View Full Version : Ties

25-09-2007, 11:29
Do you have trouble tying your tie in a morning? Never too sure which knot to do or how to do it properly? Well give thanks because here (http://www.sexytie.com/) is full video instructions on how to tie a Full Windsor Knot.

Personally I'm ok as I don't have to wear a tie at work but after that I might start making the effort ;)

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 11:32
I keep my ties at work.. Half Windsor for me.. I always seem to run of tie when doing a full one.. I look like biffer from Grange Hill!

25-09-2007, 11:32


Full Windsor for me.

25-09-2007, 11:36
Full Windsor here when I need to wear one. Our company brought in a new casual dress code. Men were not allowed to wear Jeans, Chinos or any other casual trousers, no Polo shirts, t shirts, logo shirts. No trainers, sandals or boots. In essence wear the same but without a neck tie :angry:

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 11:43


Full Windsor for me.

yes him as well :p

You don't look like a full windsor guy to me?

25-09-2007, 11:55
I scrub up quite well.

The first time I met Daz, I was suited and booted, he had no idea!

25-09-2007, 12:07
I think you had a tie on when I met you too Feek. No wonder you looked so strangled and uncomfortable :D*

*I don't think it was me causing the discomfort

I don't get on well with ties any more. My hands are rough and shred them and they look ruined very quickly.

Admiral Huddy
25-09-2007, 12:10
^ Did I have a tie on when you first met me?

25-09-2007, 12:12
I don't wear a tie to work - tshirt and jeans for the win! :D

but I tie full-windsor, and I normally have a major malfunction with the length (fnar!)

25-09-2007, 12:14
I wear a half Winsdor, but for some reason can't do it on Rob's neck :/

BB x

25-09-2007, 12:14
I don't wear a tie to work - tshirt and jeans for the win! :D

but I tie full-windsor, and I normally have a major malfunction with the length (fnar!)

Ditto on both counts. Apart from the length problem, I've got no issues there.

25-09-2007, 12:19
The first time I met Daz, I was suited and booted, he had no idea!
You were wearing some sort of gun tie clip as well iirc, and it was only after seeing that I wondered 'if it might be Feek', however we both were quick to check in so it didnt come up until shortly after, when MB arrived :D

25-09-2007, 12:21
Apart from the length problem, I've got no issues there.
Or me.

Oh, we're talking about ties?

25-09-2007, 12:28
I have problems tying a tie on Fay, i can't get it tight enough ;D

25-09-2007, 12:31
Ditto on both counts. Apart from the length problem, I've got no issues there.

yeah...me either

*looks shifty*

25-09-2007, 13:23
I only know how to tie 1 knot I *think* it's just a half windsor. :( I fail at knots.

25-09-2007, 13:46
I tend to settle for half Windsor, but judging by that video I may have a quirk in my full Windsor technique that probably explains my issues with it. Will have to try that later at home imitating her.

25-09-2007, 13:56
:) Can usually do the full Windsor without looking and most of the time it comes out the right length although sometimes a quick glance in the mirror is required!

That said, I don't wear a tie into work, have a few hanging on the back of the door which go with all my shirts though for if I need to go meet a client :)

25-09-2007, 14:03
I used to wear a tie at school - so did it for 7 years. I wear a tie for work, it takes about 20s to do. Half windsor for me :)

semi-pro waster
25-09-2007, 14:13
Interesting, I've never tried tying a full Windsor, I'm not totally sure what the knot I normally use is called but the end result looks fine. I've just tried the full Windsor and now I know why I've never bothered before, too complicated and because of all the fussing around it uses up too much material which is a problem for me as I'm relatively tall so I don't want a short tie.

25-09-2007, 14:44
Also depends on the tie, a lot of ties at the moment are wide and thick and a full Windsor looks like the bloody Thames Barrier. Cadets taught me that tie knots must not exceed a certain size or you'll find yourself henging from something by it :D So a meddled-with Half Windsor ftw in that case.

Huddy I think you were indeed wearing a tie. And a pink shirt :D

25-09-2007, 15:11
Shame the girl on the video mings and is muchos irritating.

25-09-2007, 15:25
Shame the girl on the video mings and is muchos irritating.

new girl for each knot ;)

25-09-2007, 15:45