View Full Version : Some comedy spots from the weekend

25-09-2007, 11:21
Some comedy pictures from the weekend, gotta love phone cameras sometimes ;)

Shopping in Bluewater and it was amusing to see an AA man talking to the girls on the RAC stand. Was hoping a fight might break out but no joy:

http://www.dropfiles.net//files/319/random pics/rac_aa_man.JPG

Couldn't resist becoming the Fonz when I spotted this leather jacket:

http://www.dropfiles.net//files/319/random pics/me_fonz.JPG

We went to a party in a pretty shonky block of flats in Stockwell, a crappy part of S. London. I was surprised our friend had chosen somewhere so rotten to live. I guess this sign outside the lift gives you an idea of the calibre of their neighbours:

http://www.dropfiles.net//files/319/random pics/no_feed_rats.JPG

Do people really need this spelling out to them?!!

25-09-2007, 11:23
Dee has a rat. The kittens play with it all the time.

25-09-2007, 11:34
I've got 6 rats and they get fed lots :)

But they're not fat...


honest :o

25-09-2007, 12:02
Yours don't live wild in the hallways :D