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View Full Version : The Water In Majorca Don't Taste Like What It Owwta.

Von Smallhausen
26-09-2007, 22:38
Of to Majorca tomorrow with some of the traffic lads from work. Will try to post while there with updates etc but if not see yaz in a bit.( back Monday )

As for the thread name, anyone remember this ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyAgy2CngfY

26-09-2007, 22:39
Ya Absolutely Von.

Von Smallhausen
26-09-2007, 22:47


26-09-2007, 22:57
Ah thats where that came from. I remember my dad saying that in the past, but I was only 2 when the advert originally came out.

Still have fun over there

27-09-2007, 08:45
It's Mallorca - 2 l's - don't be British! :p

I bet you're going to megamuff aren't you? If you have a chance go spend some time in Palma it's awesome - lots of really nice tapas restaurants in the old town they have some fantastic wines too :cool:

Have fun! :D

27-09-2007, 10:32
I think you mean shagaluf :p

Enjoy! Don't forget the factor 30!

BB x

27-09-2007, 14:03
Shagaluf!! LOL! Never heard that before! ;D

27-09-2007, 14:06
I got the thread name straight away... although seeing the can with the ring pull that still comes off the can made me feel old! ;D

Have lots of fun Von! :D

Von Smallhausen
27-09-2007, 14:54
Just arrived at the hotel in Palma Nova. Forgotten what it´s called. The entrance lobby had strip lighting a la Miami Vice so crack on. :)

Amstel is 1.50 a glass so things are not too bad. The flight coming in was the worst turbulence I have witnessed with a drop of several hundred feet while passing through clouds.

On a funny note, one of lads out here happened to be on the same plane and transfer bus as his ex wife who stood up and said on the bus ....... YOU SEE HIM AT THE FRONT ..... HE LEFT ME FOR ANOTHER WOMAN 14 YEARS AGO ........... in true one for all fashion we all fell about laughing at him ...... hahahahahahaha. Will post when I can.

As we say in Mallorca ( Will ) :) ..... Bon soir.

Von Smallhausen
News At Ten
Majorca ...... where the Amstel tastes like it owwtaa.

Von Smallhausen
27-09-2007, 14:56
Doesn´t Michael Douglas live around here somewhere ?

27-09-2007, 15:12
.. although seeing the can with the ring pull that still comes off the can made me feel old! ;D

[4 Yorkshiremen]
Ringpull? Luxury! In our day we had to open t'can wit rusty nail and a stone fer a hammer
[/4 Yorkshiremen]

Awaiting more news from our reporter on the spot. Keep having a good'un Auntie Von :)

27-09-2007, 19:12
I got the thread name straight away... although seeing the can with the ring pull that still comes off the can made me feel old! ;D

So did I, and was coming in here to post the same thing about the ring pull :)

The 'refreshes the parts' Heineken adverts were the best

Von Smallhausen
27-09-2007, 19:14
Pissd already ....

Back of the net !!!!

27-09-2007, 19:15
Send any pics of Poonami straight to my email account ;)

Enjoy yourselves & stay safe & have a shag & a beer for me :cool:

Von Smallhausen
27-09-2007, 19:26
Send any pics of Poonami straight to my email account ;)

Enjoy yourselves & stay safe & have a shag & a beer for me :cool:

Hold back on the tugging off malc .... it looks like the Judith Chalmers appreciation society here ....... :/

27-09-2007, 19:35
Well you are in the 6weeks for your pension book period :D

Use stronger beer goggles, You'll be fine ;D

Von Smallhausen
28-09-2007, 18:14
Was a laugh last night. Shagaluf is 15 minutes walk away with some good bars. I got cracking on with some Guardia Civil cops who were on duty, carrying firearms and having a beer. Unbelievable.

The Med is lovely to swim in and about 30 metres or so off the shore is a floating diving platform so I have been camping it up a bit on that. I have also caught the sun .... roast pork indeed. Hope everyone is well btw.:)

I remember getting a photo taken of me holding a male blow up doll with a bonk on .... the doll, not me. Bloody San Miguel !!!!

Boat Drinks encourages sensible drinking. Please drink in moderation ....

Von Smallhausen
28-09-2007, 18:24
Unless you are in Palma Nova, or perhaps Shagaluf.

28-09-2007, 18:30
Hands Across the Sea Boyo Hands Across the Sea :)

Virtual cookie to the first correct answer ;)

28-09-2007, 20:06
Really?? :huh: How sheltered ARE you?? ;D

Very considering I used to go to Mallorca 20 times a year! ;D I only ever knew it as megamuff. :p

Glad you're having fun Kev! :D :cool:

Von Smallhausen
29-09-2007, 19:05
Shagamuff was like Mos Eisley cantina last night .... bloody hell !

Off to the old town tonight for some clarss, deportment and cerveza.

Bono estente pussycats.

Von Smallhausen
30-09-2007, 17:35
The old town of Palma is fantastic. It was like a millionaire playboys playground with cashmere sweaters draped over the shoulder of pink La Coste golf shirts and beige slacks. I fitted right in with highlights, faded jeans, black shirt ( Italian cut .... ) and white Miami Vice style shoes ...... :/

One bar we went in was called Abaca or something similar and it was 9 euros for a bottle of San Miguel. I was disappointed to learn that that did not include a high class prostitute or some Nik Naks. Great place though.

Palma cathedral is a fantastic sight. The taxi trip passes the marina and there are some fabulous boats moored up ... malc should get himself over here for a few months with his boat and live the playboy life for a bit. :)

The taxi ride back was mental ... we were in one taxi and the others were in another. The Spanish are mad drivers at the best of times but they were racing each other at one point and while some were shouting stop I was laughing and saying ...... muy bueno ... avanti .... lol. He went through a gap of two cars at about 80 mph with less than a couple od feet either side. I was half cut at the time.

Off for some bait now ...... buenos tarez.

30-09-2007, 20:06
Glad it's going well for you all. I think we are due at least a Moby pic though don't you ;)

30-09-2007, 20:07
Yeah the boats along the Paseo Maritimo are fantastic - if you're able to get onto the quays you can see 'em up close and personal.

The catherdral is incredible - actually I love all the old town of Palma, it's got the best watering holes and food IMO. :)

It's a great place - one of the few places I didn't mind travelling to for work.

Sounds like you're having fun! :D

30-09-2007, 20:10
Bon Soir ! :cool:

Von Smallhausen
30-09-2007, 20:40
I also got accosted and chased by some 50 something Norwegian nymphos in Shagaluf .... there were three of them with a combined age of about 175.

I was lucky to escape ..... the twinkle in their eye was frightening and even telling them I was a puerco didn´t put them off.

30-09-2007, 20:41
You need a blog. :D

30-09-2007, 20:43
You need a blog. :D

A PC Blog perhaps :D


Von Smallhausen
30-09-2007, 20:47
I also recorded a Channel 9 type advert on my phone for mineral water called Bastida. It really is **** but I will post it later.

Von Smallhausen
30-09-2007, 20:51
Off out soon.

Bon soir kitkats.

30-09-2007, 20:52
Just a thought.
You may be in Shagalufa but we have the Ali v Foreman fight on terrestrial telly tonight :cool:


Von Smallhausen
30-09-2007, 21:07
Just a thought.
You may be in Shagalufa but we have the Ali v Foreman fight on terrestrial telly tonight :cool:


Great fight ...... look at the punishment Ali takes to wear Foreman down. It would kill some lesser folks and the rumour is that Ali was pissing blood after the fight. That fight was 2 months before I was born.

It might be on in a pub in Shagamuff hopefully. I would rather watch the fight that entertain some of the munters here .... your parts would honk like a dairy farmers slipper if you indulged.

Von Smallhausen
01-10-2007, 10:18
Almost the first people we bumped into last night .... the Norwegians. Los excusemos et sortida.

Waiting for the coach now, the flight is in about 4 hours. I would come back to Mallorca but not Palma Nova or Magaluf ..... there are just too many charvers about and sometimes that is why you want to get away.

Quo vardis amigos.