the dogs it's:

7.00 - Phone alarm goes off
7.15 - Second Phone Alarm goes off
7.30 - Finally wake up and start to panic
7.35 - Throw on some clothes, trundle down the stairs to make a cup of tea and have a smoke.
7.40 - Trundle back upstairs for a wee/shower/to brush my teeth
7.55 - Finally get out of the shower and get mostly dried in the bathroom
8.00 - Start to get dressed for work not bothering with my tie till I'm there
8.15 - Get into the car and head to the shops for the paper and snacks for work
8.30 - Get to work, make cup of tea, check emails, browse the net for a bit till 9am

If I have to take the dogs:

6.45 - alarm goes off, open my eyes to see one of my dogs staring me in the face and wining at me
6.50 - Finally relent after dog tries to push me off the bed and get dressed.
6.55 - After the dogs allow me to put their leads on after bouncing round the kitchen I take them for a quick walk
7.10 - Back in the house to dry and feed them and make myself a cup of tea
7.20 - Trundle upstairs to have a shower/wee/to brush my teeth
7.35 - Get out of shower and get dried and dressed
7.55 - Trundle downstairs and think about having breakfast, decide no and have another smoke.
8.05 - Get into the car and head to the shops for the paper and snacks for work
8.25 - Get to work, make cup of tea, check emails, browse the net for a bit till 9am

I'm so not a morning person.

26-09-2007, 10:34
When on the rig I have a fairly set routine.

In the mornings:

04:45 - Wake up and go for pee.
04:46 - Wash, brush teeth and put them in :D
04:50 - Get dressed.
04:55 - Get work stuff together.
05:00 - Head downstairs to 'coffee shop'/smoke room.
05:02-05:45 - Drink coffee and smoke fags.
05:45 - Go out on deck for handover with nightshift.
06:00 - Start work.

In the evenings:

18:00 - Finish work.
18:02 - Get washed and change out of work clothes.
18:05 - Have tea.
18:30 - Coffee and smokes.
19:00 - Ops meeting upstairs.
19:10 - Off to room, check e-mails and spam forums.
20:00 - Have shower.
20:20 - Coffee and smokes.
21:00 - Back to room and mess about on pooter for a bit.
22:00 - To bed with book.
22:30 - Sleep.
23:30 - Wake up for pee (regular as clockwork this one).
03:30 - Wake up for another pee :( (not every night but quite often).
04:45 - Start again.

When I'm at home, I get up when I wake up (depends when I went to bed), have a pint mug of tea and then take things as they come (FNAR) :cool:

Odd thing is, I rarely wake up for a pee when I'm home - it only seems to be when I'm on the rig :confused:

26-09-2007, 12:53
It's all that splashing sound, Stan.

26-09-2007, 13:07

It's good to see that a few people get up in the morning rather than the afternoon ;)

Admiral Huddy
01-10-2007, 11:55
Aggghh I had one of those mornings.

I slept past the alarm.. I must have go up for Daniel during the night and switched it off .. I only woke up because the builder turned up banging on the door. The house is completely upside down and I couldn't find anything to put on.. so I anwered the door in the Wife's night gown.. :o

Then I had to visit the boys room as the curry from the night before went
straight through.. I couldn't keep off... When all done, I then cycled to the station as normal. Went to lock up and thought.. "These aren't me keys???" No no no nooooooooooooo". I had my wife's keys and not mine. This means I can't lock the bike up (not that it matters because it's made up of bastard bits and bobs) and Tesera can't go out... I rang her quickly and told her... cycled all the way back home. I passed the kids school and Pete saw me and hurleds abuse at me "You knob Dad hahaha".

I was 2 hours late - Opps!

01-10-2007, 12:07

Awww Huddy :)

01-10-2007, 12:16
I'm convinced the word 'numpty' was invented just for Huddy :)