View Full Version : Huddy Showers - Part 69!

Admiral Huddy
03-10-2007, 15:55
Today in the showers, which were busy, I bent over forgeting to look behind me...

.. I felt something soft...


That is all!

03-10-2007, 15:58
At least you didn't feel something hard.

03-10-2007, 15:59
Nooooooooooo! That's how you catch teh gay!

Unless by something soft you mean a rabbit, in which case it'll be myxomatosis.

Admiral Huddy
03-10-2007, 16:01
I was no where near his feet.. What do you take me for :p

03-10-2007, 16:04
At least you didn't feel something hard.


03-10-2007, 16:09
I was looking for a suitable thread to post this in. On Saturday I was downt the gym having a decent cardio session on the bike. In a rush I got a cheap bottle of water from asda with a sports cap.

During a slow down period in the routine to recover, I grabbed the bottle, opened the cap and WHOOOSH, half the bottle ended up soaking me. Was most refreshing but a couple of guys nearly came off the treadmills as they were laughing so hard

03-10-2007, 16:35

03-10-2007, 18:20
Jesus Huddy.. you have got to be kidding me ;D ;D

For everyone's safety please stay smelly !!!11

03-10-2007, 18:22
Why public showers are evil :(
Last time I got naked in a public shower was about 5 years ago and a gay friend of mine took it to a whole new level :eek: safe to say I don't speak to him anymore.

03-10-2007, 19:38
Did someone say 69?

Oooh this is going to be a dodgy thread to back out of.

Oh no, again.

As in oh no, another double entendre, not meeting someone in the show unexpectedly again.


Admiral Huddy
04-10-2007, 09:49
It was you standing behind me wasn't it? ;)

04-10-2007, 11:04
It was you standing behind me wasn't it? ;)

You wish?

Von Smallhausen
04-10-2007, 16:30
Today in the showers, which were busy, I bent over forgeting to look behind me...

.. I felt something soft...


That is all!

At least he didn't have a pan handle mate or lunch could have been shoved back a fortnight.

04-10-2007, 21:35

Nooooooooooo! That's how you catch teh gay!


HahahahhahahahAHAHahhaHAHAHAHA!! Loving it!

Huddy, when you stood back up did it get trapped in your butt cheeks? As in, did your butt cheeks nom it up when clenching?!! (by accident of course?!)

What did you say?!

Huddy, I've said it before and I'll say it again -

I heart you muchly :D xxx Please don't change!! You make me feel safe :D

Admiral Huddy
08-10-2007, 11:48
You make me feel safe :D

You'd be the first then RarararararaRRRR!! :evil: I can hear the screams now..

My Dad always told me when I was a young boy; "Son, when you can squeeze your cheeks firmly closed, keep them closed and you'll be a man my son"!