View Full Version : Sink For Huddy

04-10-2007, 13:44
Figured you'd appreciate this (http://www.flickr.com/photos/10998060@N00/1478911556/) ;) Not sure how the wife would react to you installing one ;D

04-10-2007, 13:58
One at the end made me giggle ;D

04-10-2007, 14:09
I'm not 100% positive, but the definition on the legs make me think that a man modeled for these...

Was the 1st thing I thought.

Admiral Huddy
04-10-2007, 14:47
haha nice one.. get it stuck round the U - Bend :)

Was the 1st thing I thought.

haha was my first thought too.. The one in the middle is def a bloke.. I'm not fused these days (apparently) :D

05-10-2007, 00:51
LOL :D Nice find!

05-10-2007, 10:58
I like it. Being an ex designer I know how they would have been made. Originally someone would have had to have taken a cast of a hot girl bending over something :cool:

05-10-2007, 11:08
Yeah that's how they should have been made :p

It seems as if they've used men though :eek:

05-10-2007, 11:20
Yeah that's how they should have been made :p

It seems as if they've used men though :eek:

Which Mr. 69 seemed to think was :cool:


07-10-2007, 18:40
/takes a second look...

Oooo they do look a bit blokey don't they? Don't let me do one of those female/shemale tests :shocked:

07-10-2007, 18:44
Here ya go jonny, just for you :p

http://www2.b3ta.com/femaleorshemale/ *Possibly NSFW*

08-10-2007, 14:28
i got 13 out of 16. tell us your scores :D

08-10-2007, 14:33
I got 14, voted man on a few of the women :p

I err on the side of caution ;)

08-10-2007, 15:12
I got 14 out of 16 myself. Is it me or does 6th down in the 2nd column look like Paris Hilton? ;D

Admiral Huddy
08-10-2007, 15:38
10/16 for me - is that good or bad?

08-10-2007, 15:39
Depends which ones you got wrong :p

Were you calling the men women? or the women men?

Admiral Huddy
08-10-2007, 15:42
the men women.

08-10-2007, 16:23
yeah, then thats bad :p

08-10-2007, 16:36
I love the uber-serious people in the comments! omgobjectifyingwomenhowdarethey?!

08-10-2007, 16:41
10/16 for me - is that good or bad?

oh dear :/ good job your married with kids. just think what might happen if your out on the pull lol ;D

Admiral Huddy
08-10-2007, 16:45
oh dear :/ good job your married with kids. just think what might happen if your out on the pull lol ;D

maybe she's a man..I'm worried - I'll have to prod, probe and interrogate her later - just to be sure ~GULP~.